
My diary system in Marvel

After transmigrating into the Marvel universe, Luke had awaken the Diary Entry System. As long as whoever that holds the diary believes and trusts in what was written, then Luke would be rewarded by his system. The stronger the trust value, the better the rewards. Editor note: Hello guys! I am not the author, nor am I a translator of this fanfic. I am simply a normal guy heavily editing an MTL of the raw "People are writing diaries in Marvel, and the Avengers are all confused". I saw some others on this app who are attempting to edit the chapters, such as "Elephas" or "BlackGoku222" but I find their edits rather lackluster. And since I am interested in reading this further, I thought i'd do the rest of us a favor of putting out my edited version of the MTL. Please note that the characters will be slightly AU. If you think that my edited version is different from the original or other versions, you would be right as I included my own elements and removed some extra information in order to try to make the story as congruent as possible. Honestly guys, the MTL is so confusing. Lastly, I will TRY my best to make this story as readable as humanely possible, but no promises for a 5-star edit as my English language was only a B3. And thanks for taking the time to read this! (Gib me cookies/stones please) (Cover pic by Nariva Amynia on DevianArt. This is not an original work, I own absolutely nothing except my own deviations to the original fanfiction!)

TheWandaShip · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

*C63 - Climax of the Battle, Doomsday!

Before you read, the cookie tax has returned! You need to pay the tax before you can read :3 Thank you for feeding this Takodachi with your cookies! Don't forget to read the Author notes to see important information about the chapter!

E/d note: This chapter has a lot of repetitive actions, be warned. 

'Inner dialogue/thoughts'

"Normal dialogue"


[Diary entries]

(Word count: 2,096)

~ With Luke, in his mindscape ~

"It's you. . ." Currently standing before Luke was a mirror image of himself, except the figure's eyes were fully black, void of any emotion or life.

"You've failed to protect them." The doppelganger said, it's voice a twisted echo of Luke's own.

Before Luke could respond, more shadowy figures began to materialize around him, each one a dark reflection of himself. They encircled him, their whispers merging into a symphony of accusation and condemnation.

"You failed her. . ."

"You don't deserve to be near them. . ."

"You let her die again. . ."

Luke began feeling a cold sweat break out across his skin. He turned in every direction, trying to find an escape, but there was none. The shadows pressed in closer, their voices growing louder, more insistent.

It had only been a few minutes since Luke had entered his berserk state, however, to him, those few minutes felt like an eternity of torment. Time had lost its meaning in the place that he found himself in.

"I NEVER WANTED ANY OF THIS!" Luke shouted, his voice cracking with desperation, "I WAS JUST A NORMAL PERSON THROWN INTO THIS MESS!"

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. 

"You're too weak. . ."

"You're a failure. . ."

"You couldn't save them. . ."

Luke was trapped by his own voices, unable to separate his reality from the one he created. Even with the mind protection and enhancement, none of them mattered when the tormenting came from his very self.

Unable to withstand the verbal onslaught, Luke dropped to his knees, his hands clutching at his head as if to block out the voice. "I'm trying my best! You don't understand. . . I'm trying!"

The shadows only laughed, mocking him as their torment echoed through the endless white void. Suddenly, a more sinister figure appeared from the shadows, his aura radiating negative energy that enveloped Luke.

"Your best is not enough, Luke. You will never be enough."

Looking up, he saw his past self, from before he was sent to the Marvel universe. Seeing this self of his, tears began streaming down Luke's face. The expressions of all the shadowy figures were cold and unforgiving, a reflection of his deepest fears and insecurities.

"I didn't ask for this. . ." Luke whispered, his voice barely audible. "I didn't ask for any of this. . ."

But the shadows continued their torment, their voices a relentless tide of doubt and despair.

"You're nothing. . ."

"You're worthless. . ."

"You will always fail. . ."

Luke's spirit crumbled under the weight of their words. He felt himself growing smaller, weaker, as the shadows loomed larger, their presence overwhelming his very being. The shadows converged on him, their whispers a suffocating chorus. Luke closed his eyes, his heart heavy with guilt and shame. In this endless white void filled with shadow figures of himself, Luke had felt more alone than he ever had in his entire life.

