16 Their Curriculum is Messed up!

Time passes in the blink of an eye as Henry focuses on extracting all information from constant exchanges of questions and answers. He also trying to see how much his colleagues know about the present situation in the Tower and D is also hinting at it little by little. As they all feeling it rather gloomy as time passes.

'Power struggle genre sure is cliché but always the central conflict of everything. Even our Instructor wanted to participate on such muddy water,'

"Now, now... Settle down. Let's start our first Curse Lesson," D reaches his hand out and a large black magic circle appears. He twists his hand and the room became bigger.

"That's a basic extension jinx used in combat to displace enemy. Curse is an art of mind war. Different from other wizard's spells that focus on defense, offense, and mobility. Black Wizards are focus on disorienting, confusing, binding, and transfiguration. If a black and fire wizard fight. What do you think is the first curse we will do?" D waited for someone to answer but all remain silent. Henry throughout the whole time keeps recording using his phone in his pocket. The small rooms were banished together with the extension. Henry feels himself being tossed around the black expansive room and others also having a hard time remaining standing.

"We either do a basic mirror illusion or mirage. In sense we focus first on survival, we are tactician. Not a stubborn earthman that will shield everything even a fireball if you can avoid it. Now start doing push up!!"

They drop from the floor and quickly starts to do the routine. Only this time Henry process the species accompanying him inside the lecture room.

*Chatter... Chatter...*

"Haaa... The luck is this..." Beside him is a trembling skeleton man with blue fire wisp eyes. He was wearing a black suit and pants like a dead gentleman. He was doing Push-up as his bones rattle. Henry shakes his head and looks beside him but stops when he feels something ominous.


A quick zooming ball pass overhead.

"Urgh!! What did you do?!" The scream came from behind. There a goblin buried under a stone but he still trying to push himself up. Henry started to tremble from anticipation.

'Calm down, if I panic it will serve him more delight... An accident can happen so calm down.'

*Shing!! Shingg!*

Henry then also has a large stone. His teeth clenching very hard as he tried so hard to complete every rep.

'This can't be done! The weight is increasing!'

His whole body trembling from the added mass. Henry's eyes glow in excitement as he licks his lip.

'I can get stronger using this spell. Let's take it slow.'

His body having twice the strength of humans. He has an advantage as D set the stone at 20 kg where he still has large time to adjust before it arrives at his current load limit.

'Lay low... Yeah, I just need to put up a normal result with high effort.'

They spend an hour and Henry already feeling fucked up as his body trembles after arriving at the load limit of his body. Reps were not needed anymore and they just focus on remaining in consciousness as D force them all to act. When one is stopping he will puppet curse him where he can't control his body and just look at his muscles be torn and healed.

"Okay! Stop!! Now run," like some imperial decree from Emperor D. He again cast a spell using his hand and magic circle. A treadmill appears on the ground and everyone boarded. Speed meter floating above.

"Slow!! Faster!" D yelled at the goblin in front of us that only running about 10 kph.

The nymph beside Henry has a weird glowing green light on her body. She has very long legs and every step is long that tells how flexible she is.

"Get going! Get going!! Now run your energy out!" D yelled and send a bolt flying toward Henry who is still distracted from the Nymph. The black bolt hits Henry and was push back and tumble three times that will surely hurt.

'Fuck... What just happen? Nevermind. Better up it more. Focus...'

"And you're Dead!! Everyone will employ different means to distract you! One spell and you're Dead! Get up! Do it again!!" D yelled and Henry got up and started run again reaching 30 kph.

"Here!" D again started to aim at us but being human isn't always bad. Henry did a sideway curl flip. He didn't lose his speed and continue to run.

"You humans are gifted in the art of escape! Hahaha, cowardly rats," he tries to verbally abuse him but Henry focuses on running not letting him enter his head.

"Again! Here!" Henry didn't move as the aim isn't at him rather at the skeleton who is struggling to run fast but before it even touches him it was reflected in an angle toward Henry who again has a shocked face.

"Shit my luck..." Henry didn't know any instant spell or curse. He is just a newbie that only uses chanting!!

'Fuck this! Then like grasping at the air a baton was constructed from black energy to divert the bolt but he was push back again but he manages to regain his balance after stumbling back once.

*Shingg!! Shingg!! Shingg!!!*

*Crack!!! boommm!!*

On the left side, one student being bombard by 2 bolts that bounced 3 times was hit again after his defense is destroyed.

"Let me see how long can you all last," D said licking his tongue.

'Shit! I'm sure no black wizard has the right mindset!'

Panic came from Henry's face as he sees three bolts escape from his finger adding to the already 3 light shows. Henry is working on another construct. It's a small round shield attach to his wrist.

One bounced in our direction again, Henry didn't let it hit him squarely but choose to divert it again. D smiled at his action.

Then the Nymph beside us somehow got her skin coating cracking. After being hit two times.

'Why not make them see some fake weakness?'


Three more bolts came out from D and all of it was aimed at the Nymph. Henry throws a plate size construct sideways and it then separated the three in another direction.

Henry then looks at the skeleton who was hit by the bounce. I also look at him.

*Chatter... Chatter!!*

"Shitty undead..."

'Only did I remember. The undead has infinite stamina. So he doesn't need conservation and just runs and focus on his defense. Fucking Curriculum!! They suck!!'

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