1 Already Destined

"Your Majesty, the 5th Imperial Concubine is going into labor!"

The frantic voice of a maid came as she hurriedly opened the door. However, she did not expect that His Majesty and another person was having a serious debate. The other person was The Minister Of Law & Order.

They were both old, with white hair and also white beards, yet they did not reveal traces of oldness. Instead, they were both giving certain auras. His Majesty had some kind of Majestic aura that made people near him bow down and worship him in awe. While the Minister had the aura that seemed harmless but somehow it gave a mental pressure onto someone. Whenever his eyes locked on someone they would feel like they were submerged in a vat of ice cold water.

For instance, when they were interrupted, the Minister locked his sight onto the maid who trembled as she could feel the pressure that could instantly increase and crush her brain. His Majesty, on the other hand, could feel the trembling of the maid and motioned for the Minister to stop as he questioned the maid.

"For what reason must you barge into the Palace's Chambers." He was monotone but his voice was icy in the maid's ears. Although His Majesty was a lenient fellow, when it came to serious topics he was as merciless as a shura.

"It...Itt's because the 5th Impp-pperial Conccubinee i...ss in laborr!" The maid stuttered as she forced out words to come out of her mouth. She was gasping at the end and was terrified as she awaited her fate. The silence continued for a few moments and just when the maid was about to speak, the Minister laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha! Your Majesty finally has another offspring!"

"Indeed, how I've waited for this for such a long time!" His Majesty joined in, seemingly infected by the Minister's unconstrained laughter.

"Well, it's time to honor your promise, Your Majesty," The Minister calmed himself down yet looked silly as his face let out a dumb grin.

"What promise? I don't see any here, are you sure I made you a promise?" His Majesty tried to avoid it looking everywhere else except at the Minister.

"Oh, it's the promise where you give me your soul when you get another child obviously..." The Minister rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"Fine! Fine! If it's a boy, I'll marry him to your daughter and if it's a girl I'll marry him to your son, deal?"

While the two men were bickering they seemed to forget the woman on the side who was sweating buckets listening to their conversation. Who would've known that His Majesty, the one who lead the Empire into its glory today is acting like a child?!

"E-exx...excuse me, You-rr Mmm..majesty, if...ii-f you ddon't go now the..en you may miss tt-the birth," Summoning all her courage, the maid spoke out, interrupting the men's argument.

"Yes, yes! We must hurry!" His Majesty realized that there was an onlooker who was looking at his squabble as he lightly coughed. The Minister regained his sanity from the argument and also remembered that there was someone watching them.

"Then don't just stand there..."

They both rushed to the door as the maid was baffled at first but chased after them. As they reached the door, where the 5th Imperial Concubine was, His Majesty stretched out his hands and reached for the handle. Within a few meters, however, there was a baby cry which was followed by a voice.


"Congratulations your Highness, it is a girl!"
