
My Fucked Demon System

Damian was born without an ability which leads to a life of getting bullied until he strikes a deal which might not get him what he wants or it might get him exactly what he wants. With the power in his hands now Damian just needs to choose what he will do with it and why he wants to do it. This novel will/might be viewable on royalroad under the same title but with the author name of Shadow_flippy. :D

flippy_flop · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 6: Ranker

"You're a student with an SS rank capability. Please call me Godrick," Mr Greenwood suddenly said when Damian was about to leave. He looked back and nodded. "I'll be in your care then, Godrick".

Damian wandered down the hall as he waited for class to start. He was thinking about the privileges he would get for his ability rank. "Damian, come with me." Damian turned around to see Miss Raven behind him. He nodded and then proceeded to follow her down the corridor to the classroom.

When they enter the classroom, the teacher asks Damian, "Do you know what the Rankers Union is?". In response, he says, "It's the organization that all the rankers are under and benefit from depending on certain occasions".

Miss Raven nods, "The RU will be where you get the benefits for your SS ability. You have to enter your information onto the site at home and then pass a voice recognition test, and you'll be able to access your page. Once you do this, you can navigate and find your benefits. Do not ask me about them because I've never heard or seen them".

Damian nodded, "Thank you for telling me. Is there Anything else you need, teacher?" She nodded and then walked away, with Damian following her to the classroom.

When they got inside, Miss Raven bowed her head to Damian and said, "Please help me, Damian." Damian looked at her, confused about what was happening, but decided to speak without worries: "Continue speaking, but don't raise your head when talking to me." 

Miss Raven frowned at his crude remark but did nothing against it because of her situation: "My name is Isabella Raven, and I'm the only child of the current head of the Raven family, one of the 4 legacy families."

Damian noticed that she spoke with pride in her voice when mentioning her family. Then he remembered the legacy families: '4 families that each got a separate blessing from 4 original rankers that were part of the portal sealing 17 years ago.' He smiled, thinking about the chance this could grant him. He looked down at her. "That doesn't explain why you're asking a student for help, Isabella."

The teacher seemed annoyed that he called her by her name, but she brushed it off and continued, "Due to my achievements not meeting the minimum requirements for my family, they want to strip me of my position and make me a normal member. While my father, the patriarch, is on my side, he can't hold off all the elders wanting to kick me out and put up their kid in replacement of my position."

Damian thought for a minute, then asked, "How am I meant to help you with his situation". Isabella's eyes lit up. "If you were to announce your rank and then say that you have some sort of relationship with me, I wouldn't have to worry due to having an SS ranking backing". He thought about it and then spoke, "That doesn't make sense. I'm only a C rank now. Sure that my future may bring me to SS rank, but that doesn't prove anything now".

Isabella giggled a little "When you have a chance to be SS rank in the future, you are treated as such, so you get all the resources you could want, and no one will mess with you due to being backed by the RU who have the most number of SS rankers in the world".

He thought about it and eventually accepted it, even if he found it stupid in the meantime. "Okay, I'll agree to your proposition on one condition," he said while holding out one finger in front of her.

Isabella looked up hopeful "Anything within my power" Damian smiled then spoke as if it was natural to say, "Become my slave". Damian suddenly felt the urge to kneel as his bones started to creak and he saw an angry Isabella in front of him. "A slave! I might have asked for your help, but you have gone too far". Damian snorted, then spoke, "Fine, you can be the one to get kicked out of your family and left to fend for your own with your mediocre talent". Isabella halted her next attack while staring at him with flames in her eyes. "I want to lay my terms as well". 'This is where my journey starts', he thought while trying not to let his bones break.

Isabella released her Skill and then spoke, "How are we going to enforce this contract? I could simply leave after I get your help". Damian smiled as he said, "With this," then held out a piece of paper that had a deep red colour and a sulfuric smell. 

{Skill used Contract}

{Anything written on this piece of paper will be bound to the Soul of the parties that sign this Contract and will be enforced by the grand will of the universe if it is broken }

Damian spoke before she got a chance. "This is part of my ability. It's a contract that will bind us by the soul, and our very existence will be in danger if we break it". She looked at the Contract, and her face twisted in anger. "Where are my terms!" She shouted while seeing the Contract.

[ Slave Contract ]

[ Isabella Raven will be Damian Locke's slave/property. ]

[ Any sort of violence or betrayal by Isabella Raven will be met with appropriate punishment issued by Damian Locke ]

[ Damian Locke will have complete control over Isabella Raven's Soul] 

[ Damian Locke will have to vouch for the Raven family on behalf of Isabella Raven ]

[ Master sign here _________ ]

[ Slave sign here _________ ]

Damian looked at her and said, "You don't have any special terms because you're the one who is in need, not me; you either agree to my terms, and we go from there, or if we forget any of this happens, then I will never help you". Isabella looked between Damian and the piece of paper in front of her and bit her lip hard. She muttered, "I agree" Then she swiftly signed the paper and chucked it to Damian, who was breathing heavily and shaking with excitement, thinking about what he could do to her now.

After both parties signed the contract, it went up in flames, and Isabella could feel a power deep inside her, seemingly lurking around her Soul. Damian smiled at her while trying not to show his excitement. "I'm glad you accepted my beautiful slave," he said. 

Isabella grunted, "Whatever Damian ju—" She was cut off by a powerful fire throughout her entire body, and she fell to the ground, feeling like she was burning from the inside out. He crouched down in front of her, "Call me Damian again, and I'll leave you like this until class starts. But you can call me Damian around other people."

Isabella hurriedly said, "Master, I'm sorry for saying your name. Please stop this pain" She felt like her whole body was getting dragged through the flames of hell as she thought the fire getting stronger and stronger by the second.

Damian laughed and snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the pain went away, and she was free from it. Now, you should know not to go against me, or you'll feel that repeatedly." Isabella felt her body hurt at the thought of going through that again. Thank you for your mercy, master." 

Damian could feel the disgust in the word master, but he didn't mind because he was sure it would change as it went on. He was shaking with excitement at the thought of his slave doing all sorts of things for him: 'I won't do anything to her until I'm 18 so I can be classified as an adult; I'll have at least this much morals'.

{ Host has gained a slave }

{ Proceeding to hand out rewards }

{ 1 x House Badge }

{ 1,000 Exp }

{Soul stealing scythe }

{Skill obtained: Demon ritual }