
It was never easy

As a very submissive Omega, it was never easy for me.


Omegas are usually very fertile.

Their pheromones are often appealing to Alphas or Betas. So they don't have to worry about finding a partner. Mostly the partner finds them first.

They are often cherished in our society, because they are the main reason we can reproduce.

However that doesn't apply to me.

Extremely submissive Omegas only have a very faint odor of their own.

Their pheromones are also not particularly appealing to potential partners. Moreover, they are often not really fertile and do not get regular heat cycles.

Furthermore, they cannot reproduce with normal Alphas or Betas.

All in all we are simply not attractive to potential partners.

We can't provide a real future.

So it's really hard for us to find a partner at all.

But that's not important to me.

My main goal was always to emulate my father.

He is the CEO of a well-known advertising company and built the entire empire of his own.

I really admire him for that.

He is a good Alpha, who knows how to lead and guide people. I've always wanted to be like him.

However, Omegas are often frowned upon in leadership positions.

Their character is often very gentle and reserved, which makes them not exactly ideal leaders.

It's rather frustrating, because I'm not like that at all.

Maybe it's because i've developed a few complexes over time.

Already as a child i always looked up to my father and tried to be like him.

So it was only natural for my whole family to think that i'd become an Alpha as well.

After all, my two older brothers were also Alphas.

So i grew up believing that i could be just like my father. That one day I would work in a high position.

Born to lead and guide people.

However, when I hit puberty and my subgender was determined by the doctors, the dark truth came to light:

not that I was just an Omega, no, I was an extremely submissive Omega. A rare type that 98% of potential partners do not find attractive.

It was rather demotivating for me.

Instead of m being able to emulate my father, i was just a disappointment to the family.

But I was stubborn and didn't give up.

Just because I was an Omega I should forget my lifelong dream? That I should just adapt to my given role?

I didn't want that.

I wanted to prove that my nature didn't stand in my way in the slightest.

I wanted to show them what an Omega is capable of.

. . .

It was not easy to get a place at university though.

Management was a very Alpha-dominated subject. I was repeatedly denied a place at college simply because I was an Omega.

It was very frustrating.

Nowhere in the laws of our country did it state that an Omega could not study management or hold a high leadership position.

It was ridiculous.

Only the social rules stopped them to educate me in the subject I wanted to learn.

So I sued them for a place at university.

And it worked.

However, it had been a very long and unpleasant process.

It also made me look even more like an outsider.

I was just tolerated. Not welcome.

And they made me feel it.

Every single day.

At first they just tried to intimidate me with their pheromones.

But when they realized that it didn't work for me, they switched to more tactile methods.

From threats to intimidation tactics, everything was included.

But that didn't bother me.

On the contrary: I saw it as a challenge.

It kept me going.

Eventually they got tired of it and left me alone. I was able to finish my studies with top grades.

I was so proud of myself.

I was so happy to make my family proud.

But this joy and pride did not last long.

All the companies I applied to rejected me.

And it was always the same reason:

I probably wouldn't get along with so many Alphas at once. That it would be difficult for me to assert myself.

They didn't want an Omega apprentice.

So I decided to change my subgender in my application.

I wanted to pretend to be Alpha to finally get the job of my dreams.

What else was there for me to do?

I was desperate.

As an extremely submissive Omega, I only had a very weak scent of my own anyway. I could easily cover it up with the pheromones of my Alpha brothers.

In addition to that I'm not really sensitive to other pheromones. So it wouldn't stand out if I posed as an Alpha.

I always had the character traits of an Alpha anyway.

No one would notice.

After I sent out my first 'alpha application', I was immediately accepted for an interview.

If I had known what I'd expect there I probably would never have accepted the invitation…

I don’t know if you‘re familiar with the Omegaverse, so I‘ll give a short explanation^^

The Omegaverse is an alternative universe in which people can be devided in three subgender categories:

Alphas (the dominant and mighty)

Betas (the normal ones lol)

and Omegas (the lowest ranking)

In the Omegaverse both women and (Omega) men can get pregnant.

This will be a straight Omegaverse story (so just horny, straight people lmao)

Okay thank you for reading ^^

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