
My Hero Academia: MATSUI

---A world forged from perseverance. Students turned heroes. Heroes laid bare as human. The roots of faceless evil remaining and taking up a different goal. A new generation must take up the mantle of a new hero society. Izuku Midoriya and his successor will have their work cut out for them.

TensaYu · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

After The Dust Settles...(1)

I was told it all changed that day…

The war against the Paranormal Liberation Front was… a catastrophe.

They were students. Just students.

My predecessors. My teachers.

Each given a task to what needed for the Heroes to execute their plan.

Just students... 

They would be called upon to do what it takes to stop the upcoming threat.

Given the upper hand at first. Striking them in broad daylight. What a hero is destined to do.

Their enemies, however surprised, met them with equal amounts of ferocity.

And sacrifice.

It was that day many heroes understood what it meant, to never underestimate a villain.

Important battles took place during this war, where the heroes were tested like no other. 

Secrets were revealed to disrupt the faith in crafted hero society. 

While all this was happening, there was one fight.

No. A war.

So crucial. So paramount to the world's protection, that it was taking place on 2 battlefields. 

The physical world.


[Vestige World]

Another world, existing on a plane only accessible to those with multiple Quirks.

The mental plane connected between the heroic power 'One For All' and the evil grasp of 'All For One'.

It is here, a stand off like no other takes place.

On one side, we see the manifestations of both users of the quirk AFO.  

It being of course, AFO himself, in his signature suit, protruding out of his protege like conjoined twin,Tomura Shigaraki. He is agonizing from his battle against the heroes in the real world. 

AFO of course, attempting to dominate his adoptive son's will, to take over his body with his hand stretched out, ready to steal OFA.

With the Tomura in great pain muttering:

Tomura: Sto…Stop. That's enough, Master! I don't need you anymore! I can kill him by myself! I can destroy everything!

AFO with his signature cocky smile, would laugh at Tomura as he goes:

AFO: *Tut,tut, tut* Tomura, my boy, I'm so proud of you. I am proud of the hatred I told you to foster. It has grown beautifully. But perhaps,I should've made Kurogiri prioritize teaching you patience as much as your safety. I suppose most lessons are best taught…directly.

On the opposite side of the villains, are the current and 2 previous users of the quirk OFA. Izuku Midoriya, Nana Shimura, and Yoichi Shigaraki. Midoriya, still unable to move in this alternate mindscape.

While the other two, were summoned from the recesses of the safeguarded quirk to save their successor from AFO's clutches. 

Staring intently at the 100 year old adversary, they would remain silent, as AFO would continue to speak a loud:

AFO: Ahhh, well isn't this quite the sight Tomura. A useless boy. A dead woman. And long and behold, my cherished little brother. You know Yoichi, this was supposed to be you. Us. You and I were supposed to be taking on the world together. Why you would entrust the gift I gave you to so many weaklings, is beyond me.

Ever the multitasker, insulting his brother while trying to steal the quirk of his obsession. We then see Yoichi standing proudly with Nana, arms stretched out to oppose AFO. Yoichi would stare down his brother to say:

Yoichi: *Hm* Brother. It seems that not even a century of time could quell your ego. Your greed. That obsession of wanting it all. Not caring how you achieve it. Or who you must trample on to get to your goals. We will not leave this child. This power is meant to save, to be a beacon of hope for those crying for a helping hand. You will not pollute this power. With your darkness or tyranny.

AFO: Ha!

As if he has nothing to fear, AFO burst out in cunning laughter as he goes:

AFO: Tyranny! Darkness! Ha! Do you hear yourself? Just like those comics we read together brother! The thing you've never realized, is that these have never been schemes. I knew, the moment that our fantasy was became reality, that it was my chance to seize everything. It's always the same story, a world being ruled by a powerful demon lord with unspeakable power…

Yoichi: …until a hero is born to stop them.

The 1st user interrupting AFO, is still steadfast. Having a face of cool calmness.

Yoichi: Yeah. I remember. You always favored the demon lord over the hero who struggled to reach him. The power of that idea polluted your mind. It's hard to believe that we ever read the same books.

Nana: Don't bother 1st.

Nana Shimura would interrupt the brothers, seemingly done listening to her killer's voice.

Nana: It's like you said. He prefers power over the struggle heroes overcome. So how about we show him ours, and get this done!!? 1st, Izuku, now! 

With all 3 users of the generational quirk emitting a powerful force to drive back the power stealing quirk. Knowing that it is their strong will to defy the villain is what rejects the ability of his quirk.

AFO with a twisted grin on his face, feeling the backlash of his quirk being driven back.

He would go, manically: 

AFO: Yes! Show me your will! Your struggle! One last time! Show me your meaningless force, One For All!!!

The 2 opposing powers, both with outstretched hands, would not relent. A tremendous clash of individualities would commence. With neither giving the other an inch of room to succeed.