"I. . . I'm sorry. . ." He choked out, his voice breaking. "I'm so sorry. . ."

~ At the same time with Natasha, along the streets of Los Angeles ~

Natasha moved swiftly through the chaotic streets, her eyes taking in the sight of the devastation left in Luke's wake. The destruction was unimaginable. Everywhere she looked, she saw the mangled corpses of the Messengers and the sheer force of Luke's rampage. Vehicles were overturned, buildings were shattered, and the ground itself seemed scarred by his wrath.

'How could this have happened?' Natasha thought, her mind racing with a mix of concern and determination. She tried to reach Luke on their personal comms for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Luke, it's Natasha. Can you hear me? You have to stop this, we need you to come back." Silence. She received no response, only the distant sounds of chaos and destruction.

She bit her lip, her grip tightening on her weapon. 'He's completely lost it. I don't think he even knows who he is right now.'

As she followed the trail of destruction, Natasha kept her senses on high alert. The sight of the dead Messengers did little to comfort her. Each fallen creature was a testament to Luke's immense power, and his complete lack of control. Seeing the path she was taking, she realized that Luke was heading towards the LAX Jeweller store.

'If I can't reach him, then I need to stop him before he reaches the store where this whole thing started.' Natasha knew that she had to act quickly. She did not want to think about what could happen should Luke make it to the jewellery store, be it whether he would stop rampaging or he would only get angrier at the sight of the store.

Glancing at the street signs, Natasha realized that she could take a shortcut to the store. It was risky, but she didn't have time to waste. She veered off the main street and cut through the buildings, her boots pounding against the pavement as she ran.

"Luke, please." She tried again through the comms, "We need you. Come back to us."

~ Back with Luke, in his mindscape ~

Luke remained on his knees, tears still streaming down his face as he whispered, "I'm so sorry. . . I'm so sorry. . ."

Suddenly, amidst the whispers of the shadows, a new voice pierced through the darkness. It was soft, gentle, and filled with warmth. "Luke. . ."

Luke remained unresponsive to it's attempt to reach him.

"Luke, my love, listen to me." It called out again, this time clearer and more dominant against the background whispers of the shadows. It was a female voice, one that was soothing and felt very familiar to Luke.

"You have done so much good, Luke. You have saved countless lives and brought hope where there was none. Never forget who you are. You are a hero, my hero."

The shadow figures seemed to recoil at the sound of this new voice. Although they did not disappear, their whispers grew fainter, as if losing their power and control over Luke.

"Remember the lives you've saved. Remember the smiles that you bring. If you can't believe in yourself right now, then believe in me. Believe in what I see in you."

Luke opened his eyes and slowly lifted his gaze. That's when he saw her, a visage of Wanda, his Wanda. The Wanda that he had lost in a different world. Her presence radiated comfort and strength, a stark contrast to the oppressive shadows that surrounded him.

"Wanda. . .?" Luke whispered, his voice trembling with hope and disbelief.

Wanda smiled softly, her eyes filled with love and reassurance. "Look at me, Luke. I'm here, and I believe in you. You have always been the one to protect and save, even when it seemed impossible. You are much stronger than you know."

Tears filled Luke's eyes as he listened to her. "But I've failed so many times, Wanda. I couldn't save you. . . I couldn't save them."

Wanda's expression softened while she moved closer, "My love, we all face moments of failure, but that doesn't define us. What defines us is how we rise again, how we keep fighting for those we love and for what is right. This is something that you've done, time and time again. Besides, what was that quote you always say? With Great Power?"

A smile found it's way onto Luke's lips, "Comes great responsibility."

She extended her hand toward him, her fingers glowing with a soft, inviting light. "Your battle is only just beginning. Come on, Luke. Stand up. Stand up and show the world the hero that you truly are."

With a deep breath, Luke reached out and took Wanda's hand. As their fingers intertwined, he felt a surge of strength and determination flowing back into him. Wanda pulled him to his feet, her grip firm and steady.

"Do you remember your promise to me, Luke?" Wanda asked, her voice filled with gentle encouragement.

