
The Big 3

Cloud stretched his arms and had Blank on his back again as he stood in a destruction site. The announcer said "Your second test is a rescue mission, rescue the citizens for points." Cloud scratched his head and said "That's it?" The rest were confused too and the announcer said "That's it." the examinees sighed and the announcer said "Begin!"

Cloud walked forward as people charged into the city, he watched them go and when in a direction nobody else went in. He whistled as he walked through the city, while looking around he flipped at switch on his mask and his vision went into infrared.

Cloud looked through rubble for heat signatures, he found a child crying under a rock. He picked up the rock and said "You okay kiddo?" the kid nodded and said "I can't find my parents." Cloud put him on his shoulders and said "Let's go find them okay?" the kid smiled and nodded.

Cloud picked up the pace as he saw other examinees looking over in his area, he started saving person after person, he was holding a bunch of people with his bandages and he shot into the air with his jetpack and landed at the safety point. He gently let the people down and unwrapped them saying "Don't go running into destruction zones anymore." the group laughed a bit and thanked him before leaving, Cloud waved as they left and went back to the zone he was in.

Cloud looked at saw most of the examinees fighting 'villains' but none of them came towards his zone. He decided to move faster and save everyone, suddenly a few men jumped out, having seen him from far away and said "Stop right there hero!" Cloud was alarmed and looked at the people with him, he furrowed his brows, this wasn't a good situation.

He shot forward, while wrapping bandages around the civilians, Cloud smashed Blank to the ground and kicked up a cloud of dust before turning around and shooting off saying "Hold on tight folks!" the citizens grabbed the bandages tightly as he flew up into the air with the jet pack again. He brought them to the safety zone and said "I'm sorry for the abrupt ride, are you all okay?" the citizens smiled and nodded. He nodded and said "Stay safe here." before leaving.

He landed back and found the group of men, he hid behind a wall and watched them while looking around with infrared seeing that they were getting close to a child. Cloud threw a rock in the opposite direction and the group turned around, Cloud sneaked behind them and picked up the child before flying away and dropping him off at the safety zone.

When he got back the men saw him and attacked with their quirks, Cloud dived down to the ground and dodged their attacks before shooting forward and attacking the group.

He swung Blank at one of them while sending out cloth towards their legs, he wrapped all their legs and pulled, catching them of balance, Cloud knocked them out before tying them up and dragging them behind him as he searched for citizens with his infrared vision.

Cloud continued to save people until the test ended, Cloud kept going though and saved all the people he found. He brought them back and released the citizens before bringing the 'Villains' with him as the announcer said "Null is disqualified." Cloud sighed and said to the citizens "Take care!" he thought it might be the case, but he decided to save them anyway. Cloud let the 'Villains' go and said "Sorry, I was in a rush." they chuckled and said "No worries, sorry though." Cloud waved and smiled saying "It's fine."

The examinees looked at him and Izuku frowned and said "Why?" the announcer said "He continued after the test stopped." Cloud chuckled and walked away, Inasa frowned and said "Why did you continue?" Cloud stopped, everyone looked at him, they were wondering as well, Cloud said "A hero's job doesn't stop on a buzzer." before walking towards the stands, stunning all the examinees into silence, even the announcer choked.

Cloud took off his mask and sat next to Aizawa, who looked at him but didn't say anything, he could tell that Cloud was unhappy. He patted his shoulders and said "Good job." Cloud smiled slightly and watched the rest. Emi hugged him and said "Aren't you just the cutest!" Cloud got smothered and struggled in her grasp.

The announcer recovered and said "The remaining people on the screen have passed.." a bunch of names showed up and Cloud looked over before sighing, Emi patted his head and said "Don't worry kiddo. I think you're the best!" Cloud smiled and said "Thank you.." she smiled and hugged him.

Suddenly the screen changed and a bottom name, some kid with a long nose and a slingshot paled and fainted as his name disappeared and Cloud's name appeared at the top of the list. The announcer was confused and a tall man with a killer whale head said "I changed it." the rest waited but there was nothing else, he spoke and walked away with his group.

Cloud was stunned and Emi squeezed him saying "See Darky! Our son is the best~!" Aizawa nodded before turning green as Emi tackled him and nuzzling saying "You agree that he's our son!" Cloud chuckled and laughed at Aizawa, who glared at him, as far as he was concerned it was Cloud's fault.

Cloud said "Ah Mom, Dad, i'll be back!" before running off as Aizawa growled dangerously and Emi laughed and waved while leaning on Aizawa's chest and giggling.

Cloud stood next to Izuku and the announcer handed him his exam sheet saying "Good job kid, nothing personal." Cloud smiled and said "You're just doing your job, I get it." the announcer smiled and left, Cloud looked at his sheet and noticed the massive score, he was shocked and looked at Izuku's as they traded papers.

Izuku said "Woah!" Cloud grimaced and said "This score is too high." Izuku gave him back the paper and said "Nice job!" Cloud smiled and talked with the others, Shoto, Katsuki, and Inasa were among the people who didn't pass. The trio grit their teeth and declared that they would get their license next time.

