
Back at the dungeon

With the help of the powerful "The Dungeon Return" skill, the group of six disappeared from their original location and reappeared in the main hall of the dungeon. The sudden appearance of the group caused a stir among the dungeon's inhabitants, but the group paid no heed to their surroundings.

Immediately upon arrival, Viru, the leader of the dungeon, called for all the elites to assemble in the main hall. One by one, the subordinates trickled in and took their seats, eagerly awaiting the introduction of the new members that Viru had recently acquired.

As Viru began to speak, the members of the group could sense the relief in the air. The subordinates had been feeling the weight of their roles in the dungeon and were grateful to have more experienced professionals join their ranks. Viru introduced each new member with great enthusiasm, highlighting their unique skills and abilities. The subordinates listened intently, eager to learn from their new companions.

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