
Middle School

It took us awhile to calm my grandma down. Right now, I was sitting with my grandpa and grandma inside the living room. We talked a lot about the events that happened in my life, such as my friends and all the training I went through.

"Jay-chan, don't overwork yourself, you're still young. You shouldn't only have training in your mind." my grandma reprimanded me a little bit after hearing about my training sessions with my parents.

"Brat, how strong are you right now?" my grandpa suddenly asked.

"Hmm.. I'm already quite strong for my age. Dad also told me that with my strength alone, I might already be on par with some Pro Heroes." I answered truthfully.

My grandparents opened their eyes wide in surprise.

"Truly amazing. Although that brat sometimes behaves quite cowardly in front of my daughter, his judgement and criticism are still top-notch." my grandpa remarked.

"Yes, he's always ruthlessly truthful with his opinion as well, so him telling you to already be on par with some Pro Heroes must be true. It's really amazing!" my grandma followed up.

My grandparents were quite surprised but also delighted about my strength, though I don't really know how to react to my grandpa's comment about my dad's cowardice..

What about himself? I guess, I should keep that to myself..

"Hehe.." I just embarrassedly chuckled their praises off.

"Maybe, you're even stronger than I was when I first became a Pro Hero."

"What? Grandpa, you were a Pro Hero, too?" I exclaimed in surprise.

I didn't know that he, too, was once a Pro Hero. Well, if I looked more closely at their current conditions, my grandparents actually seemed to be quite good in shape for their age.

"Not only him, but your lovely grandma was also one in the past." my grandma proudly followed up.

"Wow! What were your hero names and what are your quirks?" I asked.

I was quite curious about their past. It seemed like my whole family consisted of Pro Heroes.

They were quite happy that I wanted to know more about their past, so they gladly told me about it.

Apparently, my grandpa's Quirk was called [Vibrating Impact]. He was able to emit vibrations or shockwaves from his hands and feet that could damage the surroundings, or the enemy, by simply making contact. It could also make them extremely dizzy if he rested his hands on the target for a certain amount of time.

The downside of this Quirk was that he had to have a strong body to withstand the vibrations/shockwaves he himself emitted. Sometimes, he even had became dizzy himself due to him overusing his Quirk.

His hero name was 'Viber' back in the days. He was in the middle section of the popularity toll for heroes back then, but now he had become more of a hermit, and the people no longer really remembered him.

The reason he wasn't really well-known to the public was because he more or less stayed low-key as a hero and didn't actually seek for attention himself, according to him at least.

Naturally, he wasn't that low-key like a certain teacher and Pro Hero in U.A. High.

What surprised me, though, was that he was also of the same generation as 'Gran Torino' and that they could be considered friends or acquaintances.

Anyway, my grandma's Quirk was called [Telekinesis]. Well, her abilities should be self-evident. She was more of a support-type hero due to her Quirk. She constantly boasted about her beauty back in her prime. Her hero name was 'Psyna' and she was apparently quite popular.

The amazing part of her story was that her Quirk wasn't that unique at all in the world. It was because of her own efforts that she was able to become someone who could seriously contribute to the society and help in the hero work with her abilities.

It was her own hard work that made her that strong and popular among the many other heroes at that time.

We talked for quite a long time about their past. They told me various kinds of stories and I also revealed to them some of my plans for the future. It was quite an enjoyable and harmonious moment.

After hours of talking, I was already extremely tired and exhausted, so we stopped our conversation and decided to rest for the day.


I was already 12 years old and I had been living here for two weeks by now. It was finally time for me to go to school.

The school was approximately thirty minutes away from my new home. I wore my new school uniform and finished my breakfast, which my grandma lovingly prepared for me, and then went on my way.

I could easily run to school with my speed and stamina but I decided against it and use the train instead.

I already reported myself to the principal, and so my teacher nicely guided me towards my new classroom when she came to know that I was the new transfer student.

Right now, I was standing in front of the classroom door and was waiting outside for my teacher to call me in.

I heard some murmurs coming from the room and before I could think more about it, the door opened and the teacher told me to come in and introduce myself.

"Okay everyone, we have a new transfer student here. He used to live in America and is now going to this school. Get along, will ya'." after my teacher said that, she gestured me to continue on.

All eyes were fixated on me and I could sense many emotions from their stares. Adoration, admiration, curiosity, jealousy, envy and hostility.

Naturally, the first three emotions were coming from the girls who were enchanted by my handsome appearance while the last three obviously came from most of the boys who seemed to radiate some hostility towards me due to me getting all the attention from the girls.

But seriously, these brats hadn't even grown hair down there, why were they already interested in this kind of stuff?

I decided to ignore it for now, and formally introduce myself, "My name is Jin Jayden. My parents are half-american and I used to live in America but moved here not too long ago. Umm.. And I want to become a Pro Hero in the future. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! (Please, treat me well)"

My classmates clapped at my introduction, the girls a bit louder than the others, but what surprised me was that the guys more or less took back their hostility towards me after hearing my future plans.

'It seems like they really idolize Pro Heores, huh..'

After my little introduction, I walked towards my seat which was at the far back end in the right side corner. Surprisingly, my desk mate was a girl who I knew quite well.

Ashido Mina.

Mina was a cheerful, easygoing and highly social girl who displayed a wide smile on her face most of the time. She was of medium height and due to her Quirk, her skin was a light shade of pink, and she had rather square eyes, their sclera black and their irises bright yellow.

She had short, fluffy and unruly pink hair, slightly darker than the color of her skin, and two thin, pale yellow horns protruding from her head. They were hooked squarely and leaning diagonally to opposite sides.

I liked her character a lot and since meeting Alice, I actually looked forward to becoming friends with her, so I decided to strike up a conversation with her first and personally introduce myself to her, "Hey, I'm Jayden, I hope we get along well."

She was at first surprised by me taking the initiative to talk to her, but immediately replied enthusiastically, "Waah~, nice to meet you. My name is Ashino Mina. Yes, yes, let's get along~!"

"Ne ne~, you look quite handsome. Is it because of your parents? Are your parents pretty?"


"Ne ne~, you want to be a Pro Hero, too? I also want to be one!"


"What is your quirk? My Quirk is called [Acid]. I can shoot out corrosive liquids from within my body and can control the degree of solubility, as well as its viscosity. Cool, right? Now, hurry, tell me yours~!"

I got literally bombarded with dozens of questions by this enthusiastic and hyperactive girl who didn't even give me the chance to respond to her first question at all.

'What the hell?' I thought.

She was even worse than Alice. She was constantly smiling while fervently talking non-stop to me. Though, I must admit that she was perfectly suited for becoming a hero with her character.

At the end, I got a little bit affected by her enthusiasm, probably due to me missing Alice a bit, and thus also gladly talked to her until our teacher finally couldn't take it anymore and reprimanded us both, as well as telling us to shut up and to be quiet.

Next chapter