
doctor we need you...

One day, a man named Dong-yul held an award for saving lives in the past 7 years. Then his manager felt so proud for Dong-yul and said "Dong-yul, isn't it a tiring job? don't worry, I hired you a new partner! Her name is Seo-Ah. Seo means Auspicious and Ah means beautiful bud". "But, sir I am doing fine don't worry about me I love my job on saving lives". "So, you want to have a retirement then?" Dong-yul had no Choice but to have Seo-Ah as a partner.

The next day came and he met Seo-Ah he never knew that she would look so pretty with beautiful curled chestnut hair, "oh hi! I'am Seo-Ah I would be your new partner for the job" Dong-yul checked her information list and saw that she is 2 years younger than him which she was 25 years old.

He gave her a tour and she said,"Whoa,this place is even bigger than the hospital I used to work in" Dong-yul blushed as Seo-Ah said her words beautifully. When, suddenly a patient came in who was in a truck accident "Doctor! Dong-yul you are our only hope! all the doctors are occupied and others were changing their shifts! The others also went on retirement!" He didn't know what to do with Seo-Ah, then he had an idea "Seo-Ah,can you operate this patient with me? I would teach you some on the way in" "okay, you can count on me!" So they suited up, wore their masks, put on their gloves, and they were ready to operate the man.

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