
My Hero Academia: Legacies

A tale of love, loss, life, and lies. Generations ago, two brothers that loved each other betrayed each other beginning the epic tale of the eternal struggle between One For All and All For One. Now this long war comes to a final head in this climatic retelling of My Hero Academia. Izuku Midoriya discovers in the deepest darkest moment of his life; the arrival of his Quirk and the immense power that comes with it. Rising up as the Hero Aurelius; Izuku falls in love and finds family in friends be them old or new within the walls of U.A. Not realizing the activation of his powers would set off a chain reaction of events both local and global to decide who will lead the world into the next age. Will Izuku fall prey to the endless repeating cycle like those before him? Or will his actions be able to alter history in his favor or the in the favor of others... All of this and more! Bringing a fitting conclusion and fantastic end to this tragic story of heroes, villains, and those in between. This is a world they live in and how it changes maybe up to Izuku Midoriya and others for their actions will unknowingly steer the course of history... (Story involves gay relationships and smuts)

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 2

LoV Laboratory

The faint sound of classical music plays in the background. From a record player, keys on a piano are heard as a bald heavy set man in a white lab coat sits down at a steel desk, taking notes. At a closer inspection of the man's face we see a pair of small round goggles. He takes them off for a moment to graze his eyelids with his fingers. He scratches the spiky walrus mustache which covers most of his mouth. Next to him a large humanoid shape lies on a slab, itself covered by a massive white sheet. Suddenly the creature underneath the sheet writhes and raises its hands only to be stopped by the chains holding it in place.

"Relax my child, tis only the works of Johann Sebastian Bach you are hearing. Nothing to be alarmed about, but while you are awake…"

The bald man rises and stops the record player.

"Let us see if my test has succeeded."

He pulls back the sheet revealing a large black humanoid monster. Its muscles bulge showing countless scars and surgical marks. Its mouth was in the shape of a golden beak. It screamed in pain and anger seeming to try to pounce on the doctor. Sadly the many chains and metal bars kept it subdued to the cold hard slab. It again screamed opening its beak to show an array of sharp teeth with the look and appearance of jagged rocks. The top half of its head had no skin and bone, revealing a pulsating brain and scorched eyes.

The doctor smiled as he pulled a tape recorder and a remote from his lab coat. He pressed a small red button on the remote and magnetic clamps activated on the monster's beak, keeping its mouth shut tight. He smiles as he then presses the record button.

"This is Doctor Kyudai Garaki recording the results of Test #22 on Upper Tier Nomu #8: I have successfully been able to apply the super regeneration quirk from Test Subject 3 into this artificial human. As said before I have already begun the attempts of applying the shock absorption quirk, I have injected several skeletal muscle cells from Test Subject 2 into the solar plexus of my child, if the stem cells and immune system are on my side then we may see success. I will now expose the Nomu to the sheer force of a cannon blast to test my theory."

A sinister smile comes over the mad scientist's face as he presses the buttons on the remote. The cold slab rises with the creature still attached and moving, squirming. The doctor strides over to the chained flesh golem he has made.

"Do not worry my child. Even if this doesn't work, your regeneration quirk will fix you as good as new!"

A cannon was already prepped, waiting for the Nomu. Thank goodness All For One gave the doctor a large sound proof lab.

"Three...Two...One!" The doctor slams his fist on the remote and watches as the cannon fires its munition directly at the abdominal region of the Nomu. The cannonball amazingly bounces off and strikes the opposing wall.

"YES!" Doctor Garaki cries before recomposing himself as the tape recorder is still going. "It seems that the results of Test #22 on Upper Tier Nomu #8 is a resounding success and by appearance I see little to no damage, perhaps a minor contusion? Either way this Nomu will definitely be a worthy opponent and if hopes are high will be one of the first to attack All Migh-"

The sound of sirens and flashing alarms suddenly muffle the doctors last words. He stops the recorder and moves to a large computer in the front of the room. He pressed in a four digit code before the sirens and lights died down. The screen blared the words: OFF SITE QUIRK SUPPRESSION DISRUPTED; TS-19 QUIRK NOW ACTIVE!

"What?!" The doctor shouted. He began to type furiously on the computer. "TS-19...TS-19...Which one were you?" He opened a folder listed as Suppressed Patients and scrolled down to a document labeled Patient-19.

Clicking on it, a familiar face appeared on screen.

Oh Kami...

He grabbed a tablet and opened the folders on its screen to Patient-19. He ran out of his laboratory and down the dark dank halls of the underground facility. Finally he made it to an unmarked blast heavy door.

He searched the walls around it frivolously until he found a button on the left wall. Pressing it and causing a buzzer to go off inside. There was no response. He pressed again. Still nothing. Again!

"WHAT!" Came in the form of an angry roar from a small speaker nearby.

'Sir! Something just happened!" Garaki said quickly.

The blast heavy door creaked open to reveal a large room with multiple monitors. Most showed multiple news channels across the world while others were life support systems attached to an industrial strength gurney at the center. Hands though shaky, were able to move a joystick allowing the gurney to turn around. The hand soon formed into a fist, its knuckles cracked now being under control of a higher intellect. Another button was pressed and the top half of the medical bed rose, revealing in the light a face made entirely of scar tissue, covering the head of a man breathing in a respirator.

"Apologies All For One," Doctor Garaki said, bowing his head. "But something of extreme importance has occurred..."

Garaki slid the tablet over to All For One where on a school security screen, the body of a young boy can be seen laying face first on the pavement, despite the blood stain the boy was breathing just fine and even began to stir. "He was trying to kill himself, Sir." All For One was quiet for a moment, contemplating his next action.

"Keep an eye on him. Do not administer any suppressants or amnesitics. Think of it as a controlled experiment. I'll contact Kurogiri to bug his room." All For One spoke.

"Understood, Sir." The mad scientist smiled.

"Oh and Garaki. I need not remind you how important TS-19 and his immediate family are to me, correct? This knowledge stays between you and me. Do not bring it up with anyone else in the League of Villains. Especially not Shigaraki."

"Yes Sir." Garaki said quickly leaving the presence of All For One. Not noticing how the his employer looked upon the profile picture of Patient-19, a four year old green haired boy.

Meanwhile on the grounds of Aldera Junior High, eyelids begin to flutter and a fist began to clench. The eyes open revealing a green iris on the right eye; a welcome sight and yet the golden glow of the left eye's iris brought a sense of oddity...especially since it wasn't there yesterday...