

I saw darkness, but I heard people talking around me."What should we do? If we don't take action now, we all are going to die." One person said."We can always kill her," Another said."But, their two different peoples, we can't kill the innocent." Another said. I was sure that it was a conversation between three people, two are girls and one is a guy. But, who were they talking about? Who are they gonna kill? My answers weren't answered. I tried opening my eyes but, I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I knew this was a dream, so I tried shifting the dream to another angle of the three people.

I woke up, I was panting. The dream has to be a vision for the future, I should be more careful from now on. It was the next day, meaning that we're going to the beach by the side of the vacation house. I prepared everything I would need; sunscreen, sunglasses, a beach umbrella, a floppy beach hat, and a beach mat. I got my stuff and went to the beach, it was really hot and summer was approaching soon. I set up the umbrella and the beach mat, I started putting on the sunscreen. Right after the others arrived, they went straight for the ocean. Everyone was out in the sun except me."Gin aren't you gonna so swimming in the ocean?" Aoi asked."No," I replied."Why not? I thought you liked being outdoors." Azumi said."No, it's only because I'm in school." I said."If you are not getting up and going swimming with us, then we will make you do it! Come on Ena help me get Gin into the ocean." Aoi said with a grin. I grabbed onto the umbrella while Ena and Aoi tried to drag me from under the umbrella."Noooo, I don't want to go!" I whined. In the corner of my eye, I saw Rin standing there laughing." Don't just stand there, help me!" I yelled."What do I get if I help you," Rin said with a smirk."I'll make your favorite dessert for a week." I said quickly."Hmmm...a month." Rin said."Fine a month," I said. Rin grabbed Aoi and dragged her to the shore and threw her in the ocean."Hey, what was that for!" Aoi yelled. Ena was distracted by Aoi right now. So, I ran to the other side of the beach where Bunko and Remi were. Luckily they had a beach umbrella. I sat down and catches my breath."Are they trying to get you to go to the water?" Bunko asked."Yeah," I said with a sigh."Why don't you want to go then? I thought you liked being outside." Bunko said."Not really, I'm only outside of school. I don't go outside often when I'm somewhere else," I said."Oh, now I know something about you," Bunko said."Sooner you'll probably know more about my personality if you'd like," I said. For about an hour Bunko and I were talking while everyone else is playing. I guess Ena and Aoi stopped trying to get me to swim.

A few hours later, I spotted someone on the beach. It was a group of guys, but I know that this is a private beach that my family owns. I could tell that Rin also noticed. We both walked towards them."Sir, this is a private beach, I suggest you leave now," I said."Who are you to tell me what to do? I do whatever I want. And you two looked hot in those bikinis." He said with a perverted smile."How about we play with you and your little friends." Another guy said. I looked at the rest of the girls, still playing. Then, I looked at Rin. She nodded. The guys surrounded Rin and me. The head of the group or what I thought was the head held my chin up and said,"You look pretty cute. Give me a kiss now would you." I grabbed his hand and threw him onto the ground."You piece you shit, get her!!" The other guy yelled. Luckily Rin watched my back and threw him, though I don't know where he'll go. The other 6 guys got out knives and two of them had a gun. I'm pretty sure that Remi saw the fight and she started running towards us, but the others knew to not come out since it's dangerous."Don't come!!!," I yelled."B-but," Remi said with a terrified expression. The guy with the gun pointed the gun at Remi. I ran to Remi just in time to take the bullet for her. The bullet pierced the skin near the waist. I groaned in pain, so I bit my tongue to ease the pain for a bit. Rin took down 3 of the guys with knives, and she had a scar on her arm. I saw the blood oozing from the bullet hole. Since I was a vampire, I had long nails. I stabbed myself on the wound and tried to get the bullet out. I got the bullet out, now the wound could heal but, I noticed that the bullet was made out of silver. So, the gang isn't normal, they are aiming to kill Rin! Remi sat by my side crying. I got up again,"Don't!!! You're wounded you need to rest! Please don't leave...," Remi said with tears coming from her eyes. This reminded me of when I was little, I was always alone. I once had a friend or someone who I considered an older sister named Nagisa but, she died because of me. I never forgave myself after her death. Nagisa died trying to save me from those people that we meet when walking home."Forgive me," I said. I murmured a spell and tapped Remi's forehead. She fell back but, I caught her and layed her down slowly. I cast a spell so, Remi won't remember this when she wakes up. I cut my arm and drew a ritual circle with my blood, then I chanted a summoning spell. The sky turned red and in my hand was the Blood Scythe. Some of the men saw me and started charging at me. I walked towards them slowly and as we got in a close range. I used the blood scythe and slashed through each and one of them. There fell dried up corpses. By the corner of my eye, one of the gang members is aiming the gun at Rin. I teleported behind the gang member. As he turned his head around, I bit his neck. He screamed in agony as I sucked him dry. I wipe the blood from my mouth and started running towards Rin. She was worn out and a gang member is going to attack her. I slashed the guy in the back and he fell down face first. I got Rin up, and cut my arm."Here drink my blood," I said. Rin was too exhausted to complain. A Vampires blood especially a noble's can heal almost any wound and restore you to your best condition. Rin got up,"Did you stop time with the Blood scythe?" she asked."Yes, the situation is under control," I said.