

Dear Diary, As you know I am always in my fantasy world dreaming of being in a romantic relationship. And one day I see someone entering my fantasy world, he offered me his hand to hold and guess what, I did it. We walked together holding hands out to the real world....

nonira · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A little about him

Sorry I got a text so kinda got distracted.

so, I was gonna tell you about my boyfriend ( my handsome baby). It was last year almost at the end of December around Christmas, I got a new job. So my first day of the job was christmas eve. It was all new for me, new place, new people, new language and new work.

As you know I am kinda shy who does not talk a lot unless I am comfortable to talk or I am close with that person. So I was trying to adjust myself in that new environment. Thank god, I had my best friend working with me and shy made my life easy.

ok I feel like I am getting too much into my work. Now its time for him to come in my life. So, after like a couple week after New Year, I saw a guy who used to walk around just back and forth. I kinda wanted to know who that new guy was. He looked somewhat Asian, was not so tall but was taller than me. Thats all I knew about him. I would only see him few days a week and whenever I did I used to get curious about him. One day I was cleaning getting ready for the closing, and I realized that, that guy was looking at our stall whenever he passed by.

So, I told my friend, hey look that guy keeps on staring at you. Do you know him? She was like, why would he stare at me and who exactly are you talking about.

I said, I will show you when he comes by again.