
My Dilema Choice

Choicy_Merchant · Fantasy
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Keep fighting or give up??

This life is about making decisions whether you want to or not and it doesn't make it easier either but one thing for sure is that whatever decision is for you because you will be the one dealing with the consequences. My boyfriend was no good but I was too naive to see that but he wasn't all that bad either. I feel like he changed right under my arms and I ain't even see it. The phase goes "love is blind" and to be honest, we be too heads over heels for someone to even see that they're no good for you even though the facts are right there in front of you. My boyfriend knew where I worked obviously so being a good boyfriend he would stop by everyday to walk me home, at first I didn't see the problem because what's wrong with your boyfriend walking you home and making sure you home safe? Right? But there's a lot of things that wrong with that idea especially if he doesn't have a job either, still under 18, and live with his parents. I mean I was grateful to walk with me every night but he made it a routine and I mean it was a everyday day, sometimes I wouldn't expect him to come at all because it was so late. It had me worried so I decided to talk to him about in a mature manner but I guess he was still growing to know anything about being mature. Whenever I brought the question up, he always changed the subject or answer the question with another question.

His family and I were close especially his mom. One morning I got a phone call from her explaining why her son was always with me late at night and she needed me to talk to him. As a girlfriend I was furious because I thought there was no harm in letting your boyfriend walk you but he didn't explain the reason as to why he was walking me home every damn night I mean a brother was doing absolutely nothing like who sits around anymore?