
Practial exams!~ Teacher Beatdown!

"'we're currently facing a dilemma" Nezu sat down while looking at the teachers, they were already done with preparing the pairs to compete, unfortunately, there is just one troublemaker

"How are we supposed to test Rimuru?" that was the biggest issue, he doesn't have a very clear weakness, his quirk control is fine and his strength doesn't rely on it. He doesn't have trouble fighting in teams and he doesn't have anything they can exploit...

"Can't we just make him fight All Might? That's probably the only way..." Aizawa recommended he knew of Rimuru's strength firsthand, and most teachers wouldn't put up a real fight against him

"Can't we put him against you? just erase his quirk" Ectoplasm commented, making a valid argument

"I've never had to erase his quirk... but he's strong even without it..." Aizawa narrowed his eyes before pulling out a notebook, little known fact: Aizawa writes about his students and often tries to help them subtly, Tsun Tsun.

"There's only one thing that could cause him a bit of problems.." Aizawa said while looking at the notes he wrote about Rimuru.

"Would you mind sharing Eraserhead?" Nezu smiled, he knew that while Aizawa seemed like a bad teacher who expulses every student, he actually cared about each and every one of them

"He has no heroic spirit..."




"What do you mean?" Nezu interrupted the strange silence, he too was confused by what Aizawa just said

"He doesn't really care if he becomes a hero or not... he's just doing it for fun.. that's at least what I got from him"

"Why did he join UA if not for becoming a hero?" Ms. Midnight's face soured, her usual cheeky smile was gone

"I don't really understand him that much... It's like he's putting on the mask of an immature idiot or something" Aizawa put his hand on his chin in contemplation

"Then it seems we need to make some changes... let's make Rimuru face All Might, and more Izuku to fight against Ms.Midnight." Nezu announced this caused the strangely quiet All Might to suddenly jump

"Why make that change so suddenly? If Izuku and Bakugo fight together it'll fix their friendship!"

Nezu stared at All Might, he waited for his to sit back from his outburst, he knew why they put that pair together, they had to stop fighting each other. But he saw Rimuru's issue to be more problematic

'Now that the commission is trying to worm their way to Rimuru, if they find out he doesn't care about becoming a hero... they might try something' Nezu narrowed his eyes as he looked at a file, containing Rimuru's covered-up past. 

"We have no choice, we can't have a future hero with no heroic spirit. All Might, beat some heroic spirit into him" Nezu's mood lowered as he thought about the consequences of what he was about to do.


"And these are the pairing" Nezu showed the pairing on a screen, some of the others groaned, they weren't ready to fight some of the teachers, nevertheless the matchups began with Eijiro Kirishima and Rikido Sato vs. Cementoss

and unfortunately for the both of them, Cementoss was their direct counter, at the beginning, they pushed back the layers of cement with pure strength but at some point the fight became a fight of endurance, as more layers of cement came at them they were buried as they couldn't keep up hardening or strengthening. The first match of the day ended in a loss of the two of them

"Of no... how are we going to beat them" some were already despairing, and to be honest, the fights were unfair from the beginning. the way I saw it, the only reason they won is plot armor and the teachers holding back, now that I am thinking about it... All Might could've killed Tomura during the USJ and delayed the whole happenings of the series... 

Anyway, the next matchup was between Asui Tsuyu and Tokoyami Fumikage vs Ectoplasm. During the beginning the two were struggling severely, they weren't that good in close-quarters combat, and with Ectoplasm's clones surprising them by appearing from nowhere they advanced extremely slowly, but eventually they got used to his attack pattern, Tokoyami's Dark Shadow would protect them from behind while Asui would whip the clones with her tongue... Kinky...

But at some point they found themselves facing Big-Ectoplasmatron, this time it absolutely kicked their a**es, catching them nearly instantly, fortunately, Dark Shadow was still free, allowing it to put up a bit of a fight, and with Asui hiding the handcuffs inside her... ahem, they managed to free themselves before sneakily putting the handcuffs onto the real Ectoplasm.

Their victory raised the morale of our class, Looking to my side, I saw Midoriya hurriedly scribbling notes.. that guy is observant... How did he even find that out?!?

