

"How do I look?"

His piercing eyes glanced up from where he was fiddling with his watch chain. She could see him looking up and down the dress, lingering on the roses that sat at the hem of her gown. He said nothing, still trapped in his own oblivion as she stepped closer to him, their bodies inches apart as she placed her hands softly on the cusp of his face, "Are you alright?"

Arius closed his eyes, leaning into the touch as he placed the palm of his own hand on top of hers. "You look beautiful, love." His voice was deep and raspy as his pale eyes fluttered open "so ravishing, that I want to lock you away from all the lustful eyes everyone is going to be giving you."

"You're such a sweet talker." She laughed softly, tucking her hands away as she beckoned the servant to bring her the small velvet case on her dresser.

"For you." she grinned, turning away as he opened the small jewelry case revealing a pretty lapel chain brooch, encrusted with gold and silver studs. A small smile tugged the corners of his lips "Put it on for me, will you?"

She flushed but didn't decline as she carefully took out the brooch from its case, leaning on her tiptoes as she reached up to clip the ends onto his shirt. Arius didn't take his eyes off of her for a single moment as he stared at the focused look on her face, how her lips would curl up and her eyes would furrow in concentration. The duke couldn't take it anymore as he leaned down, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. Her scent intoxicated him as he pressed his lips against hers.

Her lips were as soft and rosy as he had remembered, as he pressed deeper, nipping the bottom. He smiled into the kiss. Who would have thought one could be so lovely as the woman in his arms? He pulled away as her sapphire eyes slowly fluttered open under her dark lashes, a cute blush spreading across her face. He couldn't help but tease her as he pressed his forehead against hers and pulled her closer.

"I love you."

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