
Don’t Know The Law

Under a moonlight's eerie glow, a labyrinth of blackened trees stretched into the abyss, their branches like skeletal hands scratching at the darkened sky. Within this spectral forest, Rykenn walked with trembling legs, acutely conscious of his shadow stretching and contorting under the flickering luminescence of ghostly specters. His powers, the Law of Death, made him an unwitting lighthouse, unwittingly attracting the countless souls lost within this ethereal woodland. They appeared as wraithlike figures of faded light, drifting aimlessly and keening softly in the wind, their spectral eyes set upon him with urgency, desperation, and unchecked fear.

He shuddered and tightened his grip on his own arms, trying to make himself smaller, less visible. He remembered the rhythmic chant, echoing in his mind from the day he discovered his law—"Touch and go, touch and go. Touch and go..bearer of the Law of Death.."

Rykenn stuttered, "Law of Death? What is that..?"

Behind its morbid cadence hid the harsh reality of his power. A single touch from Rykenn, and life would ebb away into an unstoppable wave of darkness. His past was painted with this darkness - those bullies he had desperately wished away, not truly understanding the devastating reach of his powers.

As the phantom winds rustled through the leaves, it carried familiar voices, his tormentors from a time that once was. "Rykenn the weakling," a disembodied voice mocked, the chilling laughter of his past echoed through the trees. "Can't even stand up for himself!"

He stopped, a chill running down his spine. The transition between his haunting past and the spectral present blurred. The spectral figures circled around him, their countenances morphing into twisted caricatures of his bullies. They jeered and laughed as they had once done, their unending torment pressing against his resolve.

"No..." Rykenn whispered, his voice choked with fear and regret. "I didn't... I didn't mean…"

The phantom figures closed in, their laughter ringing in his ears. One reached out, its shadowy hand inches from his face. The familiar dread surged, remembering the deaths his touch yielded. And then, suddenly, the darkness was banished.

His words echoed through the shadowy expanse, a beacon of defiant truth ripping through the illusion. "I am not a killer."

A silence descended, his words hanging in the air like specters. The souls drew back, their laughter replaced with stunned silence. The forest receded, the spectral glow fading into oblivion.

In the throbbing silence of the forest, a figure materialized before Rykenn. It was Zennshu, a Youkai of ancient lore, now a harbinger of the Law of Death itself.

Zennshu is an otherworldly entity whose physical form encapsulates the haunting beauty of the spectral plane. Standing taller than an average human, he bears evidence of the Law he heralds. His skin has a pallid, almost translucent hue that emits a gentle luminescence, a spectral glow that has the texture of ancient vellum stretched over fine bone structure.

Ever changing, his eyes are two abyssal pools, seeming empty yet in their depths swirl constellations, hued amalgams of black and vibrant purple; they are an unfathomable reflection of cosmos, as if he holds secrets of worlds unseen, universes untouched. His hair, long and ebullient, flows from his scalp like panels of pure obsidian silk, stark contrast to his pallid magnificence, gently cascading down his lithe figure, gracefully weaving around his form in an ethereal dance with the eternal winds only spirits can feel.

He appears in the traditional garb of a Yamabushi monk - a piary white kosode wrapped with a black, hakama-style trouser. A yuigesa, a circular amulet, hangs about his neck, suspended from a vibrant red cord symbolizing his bond with the Youkai world.

Upon his face, he wears a mask, half of it resembling a beautifully serene countenance while the other half mirrors a hideously macabre grimace. It's a horrifying fusion of life and death, fantastically beautiful and perturbingly unsettling all at once, constantly reminding the viewer of the duality he embodies. This mask, an iconic visage, reveals as much as it hides about Zennshu, a physical manifestation of his law, his nature — the embodiment of Life, and it's inevitable partner, Death.

Rykenn stood still, swallowing the fear bubbling within him, as Zennshu began to speak, his voice echoing through the ominous silence. "Rykenn, the Law is a system older than time itself. Manifesting from the primal æther, Laws are born from the deepest desires, thoughts, emotions, and fears of sentient beings. They bridge the gap between reality and possibility."

Zennshu's shape wavered, like a ripple in a tranquil pond, before resolving itself back to the eerie steadiness from before. "Each Law henceforth acquires an existence, a consciousness, transitioning from mere concepts to living realities," he continued. "They require hosts, beings of the mortal realm capable of wielding them, channeling their powers, and establishing a bond."

Rykenn listened, as the spectral form before him laid bare the web of cosmic mechanics he was part of, much to his chagrin. As Zennshu spoke, an understanding dawned. "So, the Law... it chose me? But why? Why the Law of Death?!"

