
My brother Anthony

My live improved a lot after my meeting with Anthony. My nanny allowed me to visit the library and for the past week I spend all my time there. I decided to get on good terms with him because he could help me improve my live even more. Zero scanned the books in the library and transferred it to my memory, but I still went there for two reasons first I need to spend time with my brother second it would be suspicious if I knew so much with just on short visit to the library.

-It doesn't seem like he is here. So where is the book I started las time…. Found it! How did it get up there? Magic time. And here you go. wind magic is really practical. So back to the chair and start reading-


The door opens…


"So, you really are here. Anthony said that you should get a tutor, so I need to evaluate you."

-I look up from my book and see my father. –

"Good morning father, what exactly do you need me to do?"

-I dropped the child act after my first meeting with Anthony. –

"I have someone to evaluate you invited for this afternoon. Come to my study after lunch."

"As you wish father."

He leaves

-Rude! Nonetheless I think he is surprised that I can articulated myself so well even though I am only 2 years old. So back to reading, wait I should practice charge my second breathing technique. -

-Breathing different circulating mana different concentrate-

[Wrong circulation stamina depleting mana restoring]

[Wrong circulation stamina depleting mana restoring]

[Wrong circulation stamina depleting mana restoring]

-Why is it so difficult, ah again I will try till Anthony commes-


"You seem immersed in your book, what is it about?"

-I probably stared really hard at my book while I trained Charge. -

"Anthony! About dragons and wyverns did you know that some evolved wyverns don't look like dragons but have the same trades?"

"It sounds like you missed me. No, I didn't."

"Of course I did, you didn't come to the library yesterday!"

"Sorry, I needed to practice my swordsmanship."

"Can you teach me in swordsmanship?"

"Aren't you still to young for that? Don't look like that. Hm maybe daggers could work. You are still to short for a sword."

"Yay, let's go then no time to waste."

"Wait can't that wait till afternoon I wanted to read some books now."

"Can't! I need to visit father in the afternoon because some tutor evaluates me."

"Allright then let's go"

-Anthony seems to like me but I still need to work harder so, that he really dotes on me. I need an ally. But I shouldn't forget about my father maybe after today I have a chance to make him dote on me to. –

-Wait I am two. Two years old aren't supposed to wield weapons. What could two-year-old children do on earth? Hm… but Zero could analyses it and some exercise could help me control my body better. I am really a wired kid. –

"Anthony when did you start training?"

"I watch the knights since I could crawl and started around your age."

-That's why he agreed. Is it me or is this world crazy? When its normal to start swordsmanship training at two? –

We arrived at the trainings ground

"Here is it to heavy for you?" He gave a dagger he got from the storage near the trainings ground.

-Ugh heavy-

"I can bear it"

"I can see it clearly on your face that it is heavy for you. So first you need to get used to its weight than you learn to slash. When you are able to do that you can aske me again to teach you." With that he leaves.

-What kind of teaching is that? –

"Anthony wait could you just demonstrate something, pretty pleas?" I made my best puppy eyes.

"Hm some demonstration. Alright." He took the dagger form may hands got in position and slashed a few times afterwards he gave it back and left.

-Zero you recorded that right? Create a trainings module and employ it. -

[Affirmative. Creating module…. Employing module.]

With that I saw an image of myself in front of me performed the slashes Anthony just showed me.

-I got this. First the stance. The feet need to be about this far away. -

[Feet are to fare away pleas close distance.]

-Ok, more like this than the left one needs to be positioned like this and the right one like this…

No message that means I did it right. Yay! Next the dagger, with both hands to the left, this thing is really heavy, and slash. -

[Dagger dropped in height and slash was to slow]

-Of course, this thing is really heavy. Anyway again. –

[Dagger dropped in height and slash was to slow]


[Dagger dropped in height and slash was to slow]


[Dagger dropped in height and slash was to slow]


['Ding' one hour left until lunch]

"uhh ufff"

-I should take a shower before lunch. Good that I set a timer. Where was the sheath for the dagger again? Found it and attach it to my back and now a shower. -


In the dining room.

-I made it in time and lunch is good. The food in this world isn't that bad and I don't need to cook it myself. That makes it even better. I was really lucky to be born to a noble. –

-Now I need to visit my father. Why is it that I mostly eat alone, sometimes Anthony eats with my but neither father nor mother do that? And here we are, fathers' study. –

Knock knock

"Come in."

"Hello father." I make a curtesy even though I wear pants.

"So, you started training with a dagger, in that case I will allow you to wear pants. Mr. Cacklemi will be here soon you can wait on the couch there."

-Allow me to wear pants? In this world women and men are equal because of magic. I don't like him. But I still need to be nice to him. –


-He said soon that was an hour ago. At least I could use the time to practice Charge. –

[Wrong circulating restoring stamina depleting mana.]

-I don't seem to get it right it's either getting stamina or mana. I will need to practice more. –

Knock knock

"Come in"

-I stand up and wait for my turn to greet Mr. Cacklemi. –

"Greetings Mr. Agami."

My father nods

He turns to me and I make a curtesy while I say, "Greetings Mr. Cacklemi."

"You must be Naomi Agami right. You already know some formality's that's good. So, I am told that you can read, write, and already cast magic."

"That is right, I spend most of my time in the library and as of today started with my dagger training."

He comes closer, sits on the couch opposite to me and pulls from is bag some paper and pen out

"Could you write what I will dictate you."

I nod and put my hand on the paper, he looks confused put starts to dictate anyway.

"The principles of magic are your imagination and the elements. A common saying in mage circles is "when you can imagine it you can realize it with magic". The hard part is only to find the right elements that correspond to the imagination."

I wrote it with water magic

"I originally had a different test for magic, but this will do to. Can you write with pan to?"

"I can but my handwriting is bad because I don't have much practice."

"From what I can see are you really are your age ahead and need to be tutored. Writing with water magic is more difficult than writing with a pen because you need to understand, visualize it and concentrate on the magic, so that shows that you are quite advanced at writing, but you can't be good at writing without reading these two go hand in hand. Which leads us to writing with water magic, most magi use it to write. But it is about the difficult grad I set for your magic test, so you passed all tests. I already talked with your father and will tutor you beginning next week from morning to lunch."

"Thank you very much teacher Cacklemi. I will take my leave now." I made a curtesy and walked to the door. Before I closed the door, I heard Mr. Cacklemi say to my father.

"This young lady has more tackt feeling than some teenager."

-So, I have one week till my tutoring. I should devise a plan to not blow my cover and show how much I really know. Time to set some failsafe's, Zero. –

In the beginning there will be a lot of time jumps but it will lessen as the story progresses.

Have a nice day.

Hitomi66creators' thoughts
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