
My Drone Girlfriend

One day Nao misses the last train while returning to his home after finishing his overtime . He meets a drone flying around in the subway while getting curious of a drone hovering in a empty station , he follows it out of curiosity which leads him to a construction site where he see a ship , he enters it and find a wired creature in it. He gets sacred and runs home with a rental bike and strangely falls asleep just after locking his house. In the morning he feels a soft sensation and finds himself sharing a bed with a girl, quietly escaping the new found company he goes to his bathroom only to find a familiar drone hovering around .

Respro · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"And I missed it"

It was my 4th day doing overtime at my black company.  It pays decently but works its employees to the bone, it is more serious for a newcomer like me. Everyone except men to be just a Yes man because I am new.

" I didn't study programming to serve coffee to my superiors, haah."

I sighed and took out my lighter and my cigarette pack hoping the smoke would relieve my feelings only to find it empty.

"Well they say problems come in a group"

Dragging my tired body I reach the vending machine and checking my pocket I take out a five hundred yen coin and insert it in the vending machine. The machine lights up showing different options for buying.

" Now where is it..."

I search the panel and found the cigarette I smoke "Marlboro"

Now people may say I am a cheapskate but mind you living in Tokyo is very expensive and it's financially difficult for someone who just entered the adult world to get a 100,000 yen job….Well, there might be many who could achieve that with their so-called talent and elitism but my whole life was just.....average. 

After getting the packet  I took out one cigarette and lighted it with my lighter and took a small puff.

Breathing in the smoke fills me with the familiar smell of tobacco and relaxes my mind.

"Haaa...….I need a girlfriend"

It's not like I never had one I started dating my childhood friend in the second year of high school and we broke up in college.

It wasn't that she didn't love me or anything it was rather

"She loved me too much"

She controlled my contracts and would pester if I ever get friendly with a girl.

It was still all good and fine until she locked me in my room to confront a girl whom I talked to Line for the group project.

I broke up with her and tried pairing up with other girls in my college.

I found my second girlfriend soon but unfortunately, she soon had an accident and when I visited the hospital to visit her, her friends stopped me saying that she wanted to break up with me though finding it strange I broke up with her and this pattern continued for the rest of my college life until I got the nickname of the "Curse One". Fearing my social life won't have a bright future in Kyoto I came to Tokyo and joined a company and here I am.

"What's that a…..RC Heli?"

While reminiscing about my life in an empty station I found something fluttering in the air, I thought it was an RC helicopter but on taking a closer look it was a drone.

" A ball-shaped drone…..what's it doing here….is some Vtuber shooting a video."

As I was wondering the purpose of the drone, it started to move out of the station. Finding it strange I started to follow it forgetting about getting home I was somehow attracted towards it like how a moth is attracted to fire.

Following it I climbed the stairs and came out in the open on a deserted road. 

The drone circled around as if waiting for me to climb up and then dashed towards an alley I also sped up and chased it even though I was feeling tired and sleepy a while ago.

I followed it for some time and soon found myself on an abandoned construction site.

The drone was hovering around as if to tell me that this is the place.

After doing that two times it again flies and led me deeper into the construction site and soon I could see something like a small ship of around 2 meters in size crashed on the ground. 


Author Note- Hope you liked it ,it's my first time writing this type of story , I hope you will be patient and give me a chance.