Zennshu met Rykenn's gaze. "Laws choose when there's a resonance between the nature of the Law and the host. It's a complex system and not even fully understood by us Youkai. Your fear of death, your longing for salvation from your tormentors, your desires, your thoughts, emotions..you had a list for them all..to die! HAHA!"

Rykenn gasped, "No..I couldn't have! Me?! Someone like me?! I don't do anything to anyone!"

Zennshu chuckled, "Oi, brat. You know that little voice in your head from earlier?"

"That was you…?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Zennshu grinned. "Wanna know more about these Laws?"

"You're crazy..! Where am I?"

"My domain, Duh. I'm a youkai. We can do things like that, but only once tho, so we better make this badass scene worth our while!"


"The Law System is predicated on the concept that powerful emotions and profound life events can awaken latent, supernatural abilities within individuals. Each person's unique power or 'Law' mirrors their personal experiences, emotions, and perceptions, making for highly individualized manifestations of power."

"That's like affirmations..similar to it.."

"I don't know what the HELL that is, but sure, yeah, whatever. Anyway, and I don't mean to get all science and shit here: For you, your power, the Law of Death, is a clear reflection of your experiences as a child who continually faced bullying and pain. You deep-seated feelings of sadness, anger, and perhaps a desperate yearning for self-defense or retribution catalyzed the awakening of your latent power. Your ability to kill anyone you touch, though terrifying, can be seen as an extrapolation of your desire for control over your circumstances - an extreme form of defense and deterrence. Additionally, the involvement of a youkai, such as I, a spiritual entity from another realm, adds a metaphysical aspect to your power, suggesting that these abilities may go beyond merely psychological and delve into the realm of the spiritual."

"Why are you explaining this to me like I'm a kid?"

"THAT WAS LITERALLY THE SMARTEST AND MOST NERDY WAY I COULD'VE SAID THAT. Additionally, The range of emotions is broad, and each has the potential to awaken different Laws. For instance, grief might induce powers related to loss or resurrection, while intense joy could derive powers focusing on giving happiness or manifesting one's heart's desire. As these powers are emotionally grounded, their control might also connect closely with the users' emotional state. During periods of heightened emotions, their Laws could grow more potent but erratic."

"..Are there any repercussions?"

"Each usage may have a cost, depending upon the Law. The cost could range from physical exhaustion to shorter lifespan, and more."



"With this stupid Law I have…I slaughtered at least a dozen delinquents outside…who knows what will happen to me! Please help me..I'm really not a murderer!"

"Geez, kid. Get a grip."

Rykenn thought, 'This youkai..not really scary looking..but completely ominous..'

Rykenn got himself, and took deep breaths, asking, "What do you have to do with all of this?"

"Haha! Good question! In the Law System, the Youkai in the spirit realm serve as the source of the Laws - they are the catalysts that awaken these unique powers within individuals. When a human experiences extreme emotions or life-altering events, there could be a resonance between these intense emotions and a corresponding Youkai's essence. Once a connection forms, a part of the Youkai's power embodies in the individual, creating a law that mirrors their emotional state and experiences. The Youkai-given powers bind to the emotional state and mental endurance of the individual, making these laws a mixed blessing that influences their development, offering them power and potential challenges. The Youkai and the individuals using their power are connected, shifting and growing as per their experiences in both the human and spirit realms."


"…I can't reveal too much. Us youkai have certain laws to follow too, ya know? Three simple rules. One: We can only physically touch you once. Anything more than that would kill me and you both."


"The second rule: We cannot help you with your life situations. And for the third and final and most important rule: No killing yourself to get rid of your Law. If you do, your soul will be mine."

"…Tch! Why would I do that?"

"You'd be surprised. There are those who have non dramatic and non fatal and dealt Laws, and they have ended their own lives due to the fact that they couldn't handle all of the responsibility. One crazy woman had the healing Law, An individual who has been consistently neglected or ill throughout their life may manifest the "Law of Healing". This Law could allow them to heal others' physical injuries or ailments, an ability developed out of a yearning to never let anyone else suffer physical hardship as they did. But she was being pressured everyday to heal people which drove her mad."

"How come..I never heard of this..?"

"This was almost 1,000 years ago. There are Laws…for everything."

"For everything…how am I supposed to go through the day? Every day? I go to school! I really don't wanna kill anyone else!"