A while later

Cloud was looking at the I.D in his hands and smiled, he was well on his way. Cloud's eyes hardened and he clenched his fist. He was going to do it, he was going to be the first quirkless hero, nothing would stop him, not even death. Suddenly and aura exuded itself from his body, it was an aura of maximum confidence, Aizawa looked over, noticing the aura and smiled. Cloud looked like an unbeatable hero from his aura, normal people felt more comfortable as they walked by him. Izuku looked over and felt that Cloud looked like a mountain that was impossible to climb over, he clenched his fist and mumbled "I will climb it! I didn't come this far to give up now."

Katsuki and Shoto before clenched their fists as their eyes hardened, along with Izuku, the three released their own auras, clashing against each other in four ways. Mirages appeared behind the 4 but they were too blurry to be described, Aizawa raised a brow and watched as their auras pulled against each other without their knowledge, only determination driving it forward.

Aizawa clapped and the auras receded into the four's bodies as he said "Let's get going!" the class nodded and got on a bus, Emi kissed Aizawa, much to his shock before running away laughing "See you later Darky Bear~" Cloud waved and said "Bye mom!" she smiled and waved as Cloud ate concrete.

Aizawa glared at him as his fist has smoke coming out of it while saying "Looks like you need 'Special' training." Cloud paled and shook his head frantically, Aizawa cackled and dragged him into the bus as Cloud said "Mom save me!" Emi laughed and got into her bus as Aizawa said "No one can save you now." all color left Cloud's face as the bus doors closed and it drove away.

2 weeks later

Cloud was on the ground breathing heavily as Aizawa stood above him saying "What are you going to do?" Cloud said "I won't get you a wife." Aizawa laughed and shook his head saying "Good." Cloud pushed himself up and ran away saying "Ha! I crossed my fingers!" Aizawa seethed and shot out cloth, Cloud jumped over them and laughed before disappearing, much to Aizawa's annoyance.

Cloud stumbled into a fight, Katsuki and Izuku were fighting. Cloud jumped up and sat on a railing of the building and watching the fight.

3 days later

After a school meeting, Cloud was sleeping face down on his desk with a smile as he drooled onto the wood. Ochako was screaming about something and Aizawa almost fell asleep himself as he answered her questions, suddenly 3 people came inside and Izuku said "Mirio?" the blond haired boy smiled and waved.

Aizawa said "These are the Big 3, they'll be teaching you about your Hero Studies. Th-" he grit his teeth and threw a book at Cloud while saying "Get up!" the book smashed into Cloud's head and he perked up saying "Which bastard threw this damn book, I was about to get my-" he choked and saw everybody looking at him.

The students were curious and Mina said "No ninjas?" Tsuyu said "You were about to get what?" Cloud grumbled and said "This isn't sex ed..." as he sat down and looked out the window in a bad mood, the class wasn't expecting that and Katsuki laughed. Aizawa glared at Cloud and said "We have guests!" Cloud grumbled quietly "It's your fault anyway, I haven't seen Mei in a week..."

Aizawa choked and Mirio started talking about Hero Studies while chuckling, the girl beside him giggled and the black haired boy got all flustered. Cloud looked over and saw the 3, the girl was asking everyone about their features, the black haired boy was groaning that he wanted to go home and Mirio was spouting nonsense. The other two introduced themselves as Nejire, the girl, and Tamaki, the black haired boy.

Cloud got bored and slammed his face on the desk, falling asleep again. Nejire bounced over and poked him, not getting a response she kept poking him until she did.. which was a while. Cloud groaned and mumbled "Nin-jire what do you waaaant.." she gasped "How did you know it was me?!" Cloud was sleep half asleep and sneered "You and your ninja squad won't get my pants today!" before snoring again.

Nejire froze and the rest went quiet as Mina said "What does he dream about..." Katsuki burst out laughing. Nejire snapped "I don't want your pants! Pervert!" and slapped him, sending him flying through the window. Aizawa sighed and Mirio laughed saying "That's a good idea! Let's fight outside!" as he jumped out the window as well, the rest of the class couldn't process the events they just witnessed and Aizawa said "Whatever, I guess this works too."

Katsuki wrapped his arm around Toru and jumped out the window too, Izuku was about to jump when Aizawa snapped "Use the stairs like a normal person!" Izuku sighed and sulked out of the class, Nejire snorted and walked away dusting off her hands, proud of herself for beating a pervert. The students sweat dropped at her action and followed her outside.

Cloud landed on the ground and sat up while yawning, he looked around and said "How did I end up outside?" before getting punched in the face by Mirio. Cloud groaned and said "What's everyone's problem today..."

Mirio laughed with his hands on his waist as he said "Fight me!" Cloud, not knowing what was going on, shrugged and swung Blank off his back, catching Mirio by surprise and sending him flying into a wall. Cloud coughed and said "Maybe I over did it..." Mirio phased through the wall and came back out naked.

