

Sosuke lifted Yuqi by the waist and made her sit on the back of his cycle. Before Sosuke could start pedaling Masahiko came again.

"Didn't she come in a cycle too? What happens to that?", he asked.

"Firstly, I am not able to understand why the hell do you keep on blocking our way! Isn't your curiosity a bit too much? Next, we came on the same cycle together, today. I hope you can now stop blocking us!",he said angrily in one breath.

The moment he moved aside, Sosuke pedaled fast and made his way. Yuqi could not bear to look at Masahiko's face. She hung her head low while she held onto Sosuke's shirt tightly.

Looking at the scene made Masahiko's blood boil.

The two kept on going without talking to each other. After a while Yuqi couldn't stand this silence and asked,"What's wrong with you? Why did you talk with him like that?".

"I don't like him. His face is enough to annoy me!",he said angrily.

"Do you seriously like him?",he asked. He tried hard to mask his jealousy. Deep in his heart, he did not want her to say yes.

"I don't like him.",Yuqi said instantly.

'Yes!Yes!Yes!' Sosuke thought. Yuqi could not see his face right now,the big hearty smile that had appeared, as she was sitting behind him. But his happiness didn't last long.

"I mean I don't like him yet. I am trying to move my heart. He sincerely likes me. I should give him a chance.",she said innocently.

"Oh!",he said.

That's it. That was his reaction. Honestly, Yuqi wished for a better reaction but what she got was a 'Oh!'. She kept o thinking while observing Sosuke's reaction to Masahiko as jealousy. But the 'Oh!' confirmed that he was not jealous. She felt disappointed for getting her hopes up.


But we all know she isn't wrong about hi being jealous. But do you think he will ever show it? Do you want him to?


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