
Guitar Buddies

Inside the car, i keep on thinking how unfair things for Gabriel. Knowing i am engaged to somebody else and still manage to send me off with a smile on his face. If i could, i would let the whole world know who Gabriel is., but sadly things arent simple as i wish. I have a company to protect, a business were my father put his blood to build up. My father too wish for me to have somebody who will help both with work and can protect me with all the lurking danger that is included on being on top wealthiest family in the country. Gabriel comes from a humble family, we met by coincidence. 5yrs ago, i was 13 and It was one of those days when i felt suffocated on my private lesson and end up going out and walking randomly on a music store.

I am blessed with knowledge on understanding business like it was ABC but music is something more like quantum physics for me. As i was standing outside the window glass of the store, there i saw a man sitting in the corner playing his guitar. Judging by his youthfull looks probably we are on the same age, My eyes follow his hand as he gently swayed it against the strings. I can fairly hear the melody, it was gentle and soothing, calm if i can use one word to described it and on cue the melody turned fast like it was a big wave from the ocean, one by one hit my soul, the soothing feeling awhile ago was replaced by dangerous yet exciting rythym.

It was powerful yet not noisy and irrating in the ears, I was never a fan of rock and loud music but without knowing it i was already inside of the music store, standing right infront of the guy. I wasnt even aware that he already stop playing and was just starring at me. I was dumbfounded when suddenly he ask me if i needed anything.

"Miss is there anything i can help you with?"

With his professional smile plaster in his face i can easily guess he is probably working in the store.. and playing music was part of their promotion to get peoples attention.. And i must say it is a pretty effectived since it brings my feet in here..

"Guitar" is all i was able to say..

"Oh you play guitar too! well, i can definitely help you with that. My name Gabriel, you can call me Gab since were both Guitar buddies". He stretch his hand and wanted give me a High five..

The me who never know how to play guitar wasnt able to say anything to this sale clerk who now keeps on talking about strings, chords, and mostly anything related to that so called instrument..

"Vanny, my name is vanny and i was just thinking of buying my first guitar. Im a begginer so i dont know which brand is good for a newbie like me."

He exitedly guide me the far corner of the store and show me diffrent sizes color of guitars.

2nd chapter ^_^ thank you for giving time :)

"Happy mothers Day to all"

MrsMorningStarcreators' thoughts
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