
Chapter 3

**Chapter 3: Going to the Library**




it's 5 am already.

I roll out of bed, give a satisfying stretch, and hit the bathroom for a quick wash. Today's daily mission: a morning run, a recent addition to my routine.




Out on the dirt trail, I spot a grassy field. Blades of grass dance in the breeze, and flowers —some pink, some yellow—paint a gorgeous picture. I pause, tempted to snap a pic, but some moments are better tucked away in memory.

The run takes me to an empty park; it's too early for the crowd. A sip from the fountain refreshes me as I sit on a bench. My mind's refreshed, and my body's got that good kind of tired-but-energetic vibe.

Thoughts wander, to a version of me wrestling with depression for two years before calling it quits. Even with time ticking away, the help he needed never came.

Old Jin had a lot of reasons to live for, yet the will to live slipped through his fingers. Weirdly, that misfortune became my ticket to this life. I guess it was a good thing for me?

Alright enough with the negative thoughts. Let's spin this vibe around. Streaming's on my radar—kinda niche here, but hey, why not aim for the stars? It's doable, especially for someone with my limited freedom, legally speaking.

Here's the kicker, though—I'm not keen on showing my face. Blame it on the introvert in me or the fear of fame's downsides. Am I being a tad overconfident, dreaming of fame without even setting up an account? Eh, dreaming's a good thing, right?

Well, it's just an idea, might go somewhere, might not. Then there's the backup plan: scribbling down novels and fiction, dragging my world into this one. Another path to stroll down, perhaps?

Okay, enough thinking let's go home.Walking back I soak in the scenery. The sun throws a warm, golden blanket over the already stunning greenery. Life, you're not too shabby.

I get back home. As the morning sun filters through the kitchen window, I decide to whip up a comforting breakfast. Leaving alone for the most part, and having a house to take care of. I know how to cook and do daily nessicites. Maybe I could become a stay in husband. Haha jokes. I scoop up grains of short-grain rice, letting them tumble into the bowl. The pan on the stove starts to hum, and soon, I'm swirling eggs, soy sauce, and mirin in a gentle concoction that fills the air with a savory promise. The nori sheets patiently wait their turn, and the rice cooker chimes in with its own sound. I take my time chopping crisp veggies for a salad, each slice sounding through the quiet kitchen with a satisfying crunch. And when everything comes together on the plate – tamagoyaki, steaming rice, and a healthy salad – it's not just a breakfast; it's a moment of peace, a simple human pause before the day takes off. Living alone sure have its benefits to.

I don't really have anything in the agenda today. I woke up early? Check. Morning exercise? Check. Breakfast? Check. What to do now. Maybe I should make a list? I like the thought of having well organized plans to follow.

I was also wandering if I should text Shoko. But is to early for that maybe. Just 6:37 am. Oh well doesn't hurt sending a quick, "Morning". She can respond when she sees it.

[Jin: Good Morning Shoko]

Shoko's POV


I turn to my night table to grab my phone. Checking the time is, 9:04 am. And there is a notification from LINE. Is from Jin.

WAIT WHAT. I quickly open my phone and look at his message. Good morning!?

Doesn't people usually write this to their boyfriend/girlfriend or just someone close. But we are just friends right!? Does he maybe like- NO!

I slap my face slightly! Is not the time to be delulu.

I write a message quickly!


Omg Nooo what if he thinks all caps is annoying and that I'm yelling at him!? Ugh I'm so stupid!

[Shoko: Sorry for the caps Jin. And good morning to you as well.]

Oh oh! He entered the chat!

[Jin: Don't mention it Shoko. And I just wake up very early.]

Somthing to note!

[ Jin: •••]

He is typing!? He is continuing the conversation?!

[ Jin: How was your sleep]

..I pinch myself. He asked me how was my sleep?

Jin's POV

Kind of a risky text. Asking her how well did she sleep. She might think I'm into her. Which I'm, but might be taking things to fast, especially if she isn't interested in me.

Because yea she has(?) a crush on me. But somthing I forgot to take note of before is that, that was 2 years ago. Yea I still noticed from the memories, that she likes me, but never can be to sure.

After all, what if she was just being nice? And trying to look out for me? Like I did for her?

Or am I just becoming dense as well?

I'm not a reader anymore..so maybe.

[Shoko: I slept very welll Jin. And you?]

Took her a while to respond back. Should i retreat? But she also asked me about myself, so might be in the green still..

[Jin: Same.]

What to ask next… dang it. Next time I'm writing a whole script for this.

Let's just say what comes to mind for now.

[Jin: Any plans today?]

[Shoko: Not really. Might visit the library later to borrow books, to read over the summer. Already finished reading my current ones.]

Second longest text so far from her. Maybe she is a book lover? Noted.

AND I was planning to go visit the library to! Maybe not today, but now, I think I NEED to go.

Can't waste this opportunity send my way!

[Jin: Really!? I was planning to go as well today.]

[Shoko: Oh Really?]

[Jin: mhmm.]

Shoot I don't know how to proceed. Should I ask her to meet up at the same time? But won't that be to fast? We been talking for not even 2 days yet. Yes I know her from before, but is been 2 years, now is as if our friendship rested. And even before, we would only hangout in school, even that barely.

Well is okay…I have a idea.

[Jin: Well enjoy your day Shoko.]

[Shoko: You to Jin.]

Let me cook guys..

Alright I'm here at the library. Siting by a table that's near the entrance. So what plan did I cook up with?

Ima just stay here at the library. The whole day, she will show up at some point.

Is it creepy? Yes…am I still doing it? Yes..

What if she plans to not show up anymore?

Then to bad to sad..

And I do have a lot to study over, so would've stayed here for a long period of time either way.

Got 2 books, one for math and one for science. "The Language of Lines: Understanding Geometry Concepts", and "Earth Science 101" Let's start off small and see how improved my brain really got.

And already had finished algebra and biology in middle school. Since my middle school was offering those classes, so got it done, simple brag.

Time started passing by. It was almost 2 hours since I got here. 10:56 am.

And let me tell you… I LOVE THIS. I never learned this fast, things were never this easy. From my memories I could tell the old Jin was smart. But this is next level! Is as if our fusion of our souls made me smarter or somthing! You know the typical novel's BS.

These concepts took one reading, and I would understand it fairly quickly. I put them to the test to, taking a a few quizzes online. Scoring high 90s on them. Even the ones I got wrong, I would confidently say, I will never get them wrong again. I love this so much.. in a modern world, this is one of the best things to have, a good mind in your head.


Jin glanced up from his books, his eyes fixed on the library door as it swung open. The anticipation that had been building throughout the day reached its peak. Nervous and excitement surged through him as he awaited Shoko's entrance. He had been looking over to the door each time he heard it open today.

And this time the door revealed her, their eyes met. Time seemed to slow for an instant, the library's quiet atmosphere framing the moment. A mix of emotions danced between them, and a small blushing smile from Shoko signaled the beginning of their face-to-face reunion. The door closed behind her, sealing the moment in the hushed slience of the library.

Author's Note: I think this story is kinda slow paced. I decide to keep it that way for now. And some people might cringe or feel corny at times, but cut me some slack, I'm not a expert in writing romance..

Any ideas? Let me know. Is Appreciated.

Words: 1538

Till Next Time!

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