
The Secrets of One For All Revealed

Deku POV

I was just going to sleep after an intense workout session at night, but little did I know I would have a dream about the origin of One For All where the First Wielder would acknowledge me as the Ninth Holder of One For All and as well as "The Chosen One" which got me curious the Chosen One for what? Since my childhood, I was always a nobody and everyone would just make fun of and I hated that from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to change for the better and when I saw All Might , The World's Greatest Hero, doing his very best to save us from disasters , I really was taken in by his sheer willpower and strength. The thing that I admired most about him was that he was doing everything he can to uphold his ideals to the world. I wanted to do the same. To uphold my ideals was my dream and I met All Might and One For All and thought this was my chance . I took it but since then honestly things have been really unstable for not only me but also for the world. Even I was already given the power for months now ,I never really accepted myself as One For All's ninth holder. But that day seeing Endeavor giving his all to show the world that he isn't inferior to All Might and upholding his own ideals instead of copying All Might inspired me to acknowledge myself as for who I was , who I am , and who I am going to be with acknowledging my own power One For All as my own power without a single doubt.

Perhaps that's why the First wielder presented himself into my dream to declare that as I have accepted OFA ( One For All) completely as my own power and the power itself acknowledged me as its ninth user. It is a possibility.

The dream was about its origin , how it all began , a brother forcing a stockpile quirk ( Quirks are literally individual superpowers unique to them only) to his own brother for his submission to him and his evil deeds.

But the brother was justice loving person to his very core. As a result, he declined but still was forced with the power. This quirkless brother then realized he also had a quirk to transfer one's own power to someone else giving away the ownership. Being defeated by his evil brother , he decided to pass it down the generations to get stronger and hoping for it to reach "The Chosen One " who he said was me . But I still didn't understand what it really means and he said that the others were only entrusted to give this power to me. This may seem entirely supernatural but I think he knew before I even got the power and the power was basically for me , but why me ?

Aah let's just skip all these complicated thoughts even though I am a nerd , I have my own limitations . For now I need to tell this to All Might.

With that I was again going to sleep when Aoyama came in and started asking what was that noise and why the door was open. I answered all his questions and bade him goodnight and went to sleep myself.

Next day I was feeling alright overall and something was too hard to not notice , I can use OFA more easily as if its my own hand or something and I noticed this while training in the morning that I can use OFA at 45 percent without any backlash or any hurting feeling at all. Moreover my 20% was more powerful than usual. Just when I was going try how much I can go with OFA , increasing my percentage from 45 to 100 steadily, I remembered at 60 % that I will be late for school. Just then I used OFA 60% to hurry up for school as it was gonna start at just 10 minutes and 60 percent was not hurting me at all so I just tried it out. Boy I should have never done that as it was like a baby trying to run. I made all the way up-to my dorm room all messed up with the shockwaves released from me and it all got dirty. I promised myself I will fix it all after school and went to school using the same percentage .

Little did I know I was going to change completely from that day on.

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