"Pfft. Same shit, different day. What a drag. Many before you had the Law of Death, and they all said the same thing. Eventually, their emotions and thoughts and desires led them all down a path where they enjoyed having their Law."

"…That won't happen to me! I just won't touch anyone! That's it!"

"Okayyy whateverrr you say."

Rykenn opened his eyes, and he was in his room. He was sweating, and he said, "How did I get back..was that all a dream?"


Rykenn turned, and he saw Zennshu.

Rykenn screamed, and said, "What the hell?! How are you-?!"

"I'm assigned to you, since you have my Law."

"Can others see you?!"

"No. And you can't see anyone else's youkai, because your soul and desires are physically attached to my Law, the Law of your youkai, other youkai don't have any connection to you."

'So..I really took those delinquents out..? Please don't let that be really real. Oh! The news!'

Rykenn's room - an inviting personal haven - straddles the fine line between organized chaos and meticulous order. Posters showcasing multi-dimensional mathematical theories, snippets of foreign language syntax, and anime characters punctuate the walls, bookshops stuffed with well-thumbed paperback novels and dense textbooks on quantum physics line the east side. Architectural blueprints and scaled models meticulously crafted from balsa wood and foam board are strewn across a large drafting table, showcasing Rykenn's budding passion for architectural design. Rumpled sheets cover the narrow bed pushed against the corner near the single window, the curtain usually drawn back to let pools of sunlight dissolve into the threadbare, worn-out carpet. A worn wooden desk consumes the opposite wall, home to a sci-fi laden PC setup complete with a large monitor and an array of multi-colored LED lights blinking from the keyboards and mouse. Beside the desk, lending an element of the 21st century to the room, stands a sleek, curved flatscreen TV. In the corner squeezes in a towering bookshelf, a repository of a considerable amount of fantasy and sci-fi books, its lower shelves house stacks of D&D manuals, board games, and comic books. Amidst the typical juvenility, it's this impressive eclectic mix of complex theories, diverse culture, and imaginative flights that best encapsulates Rykenn's vibrant mental landscape.

Rykenn reached for his remote, and pointed it towards the TV, flipping to the news channel.

Zennshu asked, "Got any snacks or something?"

"I don't. Sorry. I don't have ghost food…"

"We can touch human food, smart ass."

Rykenn flipped to the news station, and he dropped his remote, with his heart pounding again.

The sudden, somber chiming of the breaking news segment filled Japanese living rooms as every major network turned their attention to a horrific, enigmatic event. Images of a secluded pedestrian bridge located on the fringes of the city cycled on the screens, shrouded in police tape and ominous shadows.

Seated at a sleek, modern news desk, veteran anchor Hiroshi Nakamura, commanded the screen, a note of alarm barely discernible under his practiced, level delivery. He raked a hand through his short, graying hair, glancing at the sheet before him before speaking, "In what is becoming one of the most disturbing mysteries our city has ever faced, over a dozen adolescents have been found deceased under the Yotsuya Bridge."

Mika Tanaka, a woman with long blonde hair, circle glasses, and blue eyes, a long-time correspondent known for her relentless crime reporting, quickly continued the revelation. "What makes this horrific event more chilling, Hiroshi-san," she added, adjusting her glasses with a grave look, "is that these youngsters weren't ordinary high school students."

She leaned towards the camera, the weight of her words sinking in. "Our sources from the local police suggest they were infamous for their delinquent behavior and were often involved in bullying incidents in and around their school. The mystery behind their unfortunate deaths remains to be solved." Alarm flashed in her eyes, mirroring the undercurrent of fear quickly spreading through the city, as the somber news of these young lives cut short kept reeling.

Rykenn staggered back, saying, "How long ago…did this happen? Before you brought me back home?"

"Almost two hours ago. I had no idea where you lived, so I had to peek into your brain a little. Got a bunch of calculations and shit in there, it was nearly impossible."

Rykenn thought, 'What if they find out it was me?! What would I do?! I don't wanna ruin my reputation! I wanna be an architect! Do I just fess up? What would that do? They wouldn't believe me. Shit! Shit!'

Also, Seven was watching all this at her house, Nanazaki was watching this from his house, and Megumi was watching this from her house.

Rykenn immediately pulled out his phone, and went on the famous social media app, KizunaNet.

On the popular Japanese social media network, *KizunaNet*, the news quickly ignited a storm of shock, grief, and speculation. Trending hashtags such as #YotsuyaBridgeMystery and #JusticeForVictims rapidly took over the site, replete with posts, comments, live streams, and debates.

