
My Demonic Empire System

Alan Yokob is a Hitman. Dead by car explode Alan who thinks he is dead looks around. Am I in the afterlife? "Welcome to our world" "Where am I? Who are you?" "You can call us Guardians of this world. You have come to another world. You were brought into this world to maintain balance." "Balance?" "A thousand years ago the people of this world defeated the demons. Since then the fate of this world began to change. But now the balance of this world is losing. So we brought you here to keep the balance of this world. We offer you to become the Demon King." Huh! But it's not easy I am posting it in Royal road

1stNightKingblack · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 3 Genocide

Oto is running away. He was deeply saddened by the death of his comrades. But he runs to save his life. He is accompanied by two companions who manage to escape with him. They are running in fear. But Demons quickly find them and attack them.

One of them fell to the ground. A spear hit him in the chest. He screams for help.

Although Oto wanted to save his companions, he could not do anything.

Forgive me

He ran away. His companions could be heard screaming.

But his luck was not good either.

He hit a tree root and fell down. He tried to stand up but a spear landed in front of him. He got scared.

Demons surround him. It is terrifying.

The memory of his family that he will die in such a way floats in front of them.

"Don't be afraid we won't kill you."

"Our master asked to take you alive."




Alan gave a smile of satisfaction after eating a full stomach.

It is great.

"My lord, we have brought him."

Alan looks at the demons. who brought a human

"Please let me go! Don't kill me!"

"Don't worry. We won't kill you. If you give me information about this place and the surrounding areas, we will let you go."

Oto identifies Alan as an anthropomorphic devil. Although he had heard about demons, he had actually seen them for the first time. Many species of demons were exterminated in a war a thousand years ago. Although some species still survive who are used as slaves and some Demons whose nature was similar to humans began to coexist with humans. These Demons can attack others with information from him so he decides not to tell them anything.

"I won't tell you anything."

"Hmmm.... no problem."


Alan's Charm skill is too strong to affect any common man.

Alan asked after controlling Oto.

"So tell me about the neighborhood. Where are we? What country is it? Tell me everything."

"We are currently in the Amiga Forest. It is a very large forest. Half of it falls under the Ahum Kingdom and the other half under the Mung Dynasty. We are currently in Ahum Kingdom. Our village is located on the North side. To the west of this forest lies more Nation, to the south lies the Blue Sea, and to the east the Wasteland. "

"That's all you know."


Hmm... Alan wanted more information but he didn't come to get more information from a villager.

"Hmm ok take us to your village."







Henry is a former soldier. After his retirement he chose to live peacefully with his family in this village. He is now happily living in peace with his family in a village near the border forest. Although it is next to the forest, this place was very safe

Today was like every day.

Henry woke up in the morning and was having tea when a red-haired girl ran up to him.

Henry put his cup of tea on the table.

"Dad, I'm going to play. I'll have a lot of fun today." The child girl said with a smile.

"Okay. But don't be too naughty."


The man put his hand on the girl's head.

"Where's your older sister?"

"Big sis is helping mom at work."

"Okay. Then you go now."

"Hmmm. Yes."

The girl said happily.

Then they hear loud noises. They heard the cries of many people

The girl hugged her father tightly in fear.


The girl cried and shouted.

"Nothing happened, My dear. Dad is with you. There's nothing to fear. Calm down. You're my brave daughter, aren't you?"


The girl closed her eyes and held her father tightly.

Henry took his daughter in his arms and walked over to a table. He took an iron object from his drawer and left the house.

It was a Flintlocks gun. As he was an ex-military officer. So it was not unusual for him to have this weapon. But he had to pay a lot for it

They heard many screams and more monstrous noises.

Two blonde women ran towards them.

"Are you all right?"


"Henry, Demons attack us."


"What do we do now?!

"Ani, escape with Neona."


"Do as I say hurry up "

Henry handed over his girl to the 15-year-old blonde girl.

"Don't look back. Hurry up! Don't stop! Run!"



Alan approaches the village with his Demons. They have come a long way. The night has already passed and the morning light has begun to emerge.

Alan tells his demons to surround the village so no one can escape.

But since his troops were few, they left many gaps

Hmm, it's a very small village. But what can I expect from a border village.

Alan currently has Two archers, Two swordsmen, and Three Spearman.

They killed several beasts in the forest so he got another 500 EXP. With which he summoned two Demon dogs and two Imp.

Alan orders them to attack. He kept observing everything from a distance.

Demons begin their rampage.

They destroyed the village in just two hours.

[Congratulations! You have leveled up]

[You lost two soldiers]

[Congratulations! You have earned 32300 EXP]

Ahh great


[ Stats]

Level: 5

Strength: 30

Agility: 23

Vitality: 16

Aptitude: 17

Perception: 13

EXP: 22300

Skills: Language Comprehension, Charm Level 1

*Invisible ( Cost 500 EXP)

* Sword art: Cost 2000 EXP

* Martial arts: Cost 2000 EXP

* Superman strength: Cost 2000 EXP

* Superman Speed: cost 1000 EXP

*Lighting Magic: Cost 2500 EXP

Yatagarasu ability: 3000 EXP

Summon: • Demon spearman: Cost 100 EXP

•Demon Swordman: Cost 100 EXP

•Demon Archer: Cost 150 EXP

• Imp soldier: Cost 200 EXP

• Demon squad: cost 500 EXP

• Demon Platoon: Cost 10000 EXP

• Demon Cavalry: Cost 500 EXP

• Demon Lieutenant: Cost 4000 EXP


• Demonic Dog: Cost 50 EXP

• Lower Bicorn: Cost 500 EXP

• Demon wolf: Cost 300 EXP

[Storage] Slot 3

[Army Status]

Demon spearman: 1

•Demon Swordman:2

•Demon Archer: 2

• Demonic Dog: 2

• Imp soldier: 2


Tent: Cost 1000 EXP

Barracks: Cost 20000 EXP

[Craft] Unlooked

Yatagarasu ability?! What kind of skill is it?

Then the response comes from the system

[This is a very useful skill. You can take the easiest and least dangerous route anywhere with this skill. It will help you to reach your destination. After you activate this skill you will know which path is dangerous and which path is less dangerous. ]

It's a great skill.

Ah! very good

Alan summons a Demon Platoon.

Eighty soldiers appeared. A Demon advances and approaches Alan. His tools are better than others.

"My lord, please give us your orders."

He bowed his head

Alan said with a smile.

"Go and destroy all the villages around. Kill whoever you find in front of you."

"We will not disappoint you, my lord."

Eighty Demons then left.

Alan then looks at the other Demons.

"We will head East. Move quickly"

Alan wanted to build a base so he headed east.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

1stNightKingblackcreators' thoughts