
dream of hell

My name is vikas borade

one day I saw dream in dream

start /

I was very happy but don't know why

at near of my home their is a well

in that time all my family are with me

on the front of my house there is a farm and left of that farm is that well

at the time of morning I was going for wallk from the way nearest to the well I was going but some sounds are coming from that well

hshhh.... hshhhh..... hhhhhh.....

ow I was very scared

slowly I was look in that well

now what I am see

the well is show my past

the well is attracting me

finally I am jumped in that well

ow hushahhhh...hushhhh.....

and then I am weak up

and the shark is in my front

ow my god

again I am weak up

and then I am realize that

I was saw the dream in my dream ....

But I have dought where I am in dream or in my world .....