

It's been 2 years since I was in the hospital after my little "experiment." I'm quite a bit taller now, standing at 6 feet even (182.88 cm). Over the last two years other than controlled experiments with my own Quirk, I managed to control 30% of One For All.

This caused an interesting phenomenon to happen. When I punch out, a gale is produced from my fist. I asked All Might about that and he said it was the method of using One For All for ranged attacks.

The last class of the day is coming to an end and the teacher is telling us about our high school entrance exams. The exams are coming up quite soon, they are only a month away "Now students, those who are going to U.A. listen up."

I perk up to that and listen "Students who are going to U.A., be aware that you should be there by 8 AM. Make sure you have your testing materials, it wouldn't look good for our school, if one of our students came unprepared."

I note down the time and write a reminder about what I need to bring the exam before he continues "Oh and congratulations Yaoyorozu, for gaining a recommendation to U.A. All you need to do is make sure that you get all the paperwork for going to U.A. filled out."

I look over at her and she seems uncomfortable from all the looks she's getting from the class.

"Anyway that's all. Have a good day class" the teacher say as he turns to leave.

Various students come up and say how lucky Yaoyorozu is for getting a free pass into U.A. I was about to go and congratulate her as well, but she takes off running out the door.

I run after her and she only stops after making it to the roof.

"Are you here to tell me how lucky i am Midoriya?" she asks sounding depressed.

"No!" I say sternly "I was just worried, because you suddenly ran out of the classroom."

She turns around and looks in my eyes before sighing "I didn't want anyone to know, especially you…."

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Because I don't feel like I deserve it. It feels like I only got it, because of my family."

"That's not true Yaoyorozu. You know it isn't."

"Why did I get the recommendation, when someone like you has good grades and an amazing power?"

I have to snap her out of it before she gets to out of it. "Momo!"I yell as I grab her hand.

"You have a very useful Quirk, I've told you this before" I say staring into her eyes.

"You can create anything you want…. I may be strong, but I don't have the ability to bring happiness to everyone."

"You have that ability, you can create happiness out of nothing" I say squeezing her hand.

She blushes and then says "Well… not out of nothing…."

"Close enough, besides when you came to visit me in the hospital, I was really happy. You continued to come even after knowing I was going to be okay. You came to catch me up on school and you even made food for me."

"I wanted to…." she says trailing off.

"I never found the chance to make it up to you."

"Don't worry about it Midoriya" she says waving it off.

"No momo, I want to do something that can make you happy" I say sternly.

She seems to struggle for a while before looking straight into my eyes and says "I want you to take me out on a date."

I look at her with a quirked eyebrow and ask "Are you sure that's all you want?"

She mumbles something before perking up and says "Yeah."

"Alright how about we meet this Saturday at 10?" I ask.

"Sure and Midoriya?"

"What's up?"

"How long are you going to hold my hand?" she asks before continuing "Not that I mind."

I blush at realizing I'm still holding her hand, before quickly letting go of her hand. "Anyway" I say "let's head back."

"Alright" she says and we head back to class.

Later in the day around the time I usually practice martial arts. I decide to ask for advice as I've never been on a date before.

"Kaito Sensei, is Chisa neechan around?" I ask before we get started.

"Yeah she's in the house, why?"

"I just need some advice on something, it shouldn't take too long."

"Don't worry about it Izuku, you've worked hard ever since you first came here. You are able to take a day off, don't worry about training tonight."

"Thanks Kaito Sensei" I say before running off to see Chisa neechan.

I walk into the house and yell out "Chisa neechan, you here?"

"I'm in the living room" she answers.

"Hey Chisa neechan, can I ask you for some advice?"

"Sure, about what?"

I squirm a little bit while blushing and then say "Well….. I need some help for planning a date."

She stares at me for a while before giving me a teasing grin and says "Oh a date, it looks like our little Izuku is finally grown up. I guess you don't need neechan anymore…"

I realize she is messing with me and I persist "Chisa neechan please?"

"Oh alright, i'll stop teasing you. Now what's her name?" she asks.

"Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu and she is in my class. She smart, caring, meticulous and very beautiful."

"Hmmm… high praise, do you like her?"

I shift a bit before answering "Yeah, but.... I don't have a clue what to do for our first date…."

"That's so cute Izuku, leave it to neechan. I'll help you with your date" she says while smacking her fist against her chest.


Chisa neechan walks me through a couple different Ideas for date locations and we work out a plan for it.

Saturday morning comes around and i'm dressed up in a black T-shirt and blue jeans, along with a green zip-up hoodie wrapped around my waist.

I head out to the meeting spot that we agreed upon with plenty of time to spare. I wait around for a while, but I don't have to wait long before I see Yaoyorozu running over to me.

She stops in front of me and asks "You didn't wait long I hope?"

"No I just arrived" Chisa neechan mentioned even if I arrived earlier I should respond like that.

She smiles and asks "How do I look?"

I look her up and down and see she is wearing red one piece dress with a button up sweater around her shoulders. I stare for quite a while as my blush intensifies, but after a bit she waves a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, you look amazing Yaoyorozu" I say making an effort to be confident as Chisa neechan advised.

