
The beginning

Hi...Iam Kylie Iam a 17 yr old girl hoping he will notice me

He is not the most handsome,He is not perfect and he is an average boy

Why did I fell for him? I don't know

It started long ago....

I was at 3rd grade Im holding my mom's hand and don't want let go Im really shy and I don't want to leave my mom.

Once she managed to escape I noticed a boy in my class he was crying and since the teacher is not yet there I approached him

"Hi,Whats your name?" I said to him

he raised his head to look at me and I saw a very attractive boy. I did not think of it at first but he did not answer me.

I got back at my sit and wondered if he don't want to go to school to.

At the time I really dont know what love is I dont even know what is a crush.

at the day that all students LOVE we will play games in a whole 3days

I chose chess and soccer

I mean I HATE teams I always want to be alone because I will not carry anybody but me

as usual I got champion on chess and MVP on the soccer game

after all my games I went to our hang out spot at slept I got another day with no games so I plan of just sleeping there or hanging out with frends.

I was sleeping peacefully When someone woke me up.

When I took a look It is the boy from the first of class it was our first conversation and I got to know his name his name is Timmy and I asked him what does he want

"I was wondering I wanted to see this movie but I guess I want someone with me" He said

I was so lazy that day so I said HELL NO

but then he said "Im paying for everything"

My eyes widen because I cant say no to free things

What I dont know is we are watching a horror movie he got a front seat and I slowly understood that it is a horror movie and It is full of jumpscares I was neutral at first but Inside Iam really scared I glanced at Jimmy and saw he look very scared suddenly there was a jumpscare and all the people screamed but I did not heard Jimmy so I looked at him and he is holding my hands and his other hand on his eyes I smiled and said

"Its over now"

thats our very first contact and I cant forget it the rest of my life

Next chapter