"Always." Luke replied, his voice now stronger, filled with renewed resolve.

Wanda's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Then wake up. Out there, in the real world, there are those that still need you."

As her words echoed through his mind, the white void began to dissolve, replaced by the sounds and sensations of the real world. Luke's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself lying on the ground, Natasha holding him up for support.

~ With Natasha ~

Natasha's face was etched with relief as she saw Luke's eyes regain focus. She had been too late to reach Luke. When she had arrived at the street of the LAX Jeweller store, Luke was just about to smash one of his tendrils onto the store. However, in a turn of event, his tendrils stopped midway through.

After a few moments, a vibrant light then emanated from Luke's eyes, before the water sphere that encased him began dissipating, slowly lowering Luke back onto the ground. Natasha had rushed to him and caught him just Luke had finally left from his berserk state. Since then, she had been holding him up, her worries for Luke evident on her face.

"You're back." She said, her voice a mix of relief and exhaustion.

Luke managed a weak smile, his head still pounding from the ordeal. "My head hurts. . ." he joked, his voice hoarse but filled with a sense of relief and resolve.

Natasha chuckled softly, "Already cracking jokes just after coming out of whatever that was? Yup, that's Luke alright." Both Natasha and Luke laughed together before Natasha helped Luke to stand.

"I did all this?" Luke asked as he took a look around. He noticed that the street was filled with the corpses of the creatures, along with debris from the destroyed street. There were also some surviving police officers and soldiers who looked upon Luke, a mixture of fear and caution on their face.

Natasha nodded, "This was all you, don't you remember?"

Luke shook his head, which caused confusion and worry to appear on Natasha's face. However, before they could speak another word, the ground they stood on began to rumble periodically.

"What now. . ." Natasha sighed exasperatedly.

~ A few moments later ~

The periodic rumbling grew stronger, as if something massive was approaching. Natasha and Luke turned their heads toward the sound, their expression shifting to alarm as a giant creature came into view from around the corner. It was a monstrous fusion of the smaller creatures, towering over the ruins of the street and sending shockwaves through the ground with every step.

The abomination's grotesque form writhed with the motion of countless bodies merged into a single entity. It's eyes, a convergence of malevolence, locked onto Luke and Natasha, exuding a distinct aura of menace.

Luke, feeling the wave of his renewed resolve since meeting Wanda in his mindscape, straightened his posture. Taking a deep breath, he fixed his eyes on the monstrosity before him.

"Tell the others to stay back," He instructed Natasha firmly. "This is a battle they can't handle. Leave it to me."

Natasha hesitated for a moment but then nodded, recognizing the determination in Luke's voice. "Be careful," She urged, before turning to relay Luke's message to the remaining soldiers and others who were still around, ensuring they knew to keep their distance.

With Natasha taking care of the warnings, Luke began his march towards the giant creature. The closer he got, the more colossal and terrifying it appeared. Yet, Luke's steps did not falter. 'Oh system, you have A LOT to explain to me after this.'

Standing opposite the creature, Luke steeled himself, his mind clear and focused. 'Okay you ugly son of a bitch,' he thought inwardly, 'I have a lot of anger and frustration to vent, so let's hope you can take a beating.'

Responding to his call for wrath, the water that had dissipated onto the ground earlier had begun to stir. It rose and began transforming into five separate water swords behind Luke, forming a deadly arsenal hovering, ready for his command.

With the water swords gleaming, Luke locked eyes with the giant creature. His battle was just beginning.

- End of Chapter 63 -

Next time in *C64 - Wildfire, Victory!

"NOOO!!!" Natasha screamed as she saw it happen. For a moment, everything went silent. Luke laid there, his body aching. Struggling to his feet, Luke's vision began clouding as he could feel the same anger burning within him.

You can support me on p@treon.com/The_Editor982 ! Advanced chapters are now live!

E/d note: That's it for C63! The end is upon us! Thank you for being with me through this journey! Now it's time to dive back into the MTL and see how badly I've f*cked up the story and to make adjustments xD I will address and point out questions that may arise thanks to this original arc in my after-thought chapter in a few days' time. Please keep all questions until then!

TheWandaShipcreators' thoughts