
Farm house!


Our summer vacation were just started those days, with my full family I went to our farm house 10 km from the city life. I love the place now because there is no noise lots of fresh air fine grassland and ducks, cows, hens and in night the voice of cricket makes the place more beautiful with lots of fireflies on the green grass creates a memorable moment.

We all love to sit on the ground at night and singing songs also eating my mummies special tasty fried peanut with lots of spices in its. Then we talk and hours passed like waves passes in sea.The days were great I missed those days also miss my special friend who only arrive on the summer days when I and my sister went to our farm house. He was Pi-pa my friend, a great guy whenever he knew that I came to my farm house he also came. But now things changed enough as our place in the farm house was cleared for cottage work for rent workers and the other half remains same.

No one in my family knew about Pi-pa. I and my sister Nancy decide not to tell anyone about him that why it was a secret friendship.


10 years ago, I am 9 years old and Nancy was 5 years we both went to our farm house but that time our uncle's family won't came due to my cousin sister's exams which was conducted after one day of holidays. So we both feeling not interested in our holidays but something going to change in our life.

Nancy and I decided to sleep outside our farm house so, we took two folding bed, a story book, two candles and matchbox. I started reading storybook (horror), I remembered the lined was"the door open with a shill voice the girl stood up and took the the vase " and suddenly we heard a sound which came from the elephant grasses. I suddenly lit up the candle, then we both move slowly forward. I asked, who's there? No replied came.We both were becoming full with fear as the sound became more as we moving into the elephant grasses.When we enter middle of the grass we found the scarecrow was fallen but with it a baby scarecrow was there and he was sleeping.We was scared of him so we shouted and he woke up and seeing us he also shouted Aaaaaaaaaaaahaaa!!!

Then I said, all of you stop. And who are you?


He stood up, and replied in wheeze voice I am Pi-pa from other galaxy. When Nancy listen she fear of him and I asked why are you here?

He replied, mistaken I have to go to another galaxy but my engine fails and I came here.Pi-pa asked me what's your name I replied Kiya and she's Nancy.We both thought you are a baby scarecrow and we scared out, so Pi-pa shall we call you Pie? He replied, yes. We both will not tell to anyone about you Pie ok you can stay with us in our secret room. I said, Pie gave your engine to me I will cover it with our folding bed and you enter into our home through back door ok.Lets go! We three entered into the home and our friendship also started.


Pie only eat my mummies made peanut and biscuit and work at night, at that time we all went to farm's backyard. There I reads the story book Nancy listen it for 5 to 10 min then she slept after then I and Pie talk 2 to 3 hours about him, his planet, his family, his livelihood, his education e.t.c. He said that he was just 15 years old(10 years ago) I was shocked because he was shorter then me but taller then Nancy appears like a baby I asked him how could you? He said, in his planet everyone was dwarf in size but they were genius he was a scientist at the age of 12.I said are you joking he said no Kiya we complete our study at age of 12 and have to join the profession in 13. Then I asked so, why you choose scientist as a profession? Pie answered, no no I didn't chose in our planet parent and councillors decide which would be perfect for us.Oh! I don't knew it. I asked him question after a question and he answered one after another lastly at 3 a.m he said now you have to sleep good morning I thought that! I became tired and said good night Pie.


Next day, we three went to saw our field situated near the lake, Pie was taking interest in sight of farm he loved everything the fields with crops, ducks in lake cows near the field. Pie said, in their planet also agriculture was done but in underground and by scientific methods only so, no one was able to saw how it grow and harvested.Only they purchases it from shops, with good quality one.Pie, I and Nancy ate carrot and cucumber from the plant in the field when our uncle saw us I put him into my bag and ran out of the field to our farm house.

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