

Hi, I'm Johanne Mae Cullen better known as Mae. I grew up with my Aunt because I was young when my father died and my mother left me. My Life was not easy, I finished high school and I no longer when to college. I just worked as a call center agent ..... OH, that's enough that self an introduction lets me start the journey of my life.

(While Mae was preparing for breakfast her aunt suddenly woke up )

"Good morning aunt, " Mae said

His aunt nodded at him while sitting at the table

let's eat ( Mae said )

All right, make me some coffee ( his aunt ordered him)

All right ( Mae responded)

(As Mae handed the coffee to her aunt it was suddenly thrown away, so his aunt was angry with him)

What it is Mae! even when, you are still fool

SORRY Aunt I did not mean it

(Maria points to Mae) You say you don't matter

SORRY ( while wiping the cork of coffee )

So maybe your mother left you because you are worthless

(Mae crying ) I know she has a reason why she left me

Why is he still not showing you

I do not lose hope, that we will meet one day

It's up to you ( and she left Mae )

( While Mae continues to clean up)

Since she was a child, Mae has always been scolded, just a little bit wrong. She will make her aunt angry with her immediately

( Mae was thinking ) What do I need to do to make my aunt love me

Mae went to work while she was walking, her friend saw her and suddenly she called Mae


(Mae turned to Justin with a smile

Are you going to work? ( Justin ask)

Yes ( Mae replied)

Mae and Justin have been friends since they were kids

Do you want to take me to your work ( Justin offered)

Don't, It's embarrassing for you

Don't be shy I'm your friend

Mae agreed to Justin offer

They have arrived at the company that Mae works for

At Mae's Aunt house

Maria talks to his daughter via videocall

Hello how are you there

I'm fine and okay Mom

Kim is the only child of Maria and Mae's cousin. Kim's father died in an accident

Maria left Kim in the province because she was studying here

Maria asked her

When are you coming here to Manila

Soon ( Kim answers)

I'm excited to see you

Me to Mom . by the way mom how your day

I'm doing fine

it's good to hear that mom

Kim I"LL call you a letter I just need to fix something

ok mom bye always take care of yourself

ok love you

Their conversation ended

Mae came home in the morning because his work was at night

Good morning aunt


Aunt, I need to rest

Go ahead and rest because I'm leaving now

Where are you going, aunt?

I just need to fix something

ok aunt please be careful

Before Maria leaves she has something ordered from Mae first

This morning at 8 am you need to wake up to open our store

Aunt. can I open the store at 10 am?

Why at 10 am?

I need to rest aunt

rest now

There's no time it's a few minutes before 8 am

Do what I ask you to do

don't complain

I need to leave. My order not to forget (Maria said to me )

Mae could do nothing but follow her aunt

His aunt left

Mae was left alone

I"LL take a nap first, there are a few minutes before 8 am

Mae kept sleeping

LAter his Aunt came and she found me asleep

She immediately woke Mae

Mae immediately woke up

Didn't I tell you to open the store at 8 o clock? Why is still close?

(Maria saying those words furiously)

I'm sorry Aunt I didn't realize the time

(her aunt replied ) you say you are lazy

while pointing at Mae

Because Mae was so humble she did not answer her Aunt, no matter what hurtful words her aunt said to her. She still bowed

What are you waiting for there, open the store

his aunt said angrily to him

(Mae replied ) okay aunt

Mae went to their store to open it. She sang while opening their store

As she continued to sing her aunt told her to keep quiet

Can you keep quiet

I'm sorry Aunt

Every time Mae is sad, All she does is sing to get rid of her sadness but every time her aunt hears her sing it stops her from singing. When Mae finished opening the store she sat down to watch it.

while he was sitting she was thinking

How is mom, What does she look like now? What is mom life now?

What is the life of Mae's mother Aling Rosa?

Mae's mother's life is so rich that she owns a big company called to show your talent (SYT company)

While Mae was thinking her friend suddenly came

hi Mae ( greet Justin to her )

Mae doesn't pay attention to Justin because she thinks deeply

Justin pats Mae on the shoulder

oh Justin

Why are you stunned and why are you sad?

nothing mae replied

Tell me why are you sad

Mae didn't answer

Your aunt scolded you

Mae just nodded

Since there was a kid Justin already knew that Mae was always scolded by her Aunt

Aren't you used to your aunt yet?

I'm used to doing it but sometimes I think when my aunt loves me

Just trust your aunt will love you

I hope

Why did you wonder earlier what you were thinking? (Justin asked him)

I'm just thinking about my mother

Can I ask you a question? but don't be angry

What is your question?

Why did your mother leave you?

That's also a question I asked myself

While Mae saying that word, she suddenly felt sad

I'm sorry for my question

That's nothing

Mae and Justin were talking happily her aunt suddenly came

Hi, aunt, Justin greeted

Maria ignored Justin

Didn't I tell you to keep your eyes on the store? I didn't say you were talking to her

her voice was loud

Sorry aunt

Justin suddenly replied

Aunt doesn't scold Mae, I'm the one talking to her

Mae's aunt didn't answer it just left

Sorry Mae (Justin said)

Sorry for what

Because your aunt scolded you

That's nothing

Mae I need to go home maybe they are looking for me at home

Go ahead be careful

Justin went home

Mae's father and Maria are siblings.

Mae was young when her father died so she didn't know much about her father's behavior

it was painful for Mae to grow up without a parent

Next chapter