
Wolf King

It had been nearly two weeks since I arrived at the 'Moon Forest'. The Moon Forest was a really interesting and mysterious place. It was rumored that some mysterious beasts inhabited the inner area of the forest, but nobody knew if this rumor was true or not.

It was because there was no one who had actually seen them with their own eyes and were also able to live to tell the tale about this mystery.

If it wasn't for the howls that could be occasionally heard once every full moon from the inner area of the forest, it would seem like some sort of made-up story, fabricated by a random drunkard.

The name 'Moon Forest' also originated from this bizarre phenomenon.

There were many brave individuals who had been very curious about the rumor at the beginning and thus had started their own little expedition to the inner area of the forest in order to verify the truth for themselves.

Unfortunately, they went missing right after. This led to quite a commotion when this news was first released to the public.

The civilians became afraid, especially the villagers who lived near the forest. To calm the unrest of the people, many Pro Heroes were deployed to investigate the forest.

However, even with so many Pro Heroes in action, they didn't get any information about neither the whereabouts of the missing people nor the mysterious beasts who should be inhabiting the forest.

It was like they purposely avoided the strong and only preyed on the weak.

When I first came to know of this, I was really intrigued by it. I hypothesized that they were beasts with terrifying instincts, which allowed them to accurately sense the danger around them and determine whether it was safe for them to act or not.

They could probably, just like me, sense how strong the opponent was. If they were weak, they would attack and kill them, but if they turned out to be too strong, they would immediately hide and wait until they leave.

I didn't have any clues about the phenomenon with the howling on full moon, though.

Well, it might be difficult or simply impossible for others to find out the truth about this story, but this might not exactly be the case for me.

I could easily regulate my battle power to that of a weak person and hence try to verify whether my theory was true or not. And without the ability to manipulate your own energy or aura, it was naturally impossible for others to copy my method.

Anyway, by doing exactly just that, I easily managed to uncover the mystery of the forest.

They did actually exist.

The first beast I encountered in the inner region was a dark-blue fox with two tails. It was extraordinary agile and disgustingly sly.

I was constantly bating it to attack me, but it didn't budge at all. It was extremely patient and cautious, so I had to put myself in a more vulnerable position to bait it out of its hiding place.

Luckily, after the second day inside the forest, I finally managed to kill it. Yet, I wasn't happy about it all. I spent so much time hunting a single little fox. If my friends would hear that, they would probably laugh their asses off.

I encountered more and more beasts the deeper I ventured into the forest. Fortunately, they weren't as despicable as that fox.

There were various kinds of beasts I encountered so far – yellow-furred bears, apes with claws, and even terrifying huge bees.

At first, it was quite surprising for me to encounter such beasts. Watching the anime, you never really saw such animals or creatures, except for the principal of U.A. High School, of course.

Though, I wasn't quite sure if their intelligence was high or not, or if they were solely relying on their instincts to determine their prey.

This was because, while I was still masking my true strength, they still continued to attack me, even though I already killed dozens of them.

They kept coming and coming.

I didn't care either way and just made my way towards the end of the inner area from where I could sense a powerful aura radiating from. I guessed that it should be the leader of this forest.

I wasn't really in the hurry, so I took my time on the way there. I felt slightly guilty, though, for slaughtering this many beasts for my short survival training. But honestly, I was never the first one to initiate the attack. It was they who thought of me as an easy prey and tried to kill me.

Sure...I did kinda barge into their territory, but still, wasn't it too exaggerated for them to want to kill me just because of that?

Well, whatever. After a certain amount of time, I finally reached the location from where the powerful aura was coming from. In front of my eyes was an extremely inconspicuous entrance to a cave.

If not for my ability to sense other beings, I probably would've overlooked it, just like the other Pro Heroes might have done.

By straining my hearing, I could hear some hushed howls of the beasts inside the cave. I also felt that the strong aura was waiting for me at that place, so I decided to waste no more time and walked right in.

