
06: Homeschool

Today is the first day of Yuki having a lesson at home. He was too nervous because it has been so long since he went to school. He's afraid that if he was a slow learner, the teacher gonna give up on him and leave. Aunty Emma and Kevin keep encouraging him, telling him that everything will be fine. Yuki also had tried to make some preparation. He read some parts to make himself familiar with them. But there's not much he can absorb. All those words and numbers are strangers to him.

"Stop worrying. I've told the tutor about your situation and he understands it. He'll treat you like a newborn baby that knows nothing," Kevin teased, making Yuki pouted.

Kevin went home during lunch hour as the tutor promised to come at one in the afternoon. After this, he'll return to his office. Kevin caressing Yuki's hair, "Alright, let's go down. Your tutor is almost here." Yuki nods and follows Kevin to the living room.

About 10 minutes later, a guy in a black shirt and pants came. "Yo! Mr. Playboy! I never thought there will be a day our most famous playboy will come and ask for my help. I guess maybe the sun will rise from the west." The guy said.

Kevin rolls his eyes. Alex Brian, a professional homeschool tutor. He usually tutored rich or VIPs kids as those kids are usually too snobbish to mix up with some other kids or teens. Well, it's not like he cares as long as they'll pay him handsomely.

Alex looking around, "So, where's that boy?"

"Stop doing that. You seriously look like a monkey." Kevin walks from the front door to the living room, "Yuki, come here."

Alex's eyes bulge when he saw Yuki. "Wow! What the f**k! He's so pretty!" Suddenly Alex feels cold in his spines. He shows his silly smiles when he noticed the deathly glare from Kevin.

"Yuki, this is your tutor, his name is Alex Brian. Alex, this is Yuki." Kevin introduced.

"Hello, Yuki!" Alex reached out his hands. Yuki gladly grabs it.

"Hello, Mr. Alex." Yuki nods.

Kevin looks at Alex's hand that still grabbing Yuki's and his eyes who still staring at Yuki, Kevin quickly separates them. Alex smirks. "Yuki, I hope we will get along so WELL," said Alex while glancing at Kevin.

Kevin just scoffs. "There's no need to get along so well. You just need to teach him what he needs to know to get a diploma then both of you have nothing to do with each other anymore. Even at school, the teachers won't remember and get along with all of their students, am I right, MR ALEX?" Alex's mouth twitched.

"Alright. Let's cut the introduction. You're here to teach him right? Not to know him. So, get to your work and..." Kevin walks closer to Alex and whispers, "don't you dare spouts nonsense. If I knew you were speaking anything unnecessary..." Kevin leans back, taps on Alex's shoulders and smiles but he didn't mean it. Alex shivers. He knows his old friend so well. His smile is scarier than his glares.

Yuki leads Alex to his room. Kevin already prepared a study desk at the corner of the room.

Being a professional tutor, Alex immediately starts his job. He firstly tested Yuki's basic knowledge to know how far he has learned. Only after that, he can know from where he should start to teach.

The lesson took about four hours and covers four subjects per day. Yuki was given a 15 minutes break after 45 minutes of the lesson. This schedule was prepared by Alex himself. If Yuki is smart and capable, Alex will do a Spartan lesson and make sure Yuki gets a high school diploma in just one year. Alex is confident in his way of teaching so, such things as compiling three years of studies in just one year is not a big problem.

Right after they finished their lesson, Alex quickly pulls a chair and sits beside Yuki. He squinted, "Yuki, can you answer me honestly? How did you meet that playboy? And what's your relationship with him? I can't ask him this because for sure he won't answer me."

Yuki blinks his eyes repeatedly. "Well... he saved me. So... that makes him my benefactor...?" Yuki answer vaguely. He also didn't know how to describe his relationship with Kevin. Friends? Brothers? Boss and employees? Nothing fits it.

"Save you? Just a benefactor? Really? Don't you know a playboy like him won't just save a pretty boy like you without asking anything in return? So...did you pay him with your body?"

Yuki blushed. "N- No! Mr. Kevin ne- never asked su- such thing from me! He seriously saves me and never asked anything from me."

"Well...maybe not for now. I'm not sure for later." Alex mumbles. He was about to ask more but the door was kicked open.

"I told you there's no need to say anything unnecessary, didn't I? So why are you still here? Needs some help to go home? Sure. I'll ask my man to send you home but for sure it won't be a good journey." Kevin leans on the doorframe, crossing his arms over the chest.

Alex quickly packs his stuff and leaves. Kevin rolls his eyes when the nosy guy runs for his life.

Kevin approached Yuki, "So how's your first lesson?"

Yuki smiles. "I was a bit slow at the beginning. Everything is so hard to process. I guess because my brain didn't work for a long time. But, Mr. Alex is a good teacher. He explains so well and it is easier to understand."

Kevin huffs. "That's the only thing he can do." Kevin rubs Yuki's head, "Come, let's go down. Aunty Emma has made some snacks for you."

Kevin and Yuki head to the kitchen side by side. Even from the stairs, they could smell the freshly baked cookies and muffins.

