
Chapter : The ****

"Sir please, I am not like what you think of me. Please let me go." She begged miserably but the words vanished in the air without trace. She was suffocating while begging her to be free. Her strength was not enough even to plug a hair from the monstrous man who gripped her hand too hard, leaving aside freeing from this man. She felt hopeless. She couldn't hold back her tears. But the man didn't care at all.

The aura of eroticism gulped the man's dignity.

She was shedding uncontrollably. After a few minutes of struggling she was lying on the bed completely naked, showing her fragile baby like skin terribly tempting. Her both hands under the strong grip of the man.

"I have a boyfriend please don't do it. please sir, I am begging you". She tried hard to convince him while still struggling. Nevertheless, it was in vain. The man turned deaf ear to her words.

She was baffled to see devilish smile suddenly appearing on his face.

"I can compensate for that. How much do you want". He was calmer than she thought he would be. This word 'compensate' even made her feel frustrated.

"5000, ...10,000...just name your price". He continued gritting his teeth.

Out of rage burning inside of her she yelled, " Do you think I am a prostitute selling my own body for money and that you rich people can quench your lust". Tears rushed out more and more.

" You rich people are the beast." she shouted but sound proof walls served as shield to send out the sounds.

Indeed she was in need of money to afford her mother's medical expense. Yet she was adamant that she should not exchange her body for money. She would rather choose to die than using filthy money.

Amidst her struggle, an excruciating pain penetrated into her body...

She was completely exhausted. She had been struggling for almost an hour. She felt as if to end her life but her pathetic mom in hospital gave her a little hope to live.

He finished savouring his lust. He was astonished to realised the incident happened actually contradicts his thoughts. He couldn't believe that he actually did something unacceptable. He calmly stood up but couldn't dare to look at the beautiful lady just raped by him.

Bed sheet was stained with bloods. She slowly hide sorrowful face on the bed between her knees. But tears couldn't stop. She couldn't think of what just happened.

Should I call the police but what can I possibly manage to do, she thought.

He wore his denim blue Jeans and wrote something on piece of paper. She didn't care what he is doing. She was lost into her thoughts.

" This is my phone number, let me know if this is not enough ". He left the room guiltily leaving 5000 on the bed.

She stood up from the bed in pain.

Her phone rang. She saw the doctor in charge of her mother calling.

" Hello". She received the call.

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