
My Fate Chapter one

Run ( Amy)

For the past 2 years, Lucy had been like a sister to me. she was the only one I could trust. The only one who understudy me. Our lives had been changed when Havok struck. We were forced to run, run to the forest where no one could find us. Lucy who was always happy, slowly her smile faded away. no longer could I see the joy in her blue eyes. through the forest, we walked about The Rocky strims, with no time for stopping. no time for sleeping. we did not have food to eat nor did we have pure water to drink. that first day was the worst. Lucy cried, I couldn't blame her, There was no telling when we could go back home. of if we would.

I couldn't bear the fact that lucy got sick In along voyage to somewhere with freedom. I could not watch her die. That wouldn't be her fate.

" Lucy Don't cry" I always told her when I myself was on the verge of tears. It is hard to imagine how life had changed in one day. I could now understand what it meant to feel unwanted.


Chapter one (the real story)


"Dad, don't leave me, please, I don't want to be alone, don't leave me as mom did, please, Dad."

I open my eyes, frightened. I had watched my parents shot dead on our living room floor. they had come and gone, not taking me with my parents. I wish I had not been spared.

Chapter one

I had spent 6hours in a small interrogation room waiting for someone to walk through the door. I was only 13 and had lost everything. A young man walk through the door, I closed my eyes before I broke down in tears. I heard a chair pull out from underneath the table.

"Hi, Lucy." I did not answer. "My name is Anthony..." " I don't speak to strangers" I murmured under my breath. As if that had ever stopped me before. by the time he got out papers from a file, my eyes had slowly opened. before I knew I was filled with tears that I could not hold. my heart had sunk. one moment I was having dinner with my family, the other... I could not afford to remember, it would be too much.

"Anthony" began to talk after calming me down, His Questions, became harder and harder to answer. when he was done, he escorted me down a dark hallway. I wished this was a dream, that my parents were still here holding me tight in their arms. I knew my life would change at some point. I didn't expect it to change this fast.

Meredith is what they called her, she was in charge of taking me to an orphanage. I was scared no one would take me, but, no one could replace my parents. what if the kids in the orphanage did not like me? I didn't know what to think. I got into the car and before soon we drove away. I started thinking about what my new, No, temporary house would be like. I did not understand why I could just stay at my grandparent's house. why I had to go so far away? before soon my eyes began to shut and I drifted off to sleep.

"The Orphanage"

The sounds of loud catering woke me up. as I open my eyes I began to see children, both younger and older than me. I guess this is the orphanage I said as got up from the bed I had been placed in. I wondered why they were so many. my thoughts were interrupted by a girl who looked to be 10 years of age. "am Casey" she said with a sweet voice. " I was assigned to show you around quotes 3-7" her voice changed as if she was reading a script. As I got up from the bed, she grabbed my hand and asked me to follow her.

she lead me to a room where there was a Tallboy a little older than me, she told me that he would be my mentor. as I reached my hand out to say hello Casey grab my hand, again, this time harder than the last. why was she being so aggressive?

My heart dropped as I saw the next room, quarters 7. what on earth was this place?


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ps  they might be  some grammar mistakes                                                                                                    so if you see some just ignore them

LayLa_Young_Westcreators' thoughts
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