
Love at First Sight

It's 8'oclock in the morning and I still haven't showered yet. Just another shitty school day. As take off my sheets and fold my blanket, I begin to feel anxious realizing that today is the final exam to determine what college we got to. I really want to go to University C, but the tuition there is crazy. $100,000 a month? That's a huge nope from me. My family is not as well off as you would think we were. My dad has a job as a computer engineer and my mom is a window cleaner. If you think about it we are average, but sometimes average isn't enough. Not when winter comes by and not when we don't have enough money to pay for the air conditioning.


The thoughts of me not having enough or not being like the other girls at my school spiked through me as I felt the warm, droplets of water drip down my back and the sting from the shampoo, because I didn't close my eyes when I showered. I felt so alone, that the warm water emitting from the shower was like someone embracing me to tell me it was all going to be okay. Like that time when someone was really there for me...my first love, Antoinne Le.

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