
A School Trip


The school bell went and we were called to class. I sit in the back row of my class to avoid too much attention. We do not have to wear uniforms at my school so I just wear red and black. Sometimes people ask me if I'm okay because apparently I look depressed. I'm kind of the naughty girl in school. I've always felt like I didn't belong there.

"Okay class today we are going on a field trip!" my teacher, Miss Cameron said excitedly.

Before she could continue my whole class erupted in cheer.

"As I was saying, " my teacher continued, " We are going on a field trip! We are going to go to a Greek museum!" Miss Cameron said as if she were still excited.

My whole class went from happy to miserable. There was only one person in the whole class that was still excited. Her name is Zoey. Zoey is one on those teachers pets. She's such a "goodie too shoes". Ugh, I hate her. She used to comment on my looks with things like; "Oh my gosh you look like you wrapped yourself in trash" or "Oh my gosh do you ever moisturize?". Ugh, she's so lame

The teacher falls for her little tricks. She gets away with whatever she wants. The thing is that whatever she says ends with a smirk. She is always smirking at me. It's actually really annoying.

"When are we going?" Zoey asked with a huge smile towards my teacher.

"Now." Miss Cameron replied bluntly.

Everyone in the class quickly got up and started packing their bags. Zoey (obviously) finished packing first and gave me a smirk. She makes everything a competition. The whole class started running out the school towards the bus. I think I was the least excited for this feild trip. The reason was; for some reason I always get a weird feeling when I'm close to Greek things. I don't know what it is. Oh well. I guess I'm just going to have to role with the punches.

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