

"Weak trash." the boy who had just beaten up Noah spat in his face but he was too lost in his own horrendous life to care . After being beaten half to death, why would he. Instead Noah just put his bloody scarred hands in the pockets of his hoody and left his blood paddle on the flow.

Around forty five years back in the year of 2021, a catastrophe happened. Scientists had been predicting a minor explosion on the sun that would result in minor heat waves around the planet. No one worried for they believed by what was being broadcasted that this would only be something minor but little did they know that that was not the case.


TIME: 10:43 AM

Date: 5th June,2021

Location: Langley Virginia, USA

"Sir we can't keep on telling lies like this General, the temperatures are already spiking" said a nerdy looking man with blonde hair who looked like he had mustered all the courage in the world to say that sentence. Although the General was a nervous wretch inside, he somehow kept it all under his stoic expression. "We may be preventing the inevitable..." he trailed seemingly thinking through his words, "but I will sure as hell keep it a secret other than send the world into panic".

And so it began, little crackling sounds were heard and seen in the skies. These sooner developed into much larger explosions giving off shock waves that rattled and shook the earth. The shock waves developed waves and tides in all waterbodies around the earth that took out coastal areas wiping out that population. Suddenly everything that was happening stopped as if giving the world population relief but as if it hard some sick sense of humor, the shock waves came back worse that before radiating strange glows that were consumed in the atmosphere and into plants and animals. These large shocks killed even more people that with a number of 7 billion it dropped to 5 billion, lives were lost as if they were houseflies being crashed by the prey. Mountains began to tremble seemingly melting and putting on a new layer and so did everything else.

At last everything stopped but not without bringing a major draw back in the world.


As Noah walked back to his seat, he watched as other students gave him looks of disgust. He looked at his tattered clothes and bloody face and tried to fight back the urge to scream at his own defeat. Growing up without a fixture had been hard on him especially being an orphan. Maybe it was for the better because he didn't have any one to disappoint.

Only those with fixtures lived in a world full of luxury but much to his disappointment, he didn't have that privilege and much to his disappointment, it didn't look like he would have the chance to get one either. The same condition why was the same mishap that took his parents lives.

Ever since the clash, plants had absorbed the strange glows that emanated from the shock waves. Not only plants but the air in the atmosphere except this led to a great challenge. When humans first found about these strange things that had been absorbed by every being on the planet, many tried to infuse with them but this was where the trouble came in. If a fixture was not compatible with a host's body, the host would die.

This sudden discovery disarranged the society because those who's body was compatible ultimately were on higher level than the rest of society. However, this sudden discovery of energy fixtures attracted higher beings known as the Relivi. The Relivi soon found out was on earth and came to colonize the planet therefore leading earth to bring out it's military forces. The war lasted over a period of 45 years with massive death toll on the planet itself. Most of the deaths were caused by the Relivi while others were caused by fellow humans themselves. This was because those with fixtures were deemed worthy and those without were ultimately killed off. Although this was later on made illegal by the military, some still managed do it.

The Military of course did this for one reason. They had found advanced technology that was able to fuse one with a fixture with minor risks but of course those fused with the fixture technologically, Ripples, were weaker that the Pures who did not did to fuse with technology.

The world had taken a huge leap in development yet a major setback in society where only the strong are deemed to live a luxurious life.

Noah had got his daily dose of bullying, he had gone through his whole life living like this, no suitable living conditions as he was given a one room apartment that was as plain as it could get, no fixture because he was too poor to afford one.

After the military discovered the advanced technology, for a while it was free for anyone to use but because of greed, it started selling them and prices increased as time went on, leaving the lower class of people to fend for themselves. Many continued to survive living off the scraps of the more privileged. It wasn't a good life so many reverted to crime instead.

Because of these living conditions, Noah was not able to get a fixture so he tried to go on a raid to get one. One of the advancements that had been found in the Relivi space ships were core transits. These were able to transport beings from world to world, if appropriate size, they could transport much bigger things like space ships , buildings and so on.

Noah had managed to get a core transit off the black market, not something one would do because most of the time, things bought off the black market were extremely deflected. "This will be my ticket to a better life" he mumbled assuring himself that it was all worth it.

hey guys, this is my first novel. Criticism is welcome and I will be uploading once a day thanks ;)

revolt_losscreators' thoughts
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