

In a remote jungle, between the scarlet city and coventloo city.

A thin skinny figure could be seen kneeling amid five huge bulky figures in uniforms.

This figure belongs to a seventeen-year-old boy. Aside from his unusually pale face, the boy had fairly common facial features. His clothes were loose-fitting and tartar due to heavy beating, and all over his body were bruise marks.


A leg landed on his stomach.

"I told you never to show your face before me or didn't I, you pathetic" A tall bulky young man in school uniform smirked landing another kick on the skinny teenager.

Who groaned in pain coughing up more blood on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Paine, this should be enough, we're not here to kill him anyway. so this should serve as a big lesson..." Another bulky figure is suggested.

"Says who?, I've given him a chance already, but he lost it. He deserves a fate worse than death even if I don't kill him here, he'll die somewhere else anyway...so if feel so generous by doing him a favor killing him here, no one will care." The tall bulky figure known to be Paine snapped, coating his leg in flames, he landed a final kick on the almost seemly dead boy. 'Pucchhiii' The boy's stomach busted open as blood splashed all over the place, and the boy's body fell "He's dead, Paine...what are we going to do?" one of the figures voiced out as he began to panic his bracelet rang, it was his mom he had to hang up he was too scared to speak.

"Ha ha, didn't think it was going to be this easy... never mind we'll leave it to the beast, to cover up the evidence," Paine said reliving the atmosphere.

While they were leaving Paine turned back one last time with a smile on his face...

"Even in your next life when you hear the name pain you'll flee he he" he laughed, walking to join the rest as they chatted casually amongst themselves as if nothing happened.

Hours passed as the sun begin to set...

Oliver twist, laid down, still and lifeless not because he was scared of the beating or anything else. it was because of something else... he's dead.

Remembering his past, he was an orphan who does not even know who his birth parents are nor did he have a friend, Nobody would want to associate with a useless being which was what oliver was known to be due to his weak ability that can only make him shrink. His ability was considered useless because it could not go against even a common grade f mixedblood rat, the lowest tier beast on earth, because of that his school mates begin to pick on him and beat him almost everyday of his life, making his life misrable, even his juniors would beat him up sometimes if he try correcting them, he had no one to run to including his teachers who would tell him it is allowed for students to beat each to pulp. They twisted the rules because of him because the natural rule states that: a student has to issued a challenge before beating each other up. But it was the opposite he was told... so he had no choice than to endure it.

It been centuries since humanity fought last, According to the book of history year 2051, Hundred years ago... a strange life forms from an unknown planet known as destroyed a human like creature with four arms and two head, invaded earth. It was like a nightmare when they appeared guns, barrels, missile, nuclear bombs all became useless but not entirely useless, it was at least able kill the weakest one among them after lot of effort.

After a month of invading earth they took control of everything humanity ever worked for, in this process human were not so stupid they learn every single thing the destroyed knew i.e how they evolve, their techs and other intels.

Meanwhile secretly, a great scientist Daniel culosso created a secret solution under the destroyed's nose and released it airborne which caused a genetic mutation in every living creature all over the world. Granting both humans, plants and animals ability to evolve, turning them into mixedbloods.

Years passed as humans began to grow stronger and stronger day by day, as they evolve, then all of a sudden war broke out between the destroyed and humans. So humans took this opportunity to gain freedom as they begin to fight back with the help of the mysterious daniel culosso chasing the destroyed off the planet...'Who said they'll return to destroy earth and even the universe'.

Ever since then humans began to rule the galaxies...

Daniel culosso on the other hand who fought for humanity was no where to be found some said; he died on the battle ground, some said; he went into hiding, while most researches said; he vanished but his work kept appearing out of no where which was considered suspicious and kind of mysterious.

Back to present...

In the woods, a body could be seen lying on the ground lifeless...buzz buzz buzz...as his bracelet rang but it was no valid he didn't pick up. On the body's neck a green pendant in form of a drop of blood shape. It begin to shine covering the entire vicinity, it went through into the dead teen's stomach healing him in the process. The lifeless body's finger moved slightly as life slowly sipped into him.

Luckily for him, Oliver, he was giving a second chance, all his life he has never been lucky and went through only pain and agony even though he was used to it. He could not complain to anyone...he had no parent to tell about how he was being treated even his in the neighborhood some people were quite hostile to him while some treated him with slight care despite him been himself.

Oliver's lifeless body begin to show signs of recovery as life slowly sip into him. He coughed up black blood opening his eye, picking himself up from the ground, his body was still unstable as he moved like a drunkard.

"I've been revived, how?" he thought staring at his bruised body which has already healed up.

'Or did paine took pity on me and gave me a high grade healing pill' he wondered, when a voice suddenly shouted in his head.

"You dumbass i healed you, you... little ingrate".

It was then he remembered he had missed a notification that appeared in his face.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

[ Restoring_host ]

[ Host_Restoration has been deemed Sucessful]

[ System_integration _with_host...10%...20%...40%...60%...80%...100% ]

[ System_integration_with_host- Success ]

"Wha... what are you?, how did you get in my head "

[ "Is that your own way of saying thank you...runt" ]

Oliver "…"

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