Cloud tilted his head and said "Um.. You're naked." Mirio looked down and put on some underwear before laughing and saying "Thanks!" as he shot toward Cloud, who jumped back and stared at Mirio seriously, it seemed he could phase through things. Cloud swung Blank and just as he thought, Blank went right through Mirio.

Mirio grinned and punched at Cloud, who twisted his body and dodged the punch while throwing one at Mirio's stomach. His fist got stuck in Mirio's stomach, he swung his leg at Mirio's leg. Mirio actually jumped away, returning Blank and Cloud's fist to him.

Cloud frowned, he couldn't figure out this quirk. He knew it was some sort of phasing ability but it looks like he cant do it on his feet? That didn't make sense, he phased through the entire wall before. Cloud watched as Mirio sank into the ground before appearing right in front of him and throwing a punch, Cloud was alarmed and tilted back, throwing his legs up in the air while stabbing Blank in the ground, if he was right he might be able to get a punch in.

As he predicted his feet went right through Mirio, Cloud pulled on Blank and flipped backwards, slashing up at Mirio's stomach but it passed through him as well. Cloud was getting annoyed, hwo was he supposed to fight if he couldn't get him. When suddenly he got an idea and grinned.

Cloud threw Blank at Mirio's face, it passed through and Cloud charged in and kicked at Mirio's legs while Blank was covering Mirio's eyes. He kicked Mirio's legs out from under him and kept the momentum as he spun his heel around while crouched, hitting Mirio in the chest, sending him flying through a building.

Cloud stood up and pulled Blank back to his back while he waited for Mirio to come back, it was fun but also annoying, he was focused on waiting, while the rest of the class watched for a bit away with Tamaki and Nejire. Cloud frowned, he didn't hit him that hard, where did he go? The answer came immediately when he ate the dirt, Mirio stood behind him completely naked and laughing as he said "You're pretty strong!"

Cloud got up and said "You're not too bad yourself, but your quirk is super annoying. Also you're naked again." Mirio looked down and Cloud ripped off his shirt and threw it at him saying "Please. I don't like men." Mirio grabbed his shirt and wrapped it around his waist before punching Cloud and snapping "You think I do?!" Cloud tilted his head and chuckled "I don't know you're always naked" Mirio started attacking him again and Cloud laughed as he jumped back towards the class.

He bumped into Nejire and squinted before exclaiming "Nin-jire?! You're real?!" Nejire seethed and attacked him as well saying "Get away you pervert!" Cloud was really shocked now, he looked for help and the class turned away and whistled, he gasped and said "Bastards! I don't even know what she's talking about!"

Mina coughed and said "You told her you wouldn't let her take your pants." Cloud turned to Nejire and grit his teeth saying "I knew those dreams were real! You'll never get my pants you damn ninja!" as he charged at Nejire and swung Blank at her, fighting with Mirio and Nejire at the same time. Nejire snapped "I don't even want your pants!" Cloud sneered and said "Your reverse psychology won't work on me!" the trio left destruction in their wake as they fought in the courtyard for what seemed like forever.

Aizawa captured the three and canceled Mirio's quirk as he said "Why do you cause problems everywhere you go?" Cloud said "It's not my fault! She wants to take my pants!" Nejire snapped "I don't! You're a pervert!" Cloud scoffed and Mirio just laughed. Aizawa rubbed his forehead and said to Mirio "Weren't you going to fight the whole class?" Mirio snapped his fingers and phased out of the cloth saying "I completely forgot!" as he walked towards them naked again.

Cloud said "Naked." Mirio grabbed the shirt and wrapped it around his waist again, he gave Cloud a thumbs up and challenged the rest of the class to a fight. Aizawa let Nejire and Cloud go and they turned their heads away from each other saying "Damn pervert/ninja." they turned and snapped "I'm not a pervert/ninja!" before charging at each other. Aizawa gave up and left them to their own devices as they started a dust brawl.

A few minutes later

Mirio finished said "Nejire!" the dust cleared and revealed Cloud on top of Nejire with her hair in his hands, they both looked over and Nejire said "What?" Mirio blinked before saying "Were leaving!" Nejire snorted at Cloud, who said "You won't ever get my pants." Nejire grinded her teeth and said "I didn't want them anyways." before using her quirk and freeing herself, joining Mirio and pulling her eyelid and sticking her tongue out at Cloud, who sneered at her and said "Bye Nin-jire." she seethed and left angrily.

Cloud cleaned himself off and said "Good thing I beat her." the class sweat dropped and Aizawa said "Nice job fighting Mirio. What did you learn?" the class gave their answers and Cloud said "That guy is super annoying. Everything goes through him, if you want a solid hit you have to hit his legs while he's standing on the ground. It works well if you block his vision first so he can't go through the ground. Also if you go fast enough to catch him by surprise you can get a lucky shot on him but other that that the best way would be removal of eye sight..." he went on and on about his fight and what he should have done.

The rest of the students rubbed their heads and Aizawa wrapped cloth around his mouth saying "Alright I think we get it." Izuku 'aww'd' and put away his notebook as the students went back to class.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! Shortish chap today! Sorry! I was busy...

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

Twins of the Sea (On Hiatus)

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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