When I first stepped inside the cave, what greeted me was absolute darkness. It was so pitch-black dark that you couldn't even see your own hands before your face.

It didn't really hinder me, though, because I was using Ki to look through the darkness. I could easily 'see' without my eyes.

The path was quite narrow and I was constantly on guard for any possible surprise attacks. And right when I finally saw some light at the end of the path, I sensed something trying to attack me from above.

I instantly took a step back and avoided the attack that was aimed straight at my neck. Before the assailant could continue their attacks, I cleaved their head with a Ki-shaped sword, formed on my hand.

I named this technique 'Ki Blade'.

By concentrating Ki around my hand, I could shape the Ki to almost any weapon I wanted it to be with my fine Ki Control, for example creating a blade/sword which I could use to slice my opponents.

The light at the end of the corridor was bright enough for me to get a good look of the attacker. It was a ferocious looking red-furred wolf.

I squinted my eyes at it, but before I could think more about it, I sensed several more presences trying to attack me.


More wolves pounced on me trying to bite my head off. Yet, there was no signs of panic seen on my face, and just like the first one, I easily avoided their attacks and disposed of them quite quickly.

Their corpses were scattered around me, it was quite a gruesome sight. Despite that, there was still no blood on my clothes.

Looking at the massacre I just executed, I felt really strange. Not counting the few beasts I encountered on my way here, this was actually the first time that I killed so many of them without actually batting an eye.

And when you experienced something like this, normally you would somewhat react in a certain way, right?

I felt slightly guilty for having killed them, and even though this sounded quite hypocritical, it was really true.

Why did I even barge into their territory and disturbed them, thus resulting in this current situation? What was the reason I decided to come here?


I didn't know. What I did know was that the moment they tried to kill me, I didn't actually think too much about it and simply retaliated.

Whether it was due to my battle crazy instinct or a completely different reason, I wasn't too sure about it.

And what was also strange to me was that I hadn't really become nauseous or something when looking at this carnage.

As a previous normal human from a normal world, I should've probably vomited at this sight, shouldn't I? Even when the enemies were animals or beast, they're still living beings. But it was clear to see that I was able to completely keep my composure at this sight..


Sighing to myself, I realized that I should better come to terms with the fact that I wasn't normal anymore.

Anyway, enough of all of these thoughts. I wasn't perfect, nor was I a saint, and I was okay with it. No need to further think about it. With that, I didn't waste any more time and headed towards the end of the corridor.

What came to my view was an extremely wide area full of wolves I encountered a few moments ago. There were at least a hundred of them, at the first glance.

Every one of them was radiating a ferocious aura. A few of them wasn't really a big deal, but hundreds of auras put together was nothing to scoff at.

But even so, I could feel one bloodthirsty presence among them which overshadowed them by a huge margin.

My eyes darted to the far end back of the wolf pack until I locked my eyes on a particular beast.

A huge purple-furred wolf that was at least three times taller than me. He had a nasty scar under his left eye and on his chest.

While I was checking him out, he was also checking me out.

And then...our eyes met.

He was clearly the leader of these wolves and probably also of the whole forest. I could feel that he was a lot stronger than any other beast I encountered so far.

I also saw some human remains behind him.

'They must've been the people who had been trying to investigate this forest..' I furrowed my brows at this sight.

When I slaughtered the beasts left and right, as I said before, I felt slightly guilty for them. However, at the sight of real human corpses, I was naturally even more uncomfortable at this moment.

I frowned deeply seeing this.

Usually, normal people would probably be highly intimidated and terrified at the scene in front of me.

A hundred of scary-looking wolves setting their sights on you and eyeing your every movement, like a predator ready to pounce on its prey at any given moment.

And not to mention the boss behind them who seemed to be scarier than all of them put together. Their auras alone could probably make the majority of the Pro Heroes freeze up in fear.

But, I wasn't normal at all.

Rather than fear, I felt excitement at the prospect of fighting them all by myself.

My Saiyan blood was boiling in excitement.


'Let's dance, shall we?'

Next chapter