The news also spawned a myriad of reactions and theories. @NerdOtaku89, known for geeky manga reviews, abruptly shifted topic, livestreaming an impromptu analysis: "Consider this urban lore... remember the curse of the Yurei Bridge from the Edo era? Coincidence? I don't think so... #YotsuyaBridgeMystery"

A flurry of comments continued to roll underneath the stream:

>@Yoshi: "My friend knew one of them. They were always harassing younger kids. But did they really deserve this?"

>@TokyoGirl94: "This is so scary… Who or what could have done this?"

>@SenseiAki: "Students, let's remember to show respect for the departed, despite the circumstances."

Local influencer @HarajukuHime turned her usually carefree feed into a hub for solemn reflection. "Whether bullies or not, these were someone's children. They had families who are grieving. Hate will not end hate. We need kindness now more than ever. #JusticeForVictims".

The air of uncertainty mixed with dread fueled a firestorm of speculation and conflicting sentiment across all of KizunaNet, as the nation grappled with this shocking event. KizunaNet, usually a platform for peace and unity, had become a landscape intertwining sorrow, fear, and a desperate longing for answers.

KizunaNet is a popular social media platform in Japan known for its focus on fostering strong connections or 'kizuna' among its users. As an amalgamation of various forms of social participation – from networking to discussions, livestreaming, blogging, and microblogging – it mirrors some aspects of western platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch, but also offers features distinct to Japanese online culture.

Key features of KizunaNet include:

1. **User Profiles:** Like most platforms, users can create personalized profiles to express themselves, follow friends, post status updates, and share images or videos.

2. **Hashtag Usage:** KizunaNet heavily emphasizes the use of hashtags for topic discovery. This allows users to participate in broader conversations, engage in trending topics, or follow-up on significant events, like the #YotsuyaBridgeMystery.

3. **Live Streaming:** An integral part of the KizunaNet experience is live streaming. Users can host live streams about hobbies, news, events, or interactive chats. This feature has given rise to many popular streamers across various interests.

4. **Blogs and Discussion Boards:** Other unique feature includes incorporation of blog-like posts allowing for longer discussions and the availability of themed discussion boards, a subtle nod to traditional Japanese internet bulletin boards.

5. **Culture-centric Communities:** KizunaNet provides a dedicated space for sub-communities related to classic and contemporary Japanese culture. Music, anime, manga, traditional arts, food, travel - every niche has vibrant communities.

6. **Interest-based Matchmaking:** In addition to a social graph based on existing relationships, KizunaNet uses interest-based matchmaking to suggest new friends, posts, live streams, and communities to users.

Rykenn sighed, "That's it. It's over. My dreams..my ambitions..I gotta turn myself in! I can't live with this regret..everyone thinks I'm some sort of monster!"

Zennshu replied with confusion, "Hm? I don't see your name brought up anywhere in all that."

Rykenn paused, saying, "That's true…maybe my life isn't over just right now..maybe there's still hope. If I turn myself in, and I come up with that crazy story of youkai and Laws..they wouldn't believe me. And I couldn't prove it."

"Say if someone did question you. How would you respond? If those pigs did find out you were the killer, and they asked how you did it. Knowing they won't believe that youkai gig."

Zennshu thought, 'Let's see how smart he really is..'

Rykenn answered, "I-I would say something like: You know, it has less to do with killing and more to do with altering physiology." "In simple terms," he continued, "it's about manipulating bioelectricity. You know how our bodies run on electrical impulses? Our nervous systems, our heartbeats, even our basic cell communication - all these depend on electrical signals. What I can do...," he paused, looking around the room, "is disrupt these signals." He lifted a hand, scrutinizing it as though it was the crux of the mystery. "When I touch someone, I introduce a significant charge that essentially blocks and interferes with these neural pathways. Blood oozing from the nose, eyes, ears, and mouth is a visible consequence of a rapid shift in internal pressure due to disrupted vascular systems."

Zennshu clapped, "BRAVO! MAGNIFICENT!"

"Don't do that..making me feel like I'm really a villain."

"Do you think you are?"

"…I don't know. I always wanted to be strong enough to defend myself. I didn't do that because I was scared of getting my ass kicked. And two, I thought retaliating against gang delinquents like Kage would ruin my reputation. I've known Kage since elementary school, and he's been beating me up and bullying me for years. And here you are telling me I wished death on him."

"You may not have spoken it, but your heart and emotions wished for it. When you were in fear earlier, leaving your little academy. you were subconsciously fearing that someone was gonna die. Either it was you, or your bullies."

Rykenn gasped, "…That's what that was.."

