
My Forever with you

"Life is the flower for which love is the honey" .......... " Its feels so nice under the sky, hey look.. there are so many star's in the sky"she said pointing at the stars "But i'm more interested in my moon" he said looking at her. ............ Elena's life has always been limited to herself, completing her studies she wanted work for fulfilling her dreams. Being the only child she was always pampered by her parents. Under their guides she never knew of the outside world. she wanted to experience every thing from love to life. Lucas Thomson, known for his playboy image never wanted to have a serious relationship. He treated women like piece of cloth, changing after having fun with them. The only heir of PM Enterprises, he had everything from good looks to money. But what will happen when he starts getting attracted to a girl who have never had any experience in love? ................ "Wh- what do you want? " she said stammering. "Your heart"he said looking at her intently. " why? "she said looking in his eyes. " Because i want it to beat for me as my beats for you... " taking her hand he place it on his heart for her to listen. ............ Come join me with the journey of Lucas and Elena from how they fall in love and experience new turns in their lives. P. S: This cover doesn't belong to me credit to the respected owner. You can follow me on Instagram:@ author_ akshaya

akshaya_vanne · Urban
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335 Chs


"Do you understand what I mean.." she trace her thumb on his lips.

"You just needed to be more soft Sunshine.." he pulled her by her neck and smashed her lips. 

Lucas kiss was rough and not soft like he always did. He poured his anger in that one kiss for making him cry for her attention.

After devouring her lips, he pulled back when he felt her getting out of breathe. He rested their forehead together touching the tip of their nose he inhaled to grasp some air.

"Never do that again sunshine... your silence makes my heart stop beating" he took a deep breathe before pulling back. He was scared thinking she might not talk with him again and just leave him alone.

"You needed this silent treat or else how would you have spill everything.. and that too with this cute crying face" she chuckled as she snake her arms around his torso resting her head on his solid chest.