
Your Warm Embrace

Monday morning your thoughts awoke you before your alarm could do its job. You couldn't get your date with Jungkook off your mind... you couldn't get HIM off your mind. Every time you think about him your heart begins race faster and faster, you can feel yourself blushing as your face gets hot.

But you pull yourself together to get ready for work. You dread this every single day considering your relationship with your father.

You grab your keys and head to work after getting ready and making breakfast.

After a 20 minute drive you arrive at your father's company, or as you like to call it, pure hell. You walk in and greet everybody as you make your way up to the top floor where your father's office is. When you go in though, the first thing you see is Jungkook's bright smile as he sees you walk in. You couldn't help but to smile back.

'Why is he here? He does have his own company to manage after all.' You thought to yourself.

"Y/n, I have a task for you and would like for Mr. Jeon to assist you in doing so. He is well experienced in business and I believe you could learn a few things from him." Your father explained.

He handed you a folder, assuming that whatever he had given you to do was in there, you and Jungkook left the office. As soon as the both of you made it to your own office you couldn't help but ask.

"Jungkook don't you have your own business to manage instead of being here and helping my father and me?"

"I do but my secretary is very responsible and takes over for me when I am not there. My father left him in charge to watch over me, so I trust that the company is in good hands while I'm gone." Jungkook said with a sweet smile. "Now how about we take a look at this file and see what we are doing today." Jungkook motioned his head towards the folder in your hands. You both sat down at your desk and opened it up.

After five hours of working the both of you finished the job and went back to your father's office to hand it in.

"Do you want to go get something for lunch with me?" Jungkook asked.

"Yea sure, I'm actually really hungry." You went back to your office and grabbed your purse as he waited by the elevator. The both of you went downstairs to his car and headed out.

"So what do you want for lunch?" Jungkook asked.

"Hmmmm, I'm kinda in the mood for Italian. What about you?"

"Italian sounds good to me. I'm not a very picky person." Jungkook said as he nervously scratched the back of his head. "There is actually a new Italian place that opened up near by. I heard that it was really good."

"Oh ok then let's go there!" You said excited.

As you walked up to the restaurant doors Jungkook opened them for you and lead you in. The waiter gave you a table for two and soon after your food came out.

As Jungkook and you get to talking you began to realize something. The two of you actually have quite a lot in common. Like gaming, food, business, drawing, and even down to favorite colors.

As you were eating you felt your phone vibrating. Checking to see who it was you saw your father's name.

"Jungkook it's my father, do you mind if I step outside to take this real quick?"

"No, go ahead. I wouldn't want to keep him waiting." Jungkook replied.

You stepped outside the restaurant to take the call out of respect to the other people inside and answered the phone.

"Hello father." You answered.

"Y/n I would like to tell you that you and Jungkook did an excellent job on the task I had given you. You may have the rest of the day off, I do not need you for anything else at the company today." Your father said.

"Alright, thank you father."

You made your way back inside the restaurant and told Jungkook the news.

"Wow he gave you the rest of the day off?!" Jungkook asked surprised.

"Well his exact words were ' I don't need you for the rest of the day' so yeah, I have the day off." You told him. Disappointment covering your face.

Jungkook saw the sad look on your face as you explained that your father only wanted you if he could use you, and decided to try and cheer you up.

"Well since you don't have to go back to work, we have time for dessert if you want some?" Jungkook said as he tilted his head, smirking at the corner of his mouth.

You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and agreed that dessert would be great right about now. Jungkook ordered something off the menu called a Vanilla Fudge Mountain for the both of you to share. It was a large hot brownie with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

When it came out your eyes widened at the size of it.

"There is no way one person could eat that thing by themself. It was bigger than my head!" You said with your mouth hanging open in amazement.

Jungkook saw your expression and laughed at your reaction, which in return made you laugh. You couldn't believe how adorable his laugh was.

The both of you went straight for the dessert and stayed at the restaurant another 20 minutes trying to finish it off. In the end there was still half of it left though.

"Ugh, I'm stuffed. I don't think I can eat another bite." You said as you put the spoon down.

"Same here." Jungkook said as he let out a deep breathe revealing how full he was.

The both of you let out a small laugh and began to gather your things. Jungkook handed the waiter the money for the meal and the two of you left.

"Is there somewhere you want me to drop you off at since you don't have work? Or do you just want me to take you home?" Jungkook asked as you both got into his car.

"I just ate so much food and now all I want to do is go to bed." You said as you both chuckled at your answer.

"Ok. Home it is then!" Jungkook said still laughing at your remark.

When you arrived at your building Jungkook once again walked you up to your door. Before going inside you turned to face him to say goodbye.

"Y/n? There is something that's been on my mind, something that I really wanted to ask you actually." Jungkook said while looking down at the floor as if embarrassed.

"Yes Jungkook? What did you want to ask me?" You said in a sweet voice trying to make him feel more at ease.

"Y/n," he hesitated. Then he lifted his head up and looked straight into your eyes.

You felt like you were being pulled in by his deep brown eyes, you could practically feel his warmth as he took a step closer to you.

"Y/n, will you go out with me? Not because our parents are trying to set us up, or because they are using us, but because we are two people who enjoy spending time together and have fun together. And, I'm hoping that you feel the same way I do." Jungkook said as he reached down and held your hands in his.

You could feel your face burning up as you began to blush. Your heart was racing so fast it was all you could hear. You looked down and remained silent for a minute trying to process the situation and think of your next move.

"Jungkook I-" You struggled to speak because you were so flustered by his words. Words that you have unknowingly wanted to hear ever since you met him.Ever since you laid eyes on him.

"Yes Jungkook, of course I'll go out with you." You looked up at him and grinned, seeing his adorable bunny smile. You felt like you were the happiest person on earth.

What Jungkook did next really took you by surprise though.

Jungkook let go of your hands seconds after you looked back up at him, and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close to him. Soon after you felt yourself wrapping your arms around him and hugging him back. You could feel his warmth embracing you, it felt as if time itself had stopped. You didn't want this moment to end as you buried your face in his shoulder. Both of you holding the other tightly as if it was the last time you'd ever see each other.