

Yuqi put her bag on the desk loudly and sat beside Sosuke. She glared at him for a while but seeing that he did not care...she patted his back strongly, as much to cause a stinging pain for poor Sosuke.

"Are you mad? Why would you hit me?",he asked irritated.

"Why are you ignoring me? What did I do?",she clearly seemed angrier than him.

"I am not ignoring you! Stop it okay?",he replied.

"Fine. I stop! Now you start talking. Whenever I ask you or tell you something... respond! If you don't , I will hit you harder!",her voice now seemed to tease him.

After a few minutes Kaito and Hotaru entered and then slowly the rest of the class. Before the first lesson could start the class teacher came inside.

"Two weeks from now, our school will conduct the annual sports event. I am giving the sport options to Yuqi. You can go to her and tell what you want. It is compulsory for a student to at least choose one sport...of course you can choose more than one.",she said while keeping the sheet on Yuqi's desk.

Few students screamed "BOO" while the others screamed "YEAH"! It was a total chaos for a moment before the teacher hushed them and went.

Almost instantly students started crowding on Yuqi's desk and told their preferences. When everyone was done, she wrote hers and asked Sosuke.

From what she remembered, Sosuke was a pretty good runner and he happened to choose the 100m race at the moment as well. Soon laughters and noises grew as it was break time. The moment the second bell rang for notifying that it was break, Masahiko Hisashi was outside the classroom waiting.

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