Izuku, who is still on the ground of the Vestige World. Unable to speak, but nonetheless a part of the collision. He would think to himself:

Izuku: *Ghhn! I can't get up! But I can't let up. Not when everyone is counting on me. So this is what his quirk feels like. All the previous users faced this force. The pressure, this, is the world's most powerful villain. We must stop them here!!!*

Nana Shimura, the master of All Might, would sense these emotions within the young man. She can't help it as she thinks:

Nana: *Amazing. The injuries this boy sustained in the real world should've drained his mental strength. This boy finds the strength to fight even here. Even more, I sense that he wants to save my grandson. Rather than give him the death he's …sadly earned.*

Tears would escape her eyes. 

Nana: *Toshinori.*

Then the biggest smile would spread across her face.

Nana:*You picked a quite the heir!!!!!*

While these thoughts are happening, AFO would be laughing as he struggles against them. It seems that even with the power that Tomura's body had achieved during his months of surgery, he was still not ready to take OFA.

However, instead of backing off, and relinquish from this act to regroup his forces, he would take a different approach than the original story as he would go:

AFO: I see! Brother! Unlike you, I've learned from my mistakes. When I tried to steal OFA in the past from those other weaklings!

AFO: I had thought that due to our blood relation and quirk similarities, was the reason I couldn't get you back. But, after so long, I found a neat little work around to this defiance.

AFO raised a single finger.

AFO: Hatred. Only, an overwhelming amount of malice, can devour you and finally take this quirk for our own. Though, I can say I still don't have an ounce of hate for you, Yoichi. But…

AFO turns to Tomura as his grip and hold around him increases. Feeding from his protege as if he was showing that the young man is still a pawn in his master's century long game.

AFO: …with the accumulated hatred that this boy has, not just for his family, but All Might, me, the Hero Society, this whole forsaken world that rejected him. With this rage, he will renew the world with a darkness that only I control! Now! Tomura! Give me your hatred. Together, OFA will be ours!!!!!!

Going crazy for his brother's power, AFO refuses to give up. Ordering Tomura to help him with stealing the quirk in front of them. The power on display is on another level, as the ground the vestiges stand on begin to break apart.

Even with the amount of damage being done. The users of OFA would remain steadfast. With Yoichi, eyes closed, as if he can no longer look at what his brother has done, saying:

Yoichi: Brother. You refuse to change. The kind older brother I believed in was just a figment of my imagination. What you did to Shimura's grandson. Is monstrous. Raising and tailoring him to be a force of destruction. How could you? The hate in his heart is unbearable. But not unconquerable.

The 1st user would then open his eyes. Along with Nana, and Izuku, use their unwavering willpower and would emit a powerful force, causing the AFO to be on the back burner of the power struggle.

AFO: WHAT?!!!!!!

AFO once again feeling the rejection of the OFA quirk. Unable to gain any footing as he is pushed back into Tomura. It looks like it won't be hatred will win the day. As AFO goes: 

AFO: No. Not again. All of this was for you brother. I won't let you out of my grasp again. Yoichiiiii!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh.

With that said, AFO would summon more of his own and Shigaraki's hatred, pushing his agenda further. Showing that he isn't quite as done here as our heroes initially hoped. 

Speaking of our heroes, the 1st and 7th user would still be fighting  back against AFO's hatred. Both staying silent, despite appearing to now be losing against the century old villain.

AFO would have his signature smile as if he's a kid in a candy store. Until he notices something.

AFO: *Hm?!*

Izuku Midoriya would be seen inching closer to the conjoined villains. With a look of sheer determination. Showing he has every intention to make sure they don't get their way. With his young adversary seen, Tomura, still struggling to regain himself would say:

Tomura: What… What do you want?! I'll… kill… you. I'll destroy you all!!!!!!!!!

AFO, who is happy with young Midoriya, for making it much easier for them to achieve OFA. 

AFO: Perhaps you aren't as useless as I thought. But oh, that look you have. I've seen it so many times before. A look that heroes usually have when they're so determined to save someone. Let me tell you boy. Tomura doesn't need saving. He doesn't need a hero. And he doesn't need you. What needs to happen is completing the union of our quirks. So this unnecessarily long chapter of Heroes can finally end. And a new story of the most powerful Demon Lord can begin!!!

Izuku, ignoring the old villain, and still unable to speak would just stare only at Tomura. Their eyes meeting, focusing on themselves and nothing else. Even though his mouth was gone, it seems as if he can convey everything he wants to say to him with a gaze alone. 

Until a small hand is seen touching Midoriya's.


Izuku: !!!!?



Nana: !!!!!!

Everyone in the vestige world would react as something alarming has taken precedence. 


I hope you all enjoy this first chapter!!

TensaYucreators' thoughts