She smiles at that, but then asks "Where to first?"

I think for a bit before saying "Well why don't we get something hot at the coffee shop first to warm up?"

She nods her head and we go inside to grab a few hot chocolates. We decide to sit down and enjoy our time, but when we go to sit down Yaoyorozu sits right next to me.

"Umm... Yaoyorozu?" I ask blushing "aren't we a little close?"

"That's the point" she says leaning on my shoulder.

We end up spending quite some time there, because neither of us realized how lost in our own little world we were. Alas all good things come to an end as we finally finished our drinks and left.

"Where to next?" she asks.

"The movies" I say remembering what time the movies start. We head off to the movie theatre and arrive in front of the movies they have playing.

"Which one do you want to watch Yaoyorozu?" I ask.

She looks over the many titles and chooses a Romantic Comedy to watch. We go to grab our tickets and after we get them, I turn to see Yaoyorozu examining everything around her. She seems especially interested in the popcorn machine.

"Did you want some popcorn Yaoyorozu?" I ask as I point over at the machine.

"Is that what its called?" she asks before turning incredibly excited "Yes please!"

"Alright I'll get one for us" I say as I order some popcorn.

I go back to her with the popcorn moments later and I offer it to her. She takes it from me and eats some of it, which causes a big smile to appear on her face.

"You like it?" I ask.

She nods and says "let's go find a seat."

The two of us walk in and find there quite a few people already inside. Many of them are couples, that are snuggling up to each other. We go to find a seat and watch the movie. Occasionally I reach over to grab some popcorn to snack on while we watch the movie.

The movie goes on for a while until the couple on screen kiss, which seems to cause many of the surrounding couples. I blush, but before I can do anything else Yaoyorozu grabs my hand. I look at her and find her blushing as well and trying not to look at the couples around us.

We spend the rest of the movie holding hands and when it's finally over we get up and quickly run out of the movie theatre. "Well that was awkward."


I realize that we are still holding hands and attempt to release her hand, but she holds onto my hand tighter.

I look at her and she smiles back at me. I give her a smile of my own before turning her hand so that our fingers are interlocked.

"You hungry Yaoyorozu?"


We head off to one of the fast food places and order some burgers, fries and a drink. I noticed that she seems interested in everything here and I decide to ask "Yaoyorozu, have you never had fast food before?"

"No, my mother told me to focus most urgent, fundamental things. I wasn't allowed to do stuff like we are today…." she said with a frown on her face.

I can't bear to see her like this…. "We can do this more often if you want Yaoyorozu."

She lights up a smile on her face and nods while saying "I'd like that a lot Midoriya."

We sit down to eat our food and occasionally feed each other fries while laughing. After that we walked through the streets enjoying each other's company.

As we passed by a park we turned to head into the park for a place to sit down. We managed to find an open bench for just the two of us to sit down together.

It's pretty much perfect, just the two of us snuggling up to each other while holding hands. I sigh, which causes Yaoyorozu to turn her head and ask "Is something wrong?"

"No everything is perfect Yaoyorozu" I say quickly.

She smiles for a bit before pouting a bit before she asks "Midoriya…. why haven't you been calling me by my first name, you did the other day?"

I clam up a bit before tentatively asking "Are you okay with that?"

"Of course."

"Alright then you have to call me Izuku, alright Momo?"

"Alright Izuku" she leans and gives me a kiss to my cheek, which causes me to blank out a bit.

"Mo… Momo!" I yell out surprised.

"Izuku, I've waited long enough…" she says impatiently.

I look grimly and she responds "Well at least you know what I'm talking about."

"Momo, we shouldn't I mean you're from such a famous family and I'm just a nobody" I say trying to defend myself.

"Alright, now look here" she says with anger permeating her voice "I like you Izuku, now tell me how you feel about me" she demands.

"I…. I like you too Momo, but…" I try to say before a finger gets placed on my lips to silence me.

"No buts….. Besides my family doesn't get to decide who I do or do not like."

"Okay…." I say dreading the interactions I'll have with her mother in the near future.

"Don't look so glum" she says snuggling into me "Remember you told me I can make happiness out of nothing, but you know what helps me do that? This, things like this. Being together with you just the two of us together."


"I'm your girlfriend now Izuku, and you're my boyfriend right?" she asks smiling at me.

"Yeah... " I say wrapping an arm around her. She's surprised at first, but then just leans into me more from there after.

After a long time of sitting together we decide that it's getting late and head off to the station holding hands.

When we arrive we both look as if the trains are our enemies, causing us to seperate.

"Izuku, we should be heading home now.." Momo says.

"Uhuh" i say nodding while not letting go of her hand.

She looks at me and releases my hand, but before I could voice my dissatisfaction she hugs me. I wrap my arms around her and we hold our hug for a while. The hug ends too soon, but I'm taken by surprise from another kiss to the cheek.

"Text me later, okay Izuku?"

"I will Momo."

We both wave as we get on seperate trains and head home. When I get home I head straight to my room and that's when it hits me. I got kissed by a girl! And now she's my girlfriend!

Next chapter