
The Unique Trio Of Friends

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On their way to the classroom, Itsuka noticed, that even her nails were painted pink.

'Geez...what did she prepare for? Is this supposed to be a wedding ceremony or a hero combat academy?'

"Ehm...Kacchan? Won't you ruin your make-up in today's exercise? Since we didn't do it yesterday, I am pretty sure it was postponed to today."

Katsuro smiled and replied. "My mom told me it should be fine. This make-up set was from a limited edition collection and it wouldn't go to waste even if I were to sweat a bit. As long as I don't directly wash it with water, it should be fine, but thanks for your concern."

Itsuka was blinded by the radiance of her smile and gave up.

'Ugh...Being pretty sure gives you more opportunities in life.'

Itsuka never considered herself to be pretty. While she had a nice figure and big breasts, she considered her breasts to be a bother as sometimes, her back hurt.

'I have no idea how my mom manages to survive this...Her breasts are gigantic yet she never had a problem with her spine.'

Other than her breasts, her biggest concern, and the thing she hated the most about her, was her hair.

She touched her ginger hair and sighed. 'Why did I have to be born a ginger...I hate this color.'

When she was little, kids always laughed at her and called her a 'Carrot top' or 'Poppy' and made fun of her in many ways. She always hated her hair and even considered dying it at one time. She always wanted to have brown or black hair as she thought it would look good on her.

'Maybe I should really dye it. I think it would make me prettier.

'With that thought, both of them entered the classroom.

"Good morning! I hope you are feeling better after yesterday!" Uraraka greeted her.

"Hello, ribbit. Are you doing fine, ribbit?" Tsuyu asked with concern.

"...Morning..." Shiro simply looked at her and said a single word.

"I-I am fine..." Katsuro was surprised, as she expected that everyone was afraid of her due to what she did yesterday, but it didn't seem like anyone cared about that.

'But still...I need to apologize...' Katsuro walked towards Mina and bowed. "I am sorry for attacking you yesterday...I was truly out of it..."

Mina looked surprised but that quickly turned into a giant grin.

"Sure sure! Don't mind don't mind! I am not the type to hold a grudge! Let's be friends!" Mina shook hands with Katsuro and the issue was fixed.

What she didn't know, was the fact that before they arrived, Midnight explained what happened to Katsuro yesterday and that her 'Mind' wasn't functioning well because of her quirk. Technically, it wasn't a lie as something similar to that happened, but she just wanted to clear Katsuro's name to ease up her worries.

Luckily, Katsuro didn't know about this, or else she would feel even more indebted to her.

She looked around the classroom and noticed that Izuku was sitting with Denki and Tokoyami. They seemed to hit it off pretty well.

As she inched closer, Denki stood up and shouted.

"No way! I won't believe that Infinite Stratos is better than Maken Ki! Did you see how dense the main character was? It just pained me to watch the show! If I was him, I would just smash every girl and enjoy harem!"

"Nonsense! It seems like the power of your deduction isn't enough for you to comprehend the secret about Infinite Stratos! For the record...the name of the show is cool too."

"Yeah, and that's about the only good thing about the show!"

"Shut it, ignorant mongrel! I have seen through the secrets of dense main protagonists and I have arrived at the conclusion, that the denser you are, the higher chance you will end up with a harem route!"

"Yeah, or all of the girls will give up the pursuit because the main character is simply stupid!"

"Impossible! such heresy! To Oblivion with you!" Denki was having a heated argument with Tokoyami while Izuku just sat there and laughed at their exchange.

Both of them turned towards him and shouted,

""What do you think?""

"It has to be Maken Ki, right?"

"No way in Oblivion it is! It smells of heresy, Infinite Stratos is the right choice, right?"

Both of them were staring at Izuku intently, awaiting an answer from him. Izuku put both of his hands on the table and his gaze turned serious. "Gentlemen...If I were to choose between those two, then I would go for Maken Ki."

Denki laughed and turned his gaze towards Tokoyami.

"See bird brain! Izuku is a man of culture as well! You have no chance against our power." He put his arm around Izuku's shoulder and laughed some more.

"N-No...The power within me...is fading away...Why...Why was I betrayed...Izuku Midoriya...I shall engrave this name into my death note diary...You shall...know pain..." Tokoyami grabbed his chest in pain and fell on the ground.

Izuku sighed and replied, "You guys sure love overreacting, and you didn't even let me finish...haah...Anyway, although I prefer Maken Ki, I still want to point out one thing. Girls in Infinite Stratos are cuter than the girls from Maken Ki, and from my research, I have deducted that Ichika is only pretending to be dense because he doesn't wish to hurt the girls around him! So I think Infinite Stratos is better."

Denki looked at him in disgust. He let go of his shoulder and distanced himself away from him.


Tokoyami's lifeless raven eyes regained their color as he stood up and grabbed Izuku by his hand. "True! Absolutely! I am glad we are walking the same dark path, my shadow friend!"

Izuku wryly smiled and whispered, "By the way, please don't tell anyone about my shadow, it's my trump card."

Tokoyami nodded and replied, "Of course! I shall keep quiet and bring your secret to my grave, my comrade!"

Denki had enough of this and windmill-slammed a deck of cards on the table. Both Izuku and Tokoyami regained their senses and paid attention to him.

Denki put a hand in front of his face and smiled, "It's time to d-d-duel! I bought a new deck, now there is no stopping my Covert Dragon!"

Izuku grinned and replied, "...Bold words... I've been called the Deck Master back at primary school and no one could stand up against me! I haven't played since then, but I think I still remember how to cook a dragon!"

And so their legendary duel began...


30 minutes later...

"Impossible! How can he summon Exodia The Forbidden one! I have failed!" Denki fell on his knees and shouted so loudly that the windows seemed to vibrate. His classmates looked at him for a second but only spared him a few glances before they ignored him. He was kneeling in anger and small sparks of electricity escaped his body. It felt as if his soul was being forcefully dragged away.

"Such is the fate of the challenger." Izuku glanced at him and then elegantly turned away and sat down next to Tokoyami.

'Holy shit...acting like this is so fun! I should consider joining some theatre lessons. This is too fun!' Izuku was excited in his mind. After a long time, something really caught his interest and he was genuinely happy.

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