"Good work Fumi!" I high-fived him, suddenly calling him by his given name surprised him but he quickly recovered

"Thanks" he gave a 1 word answer... how am i supposed to continue

"You fought well..."

"I have no doubt you would defeat Ectoplasm in a second," Tokoyami said self-deprecatingly, his mood souring remembering how truly powerful Rimuru was, he was a real OP mc

"But I have to face All Might, while I might be strong. That muscle head would kick my a**" I lowered my head, I was surprised by the matchup and I was also scared seeing All Might's gaze, he was going to beat me up!

"Hey, you can have your bromance another time! the next fight is beginning!" Jiro tapped the spot next to her, inviting us to sit. The next fight was Tenya Iida and Mashirao Ojiro vs Powerloader

The fight went as expected, at the beginning Iida struggled to face Powerloader as the terrain constantly changed, making his very linear movement style not very effective, Ojiro wasn't doing much better, while his tail allowed his mobility to be more versatile he wasn't fast enough to dodge the ground blowing up.

At some point they got desperate, Ojiro claimed on top of Iida's shoulders and they B-lined to the exit, using Ojiro's tail he course corrected their path as Powerloader started fighting more and more aggressively. Eventually, they managed to escape by IIda throwing Ojiro into the exit finishing the fight/

The next match was one of the most boring one, Yaoyorozu Momo and Shoto Todoroki vs Aizawa Shota, They spent a whole hour running around and avoiding Aizawa's attacks, with both of their quirks erased they were sitting ducks

"Boo boring" I threw popcorn at the screen, I wanted to watch them fight! not run around like little rats

"Where did you get popcorn?" Jiro asked while shoveling some of it into her mouth

"Perks of having a storage space" I arrogantly flaunted the usefulness of my quirk, a Subspace is one of the most underrated perks, Without it how can you prepare for every situation? 

"Tsk, you were born with a golden spoon in your mouth" 

"And you were both with popcorn in it"

"S-Shut up" Nevertheless she kept munching on popcorn... Now that I think about it, I should've brought my own microwave instead of teleporting to the faculty room... Doesn't matter, I'm sure Nezu doesn't mind

[Rimuru Tempest, please do not use the faculty room's appliances to cook popcorn, a warning will be added to your file] Nezu's voice sounded through the intercom, followed by chuckling... Damn rat.

Snapping back the screen finally some action! Yaomomo and Shoto realized that his 'erasure' quirk isn't permanent... bruh. anyway they began to scheme, Momo would constantly create things and when it stopped it meant that Aizawa was close! how 'smart' I'm pretty sure you would realize when your quirk is gone even when you don't use it... but I would know... I don't have a quirk

Soon enough the fight against Aizawa reached its climax! Shoto used the brief moment when Aizawa blinks to create a huge glacier, blocking Aizawa's sight for a moment allowing them to make a pincer attack! and put the handcuff on his arms and pass the exam! *Yawn* next.

There wasn't much to say about Uraraka and Aoyama vs thirteen, the fight ended quickly with Uraraka dropkicking thirteen in the face after 'accidentally' letting go

The next matchup however was the funniest sh*t I've ever seen, Mina and Denki vs Nezu, the fight wasn't a bad matchup on paper, however considering Mina and Denki are idiots they both kept running as the buildings around them fell like dominos. they didn't even do anything! hahaha!

Nezu just kept swinging his wrecking ball around, and they somehow lost! Mina could've melted the metal and concrete but they kept screaming 'help please' 'this isn't funny anymore waaa' lmao

"Pffttt HAHAHA! *choke* *cough* *cough*" 

"Dont laugh when there's food in your mouth" Jiro side-eyed my while I was choking to death, why is she scolding me?

"y-yes mommy" I instinctively replied, he menacing gaze gave me PTSD of my mum

"M-mommy??!?" Jiro herself suddenly choked on her own words, her face reddened, almost as red as my oxygen-deprived face.

"Save the flirty talk to the bedroom please" Tokoyami pinched the bridge of his nose, the rest of the class was staring at us, luckily Denki wasn't here to say something perverted, and that purple midget wasn't here in the first place.

