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(1st PoV: Henry)

Why is this happening? Why can't I understand this thing! I spend hours just to learn this but nothing seems to come into place!

I can't grasp even an ounce of knowledge from Blood Magic! Like it was blocking me! Shit!

"Haaa... Sir, can I rest for now?" The lecture lasted for a whole day now and I still haven't taken a rest.

I got out of the plane when D nodded at me but then something horrifying shock me. A shadow suddenly slit one of my colleague's throat. A goblin to be precise. Blood sprayed on me. Soaking my whole face.

"Help!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I trip back inside the plain. "What is it?" D came. I'm still breathing haggardly. I pointed at the door or the lecture room. D exits the plain. Dead... He is dead... Ha...ha... Death is coming close again. Even closer than before. Death is coming for me and all of us... I can't! I don't want to die!!! I don't want to die!!!!

"How can this happen?" D asks with a grave look.

I felt a hand behind me. My trembling eyes look behind and see Navea giving me a reassuring smile. She pulled me up but my whole body is frozen. I can't move. I just can't walk. I'll stay here for the day...

"Thank you," I said. I didn't know how long it took me to recover from the shock but when I wake up. I'm not inside the plain or lecture room but a white room with no windows and holes. I even try to contact my other body but nothing. Like something cut us out.


Shit!! What is happening now! Can I get a day to relax?! Ha!! Calm down! Calm down Henry you need to think and take control... Yes take control of what you see, feel, and hear. That's it... Take control.....


The wall in front suddenly opens a narrow path for me to pass. I can't do something stupid for now and remember what happened.

Lecture, then studying blood magic not having any improvement I tried to get some rest but when I exit I see a shadow suddenly killed my colleague. I passed out inside the plain and wake up here.

Conclusion: I'm taken as a prisoner as I'm one of the suspects. My other body's connection is cut out or someone discovers it that seems to be not possible for now.

Variables: Open exit for me to get out.

Outcomes: Death, death, and death.....

I'll remain here until I hear a word. I then walk toward the corner of the room and sit while leaning on the wall with the exit behind me.

I shouldn't accept Harbek's offer and remain to be ignorant and live comfortably in my bookstore. I just wanted to live my life not have these hellish days. Constant stress and struggle.


Why am I limiting myself? Why am I hiding?

Haaa... Henry calm down. Hold yourself tight. You are alive because you use your brain. Control it...


Yes... Hold it tight,

My hand was phasing back and forth. Why don't I train this ability for now? Yes, I have lots of gifts coming from death doors.

Mom, what do you think I must do? Do I need to play how they wanted and just survive?

I need your help now Mom...

'Let go... We must let go.'

What I am supposed to do? I can't do it all alone. I can't survive in here.

'Let go... We control.'

Why can't I just live a normal life?

'Let go...'

Aren't your gift supposed to be cherished?

'Let go... We will always survive!!!'

"Mom... Please!"

"Look at you..." A voice rings beside me from the narrow exit. I just stay still focusing all on myself to contain what I am feeling.

"Henry, I know you didn't do any of that but we need to fix this," I now realize who owns this voice.

"Navea... Why are you here?" I ask.

"You need to go back there. I can't do anything alone. I tried but I almost ruined it all," Navea voice carried a tired tone on it.

"Why are you here!?" I can't hold it anymore.

"I'll replace you here. You must go back there and fulfill your promise and claim me back... As Nymph's promise. My soul will always belong to you," She smiled at me kindly. She knees in front of me and puts on a necklace. I hold her hand firmly. You won't go anywhere you are mine! Mine!! No one's gonna take what is mine!

"No!!! You're not going back. I can take care of this!!!" I hate this! I hate this feeling!

I tried to struggle and pull her back to me but she walks toward the center as chains sprout from the ground pulling me out. Why is this happening again!

"Be strong and please be fast," she said cheerily.

"Nooo!!!!" Like how mom died!! I didn't have any strength to act even resist! I hate this!!!!!

"I'll kill them....." My consciousness drifted out.


I now again wake up in a familiar place like it's all a dream. I stand up and see I'm inside the lecture room in my compartment.

I quickly got out and see Jin looking at me nervously with tired flickering dim blue flame eyes.

"Navea?" I ask. "She replaced you. We tried to get you out but the management didn't want to. She tried to keep things running for a week but it's becoming harder day by day. She gave up and replaced you."

I didn't know what to feel. I just wake up in a dream but the dream is a reality. I happen way too fast. I didn't even stand a chance. No... I still have a chance. She gave me one and my other body... It's back to normal. No one notices it. I need to risk it more.

If I can't become powerful with two Deities behind me then I will find someone better than them.

'Let go...'

Yeah, I'll finally let go. I'll let go of these threads binding me. It's already choking me way too much. Surviving is not an option now. I need to thrive and achieve the top. Whether they like it or not.


I look at a necklace that I didn't have from the very beginning. I hold it and it feels cold and familiar.

"That's a Tear of a Nymph Promise. A Nymph will never forget her promise," Jin said. "Yeah, I know she is mine."

I finally let out my unrestrained smile.

'What happen to him?' Jin thought and I heard him.

"I'm free."

I'm out of my bindings. I have to keep hiding to survive like how my mother always wanted me. To live, but my understanding limits me. I can also thrive while living.

"Let's go..."
