158 Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

Of course, Xianwang knew that they were in the same university. He was testing the two of them to get to know how their relation is actually.

He gave out his charming smile and replied,

"Of course, she told me. I was just wondering, even I address my girlfriend formally in the office. So I actually didn't like you calling her by her name." He replied straight forwardly.

"O..." Yefang put his head down and sniffed.

"Then I think you don't know our relation, Mr. Kong."

"Even though you don't like it, I can't help with it. It's an habit." Yefang said with a face full of mockery.

"Can I ask you one question then?" Xianwang said.

"Yes, of course."

"If your relation is that deep, then how come you didn't recognize her the first day in the meeting?"


While Xianwang and Yefang were biting each other with their words one little soul was on the verge of bursting into laughter.


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