
my daughter

The day my husband took me home with him I was sad and yet I felt so happy. At first I felt very shy around my husband's family but his little daughter from his earlier marriage was the sweetest thing that ever happen to me. we build a bond and even though she is not my real daughter I felt as if she is my daughter. every where I go she will go with me.

after a year into the marriage I got pregnant. during those month it was one of the worth month I ever had. i have so many symptoms, it's to the part where I can't help much out in the farm. my husband at that time still loves me a lot so he was gather wood to boil water for me through out the process and soon my son was born. Since I never took care of a baby before I didn't know how to care for him. The first few month was very rough.

my daughter was very excited that she finally have a brother but after a year she grew sick. she started to loose weight and she grew very pale . since there was no doctor during those time I when to a herb man to ask him to give her a check up. he said she is find she just need some herbal to support her for the time being .

after she took the herbal she got better and I was so happy but those herb only work for a certain amount of time she went back to base one. and then something creepy happened. it was in the middle of the night, when i woke up to a very rotten smells, I can't tell where is it coming but the oder was so bad that I felt like vomiting. the next morning I went to see the shaman and the shaman say that the smell that I smell yesterday was my husband previous wife and that she is just coming by to get her daughter.

I was so scared but I dont want to lose my daughter she is to precious to me. so I begged the shaman to do a spiritual to ward off my husband ex wife. when he was done he told me that it can't be help the ex wife was to powerful. so I begged him to see if there anyone else who can help. so after begging him for a while he finally said that there is one solution but it might not work.

the shaman did a ritual to change my daughter name. it work or so I believe because my daughter got better but after awhile she went back to being sick. I never took my eyes off her because I was scare to loose her. my husband cry so much he would travel to different village to see if there any shaman who can help but it was all in vain.

my daughter from another mother eventually pass away. during the funeral my daughter looks as if she was still alive, we cry our heart out for her.

during the ritual the guide said that the spirit refuses to leave because it needed my last word of encouragement. while crying my heart out I pat her on the head and said " daughter you may have not been my daughter but I love you as if you are my daughter I love you very much I did all i can to prevent you from leaving but it's okay you will be with you mom don't worry about me you will always be in my heart" after I said that the guide said that my daughter is leaving.

after we bury her I had a dream about her, she was with her mom and she looks very happy .

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