"Yep. So what are you gonna do now?"

Rykenn paused for a moment, standing in silence.

'Am I really doing this? Running? Hiding? Like I've always been doing? But I'm strong now..fatally strong. I don't want my reputation ruined, along with the relationship with my parents. I have many offers from high level colleges, a situation as serious as this could mess me up badly, after my parents worked so hard to help me in school and take me to places I couldn't reach by myself. My parents, the two top detectives in Japan, are my biggest supporters. I never really had friends like that at all. But they were always there for me. They put more work into my education than their own. I can't let them down. I'm pretty smart, right? I know what I need to do then..'

Rykenn released a breath, and said, "I'm not saying anything. I won't tell anyone a word about this. I'll just stay in the shadows, keeping my hands away from people. While me and you are gonna discuss how exactly my Law operates and functions. I know I'll have to avoid cops and a bunch of federal agents, and…my parents."

"Yeah…bad news."

"What is it?"

"I don't know exactly how your Law works, I just know you can touch people and they die. The way the Law works is different from each user."

"You've gotta be kidding me. Damn that's crappy. We'll be testing my limits then and anything else about my Law."

"Great idea. But you'll be trying to avoid your parents, right? Won't they be an obstacle in your journey of trying to lay low?"

"Yeah, they will. Outsmarting them will be hard, but not impossible. I'll just continue to blend in and be awkward as always, and avoid making physical contact right now until I study more on my Law, since you don't know how my Law works for me."

"Told you, it works differently with different users with different aspects, but they all-."

"-Kill with a single touch. Right?"


Rykenn looked down, and saw he was still wearing his bloody clothes, and he said, "First things first, gotta get rid of these clothes. I can't leave any traces…"

A fresh gust of wind whipped through the air as Mika Tanaka and her cameraman, Hiro, wound their way through Tokyo's bustling streets. Mika was a compact bundle of energy, bubbling over with fervor as she led the way. Her eager strides were quick but careful - always mindful not to leave Hiro behind as he balanced the bulky, professional-grade camera on his shoulder.

"Mochiron, you got my list, Hiro-san?" Mika began, a spark in her eyes. That list - their comprehensive shortlist of Japan's top detectives they were hoping to interview regarding the recent tragedy.

With a slight pant, Hiro lifted the camera strap higher on his shoulder, nodding, "Yes, Tanaka-san. Though, are you sure they'll be willing to talk?"

Mika shot him a side look, her mischievous grin glinting in the reflection of the city's neon lights. "That's where my charm and your camera come into play."

As they hustled down the packed sidewalk, Mika's vibrant energy was infectious. She had an uncanny ability to enliven every space she entered. Yet under her exuberance lay a palpable empathy that was particularly evident when she spoke about the recent tragedy - her voice would drop, an emotional catch fracturing her otherwise dynamic cadence.

"Hard to believe what happened, isn't it?" Her voice was softer now, essentially whispering over the city's hum. "So young... it's messed up."

The two walked in silence for a few moments, the gravity of their upcoming task settling heavy on their shoulders. Yet, in true Mika form, she soon broke the somber mood, her fiery resolve reigniting.

"We'll get to the bottom of this, Hiro-san, whether it takes all night or all week. Let's track those detectives down."

"Wait, isn't that them over there?" Hiro pointed, adjusting his baseball cap and black shades at the same time.

Mika smiled, "Them? Over there at the diner? Casually eating at that table near the diner? Oh! That is them! Let's go!"

Mika jogged over to the table, and said, "You two are the Five!"

Japan's five top detectives sat at the table.

Zero - (Male, 42 years old, Rykenn's father. White hair, red eyes, and red shades. Personality: Goofy but serious.)

Astra - (Female, 25 years old, Seven's older sister. Ash blonde hair, purple blue eyes with freckles. Personality: Quiet, only talks when spoken to.)

Bean - (Male, 33 years old, always wears a black beanie, ear length wavy brown hair, dark orange eyes. Personality: Ladies man, seductive male which comes in handy during undercover missions. Has a strong sense for justice.)

Resu - (Boy, 12 years old, dark red hair, dark reddish yellow eyes, always eating candy. Personality: Tries to be the leader of everything, sucks up higher ups for a higher position in the detective team. Childish, but is intelligent, who's won many academic awards also.)

Yumi - (Female, 40 years old. Rykenn's mother, black long hair, yellow eyes, and a cut in her eyebrow, and she was smoking a cigarette).

Yumi said, "A reporter? Great. Go away."

Next chapter