"Yuki? Done with your lesson? Come here. Aunty has made something for you." Yuki fastens his steps towards the dining table. The blueberry muffins, chocolate chip cookies and scones served with Earl Grey tea for Kevin and hot milk tea for Yuki. Having the sweet treats freshen up Yuki's tired brain.

Kevin unconsciously caressing Yuki's head, "Eat slowly." Aunty Emma faintly smiles and leaves the two of them alone.


A month has passed and the daily life in the Tsujihara mansion has changed since Yuki came. Kevin always return home before seven. Even if he's buried in work, he'll bring it home and settled it in his home office. Kevin is no longer spending the night with strangers. No more one-night stands. Even though the invitation never ceased but he still stands with his decision to tone down his bad habit, eventually, stop it once and for all.

Raiden was also surprised by the sudden change in Kevin. He keeps asking Kevin did something happened to him and what makes him decided to turn better. But, no matter how many times Raiden asked, Kevin could never answer.

Not because he doesn't want to, but he can't as he also doesn't know what is the real reason. It could be because he has lost interest in doing useless the same thing all over again. Besides getting his sexual desires fulfilled, he got nothing else.

It also could be because he wants to avoid more problems from coming to him. Those clingy guys and girls keep asking for him again and again even though he told them that he only did it once. They're disturbing his peaceful life so he doesn't want to add more nuisances by sleeping with more people.

Or... it could be because of a person named... Yuki.

Day by day, Kevin feels like he wants to get closer to Yuki. Wants to get to know him better, wants to know what happened to him in the past, wants to protect him, he wants to care for him.

He wants Yuki...BELONGS TO HIM.

Sometimes he wonders, did he really fall for Yuki? Everything seems rushed. They just met a month ago. To harbor special feelings towards someone, he just met was almost impossible but Kevin didn't deny his feelings. He knows what his heart wants. Those hard thumping whenever Yuki is around when Yuki is smiling at him, when Yuki is laughing, when Yuki happily telling him about his day. Kevin never like this with other people. Only with Yuki.

However, no matter how hard he had fallen for Yuki, he won't force his feelings on him. Yuki already bears too many burdens and problems so he won't add another. He wants Yuki to like him on his own. Loving Kevin as he is. Not the CEO of Tsujihara Group, not the tycoon in the business world. But as Tsujihara Kevin, an ordinary guy who never felt true love besides from his parents.

Now, he is on his way home from work. He glances at the cakes on the passenger seat. He can't contain his smiles when he imagines Yuki's beaming eyes when he gives him those cakes. He quickly gets off of the car after he parked the car in the garage. As soon he entered the house, he was greeted by the one he loves.

"Kevin! Welcome home!" said Yuki.

He has dropped the formality and honorifics as Kevin asked him to do so. So now, he called Kevin by his name only, with no title in the front.

"Hmn. I'm home." Kevin gently caressing Yuki's head, his usual routine.

"Here. Cakes for you." He passes the box of cakes to Yuki and as he expected, Yuki looks at him with those cute round eyes and smiles widely.

"Thank you, Kevin! You're the best!" Yuki hugs him then runs to the kitchen to put the cake onto a plate.

Kevin who was caught off guard with Yuki's innocent hug still froze at the doorway. Yuki didn't know his acts of gratitude just now almost makes Kevin's heart jumps out of his body. He quickly went to his room, take a bath then went down to the kitchen. He saw Yuki has already finished the first slice and going to eat another slice of cake.

"Stop eating this so much or you won't have an appetite during dinner. Keep it for after dinner." He caressing Yuki's head.

Yuki nibbles on the fork, looking down at his cakes. It is so hard for him to stop once he has started. Sweet things are just his favorite.

Kevin chuckles when he saw the little pout when the cutie puts down the fork and puts back the cake into the box.

"Tomorrow, wanna go somewhere? I'll take you." He tried to distract Yuki who is playing with his fingers.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"Kevin... C- can we go to... visit my parents? It's been so long since I went there." Yuki's eyes getting teary. Since he was taken by his uncle, he never gets the chance to visit his parents' grave.

Kevin pulls his head onto his chest, "Sure. I'll take you there, okay?"

Yuki wraps his hands around Kevin's waist. "Thank you, Kevin."

Meanwhile, at the Evo Organization building, Kenji went on rage.

"Useless! All of you are useless! It's been a month and you can't even find a single guy?! What the hell am I paying you for?!"

All the men that were hired to find Yuki and also looking out at Yuki's old house, can only lower their heads. They can't retort. But, it's not like they didn't try harder but no one else ever saw Yuki. It was like he suddenly lost from this country.

"Impossible! He won't be able to flee out of the country. He got no passport, no money. No one he can ask for help. Even if he did, he must have returned to the house first." Kenji pacing back and forth.

"I don't care. Just try to go and look around again. Go and search at every crook and nook of the possible places he might go. Try to look at the hospital too. He might be hiding there. " He slams the table. All of them scurry away, starting their job.

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