"A-Anyway, my match is next, I'm going to 'prepare'" Jiro stood up quickly and left, I was still trying to clear my airways, if only I was a slime that could digest the multiverse, but I was still a fleshy human...

*cough* *cough* anyway the next match as expected was Kyouka Jiro and Koji Kota vs Present Mic. At the beginning the fight was basically one-sided, as Present Mic screamed at the horizon as his supersonic voice reached them, popping Jiro's eardrums. When I see present Mic again I'll kick his- 

The fight kept getting more and more one-sided as Jiro couldn't do anything and no animals stayed for Kota to control, but at some point, Jiro convinced Kota to control insects, which Kota was afraid of apparently. Present Mic who didn't expect it, was buried in insects as they dug under him. The two then escaped, with Kota carrying Jiro in a princess carry- HUH?!

"THAT DAMN BASTARD" Multiple veins appeared on my forehead

"Rimuru calm down please" Midoriya tried stopping me by holding onto my shoulders

"Can't you see? He's touching her like that! That mount rushmore-looking fella is touching her!" I resisted with all my might to not commit murder again

"Such an overprotective boyfriend huh?" Kaminari sealed his fate as he opened his mouth, the moment he finished talking every classmate in a 5-meter radius distanced away from him

"Oh boy, here I go murdering again" I slowly approached Kaminar, Sweat formed on his forehead, he raised his hands in the air 

"Hey, man! I'm sorry, please! HELP ME" I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the bathroom, where rumor says it, haunting screams emanated from there! 


Unfortunately due to my and kaminari's 'absence' I couldn't see Shoji and Toru's fight against Snipe, when returning to the room it was strangely quiet

"Oi, Rimuru where were you? WAIT WHY ARE YOUR HANDS BLOODY" Jiro asked but then suddenly jumped back, I dragged Denki into the room, fortunately, he was still conscious, but the multiple bruises and cuts showed that he was in fact not unharmed.

"Why did you beat up Kaminar?" Jiro asked in the strange silence, he eyes narrowed, and my face flushed from embarrassment

"He beat me up because I called him your boyfriend! HELP ME" Denki struggled in my grasp, however his cries for help reached deaf ears

"Ohho looks like you're getting pretty bold" I grabbed Kaminari by his collar and stared into his eyes, My eyes glowed in a crimson light. Completely ignoring the frozen-in-place Jiro, her emanating steam

"I'm sorry" 


Needless to say, Kaminar got a bit of extra 'education' 

And Now, Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming, the next match was Izuku Midoriya and Hanata Sero vs Ms.Midnight, and because this was one of the only matches that were changed, the fight went a whole lot differently

I expected the fight to end quickly as Midoriya could just punch Midnight with OFA but I realized he couldn't use air pressure to push away the 'pheromones' without breaking his fingers! so the fight dragged on as Midoriya tried to set up traps together with Sero to catch Ms. Midnight off guard without getting caught in the gas.

The fight ended when Ms. MIdnight's leg got caught on a stay piece of tape, using the opportunity Sero tied her arms and legs and Midoriya put the handcuffs quickly while holding his breath, overall it was alright.

"Rimuru, your match is next. Good luck" Tokoyami was the only was with enough courage to currently tell me good luck, Jiro nodded at the side, standing up I headed toward the door

"Hey Jiro, If I win. Allow me to call you Kyouka" My mask broke a bit as my unenthusiastic voice surprised Jiro

"huh? um sure"


Walking in the hallway towards the exam site my face soured, I looked towards my hands

"Dammit, why am I getting mad at a 2d character" I stared at my hands which were very much unrealistic, I had to spend most of my life getting used to the lack of depth, while everybody didn't mind the world being 2d I was from a 3-dimensional world! 

"Why am I getting worked up about a fictional character" 

I sighed as I put my hands back into my pockets, if this is reincarnation or purgatory I still have an All Might to beat


A/N: LORE!?!?!?! We don't have a matpat to solve this one 

RIP Mat Pat, you will be missed

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