
The Beginning

I am surrounded by nothing but dust and Rubble. I can feel my Consciousness fading away as if I'm falling into an empty Abyss. Now that my life is slipping away I have only but a few minutes to reflect on the decisions I've made.

My story starts at the homecoming basketball game of my high school, all of my friends are hanging out in the student section. While I'm just stuck in the mascot costume, sweating and doing my best to cheer the team on. I never even wanted to be the mascot, but I found out I could skip a couple of classes by being enrolled in an Athletics class. Everyone I know is that this basketball game enjoying themselves, my older brother is playing basketball and my younger sister is a cheerleader. My mother, father, and grandparents are in the crowd cheering my brother on. If it was up to me, I would be at home playing video games.

It is half time so I go into the basketball locker room and take my mascot suit off, I don't really hang out with my friends and I usually keep to myself in the locker room. I just stare at the empty mascot suit. My high school mascot is a ram named Chubo. Since I have been the mascot all of my classmates have always called me Chubo as a nickname, then reality I believe most of them did not remember my name. Even my siblings and parents call me by the mascot's name. My sister and my grandfather men to the locker room the check on me and make sure I wasn't pushing myself. My sister was going on about drama and her class and I pretended to listen but she realized that I wasn't listening and decided to go talk to our parents. Grandfather stayed with me and I also tuned him out but what I didn't realize is that he was about to give me advice that would change my life. He told me " Family always comes first, even when our family puts us last." In the middle of his talk with me, we hear a loud scream, he rushes out and tells me to stay put because he knows that I do not like to be social, especially during an emergency. Although I tuned my grandfather out, I was able to put together what he was talking about in my head, I realized he really needed me naturally you needed me to pay attention. I realize three keywords stuck out to me, "Grandmother", "Cheated", and "Man".

I realized that grandfather told me that grandmother cheated on him with another man. This broke me out of my depression and I walked out of the locker room to hear more screaming and yelling. The massacre I walked out onto broke my soul. Blood splattered everywhere, on the court, over the walls, and what I see in front of me is countless Undead zombies eating each other alive as well as attacking everyone. Without a second thought, I run into the crowd of zombies on the court and look for my family members pushing and shoving all these mindless zombies away from me then I see my grandfather yelling across the court. "Run away! They are all already dead!". As grandfather was yelling, I saw grandmother ripping and biting into his flesh and saw his body dropping to the floor.

With his last amount of energy, grandfather throws me his necklace which was a silver Cross. I pick it up and run back to the locker room and quickly put my mascot costume on. This slowed me down but it was the best thing that I could find to protect my full body, not to mention eighty percent of the actual mascot costume was made out of metal. I run out of the emergency exit and I look outside and see nothing but hordes of zombies. My first instinct was to run to the football locker room which was right next to the baseball locker room. The reason why is that I can pick up the mascot shoulder pads which will help me have more protection. The mascot usually wears mascot shoulder pads just like football players during football season. Also, since I'm right next to the baseball locker room I can pick up a couple of aluminum bats. Luckily I live nearby the school so I can go straight to my house to rest and think of a plan. I look online to see if anyone is posting any information about all of the zombies but my phone will not connect to the internet. Put my phone down and go to the bathroom and take my mask off to look at myself in the mirror and that's when it hit me. All of my family died and I Am the Last One Alive. The next thing I know is that I have tears running down my face uncontrollably… I really have no one left. After Gathering my emotions, I realize I can't stay at the house anymore, I need to find more people. I put my mascot helmet back on and fill my brother's old sports bags with canned goods and other essential items. I go to the garage and grab my brother's dirt bike and drive to City Hall which also acts as the Sheriff's Office. There I meet several City officials and a couple of sheriffs As well as an FBI agent. All of the city officials introduced me as Chubo. The FBI agent claims that this is an attack from Russia, that the Russians implanted several infected individuals and the US population which caused the zombie outburst. But something seemed fishy with him, usually, FBI agents are dressed formally but this man is wearing what looks to be vacation clothes. Also, he doesn't seem to have a firearm or any badge. Not only that but he also had me give him all of the food I had and even told me to give my baseball bats up. I told him no and made up some crap about them being of sentimental value. One thing I learned from TV shows about zombies is to trust no one and never give up your weapons.

The city of officials and the sheriffs seem to recognize me as the mascot but they told me not to take my mascot suit off in hopes of my wearing it boosting morale and making it seem like they have the situation under control. There are about roughly 50 other individuals here at City Hall.

They have the entrances boarded up all but one and which they put signs up pointing in the direction of an actual entrance on the outside. I look outside and realize that all of the zombies are walking extremely slow, even slower than what's shown on TV. Curious of me I walk out and look around and the zombies aren't even reacting to me. When a man opens the door that I walked out of and yells at me to come back in. Unbeknownst to him a zombie rushes at him at an extreme speed it starts ripping his face off and clawing open his throat. Surprised by this fact I run and hit the zombie with my baseball bat and quickly pull the man out of the building and see their skin tone rapidly turn pale. He stands back up and I realize that he's turned into a zombie. Again, the zombie doesn't even look my way. The FBI agent comes to the door and tells me to come in but then he notices it too. That the zombies act as if I'm not even there. He tells me to push zombies around to see if they react. Realizing that we both think the same thing I push several zombies and even start bashing their skulls in with my baseball bats. He locks the door and tells me to keep killing zombies until he gets back. So, I continue to bash the zombie's heads in, and still, they do not react. But then I thought came to me a couple of minutes into killing zombies, why would there be an FBI agent in my small town and why would he not have a firearm or a badge? But the last piece of the puzzle hit me like a truck, why would he lock the door keeping me outside? What if other survivors came or what if other agents came?

I realized that he's not whom he says he is…