

The firmness in his voice while stating an absolute fact made Yuqi's facial expression grow dark. She wanted this to happen but she was not happy and Hotaru knew it. Hotaru was confused for a second but understood what was probably going in Yuqi's mind. "She fell for him! She already fell for him!", Hotaru thought in her mind.

Sosuke and Yuqi were quiet for most of the day. During lunch break Hotaru confronted her,"You realize you like Sosuke right?".

"Have you finally lost it Hotaru? I don't like him! I know my feelings and I know this for sure.",Yuqi replied with a hint of hesitation and anger.

"The faster you accept, the better it is for you! Trust me on this. You don't have to tell him if you don't want to, but accept it first. Then it will be easier for you to get over him.",Hotaru stated.

Yuqi knew that her friend was right. She was right in whatever she had said. The expression that Yuqi wore told Hotaru right away that she accepted her feelings for him. However it was understandable that she did not want Sosuke to know... Things would end up becoming awkward.

Weeks passed and then months. Sosuke and Kaito's bond grew stronger and the number of love letters and confessions he received were consistent. But no matter how ignorant Sosuke was, he could understand there was something going on with Yuqi. Whenever he talked about the love letters he got, she would change the topic and act weird.

The first term exams came to an end and the school festival was approaching. What new events will this school festival bring?

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