
Chapter 55 Reality Check

"Huh?" Evie gasped as she felt his fingers on her skin. "Jarad I am fine, I can do it my self" She grasped the towel tightly.

"Why do you have to be such a stubborn little vixen? it isn't like this is the first time am seeing you.....bare" he trailed.

Evie was all flushed, she desperately thought of ways to get out of the situation she was in. "Am fine. There would be no need for that" she said hurriedly as every second was precious, who knew when he would snap and untie the towel.

"You know if you were clinging on me as tightly as your grip Is on this towel right now, we would probably be married by now" Jarad teased.

"Hold it tightly. Am slipping the towel from your back okay?" he said and she nodded slowly. What could she do? she was just an hopeless birdie. With that, he lowers the towel to her upper waist lever, exposing her bare back.

Evie flinched at the feeling of his hands accompanied with the cold lotion on her back. She felt him apply the lotion on her back torturously slow, he was teasing her again.

"Are you okay or should I go slower?" he asked.

"No this is okay but please go a little faster" Evie said.

Jarad grinned as he imagined those same words coming from her lips in bed.

Evie felt relieved when he finally started applying the lotion at a normal pace but what he did next was far worse. He started blowing air from his mouth on her wound. His breath was so soft and gentle. However, it was also giving her goosebumps.

"Jarad" she gasped when she could no longer take his torturing. "Am okay now" she said.

Jarad trails his hands around her back, "You skin is so soft" his voice came out husky.

Evie bite her lips hard. Whatever seduction tricks he was trying on her, it was WORKING!!!. He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist. He placed butterfly kisses down her back, he would never get enough of her scent.

"Evie" he called her name in a seductive and husky voice, "Do you know what you are doing to me?" he sounded like a thirsty hiker.

"I didn't do anything Jarad, you've been the one doing naughty things from day one" she said and Jarad chuckled.

"Fine then. When you get better, we're going to do a lot of activities together and there won't be any escape for you Evie. Mark my words" his tone sent butterflies in her stomach.

"Hmm" she nods faintly. Jarad had a sinister smirk on his face, if only she knew what she was agreeing to.

"Can you walk?" he asked.

"Y_yes am fine" she got up and dashed out of the bathroom and into the room's closet. Jarad let out a deep chuckle.


Ethan was sitting in a chair at the dinning table.

"Are you sure you want your meat raw?" the maid was asking Ethan.

"Very" Ethan gave her a charming smile which made the maid blush, hard!. That's right, his charms were still very much effective. His darling Betty Salsedo was just a little hard headed. He still remember how her soft plump lips felt on his. Now that he had tasted her, his demon craved for more. it didn't want anyone else but Betty Salsedo, no other woman can satisfy him now.

"Okay sir" the maid bowed and was about to leave when Ethan grabbed her wrist. His grip wasn't too tight, he intentionally brushed his thumb on her wrist and the maid blushed hard again.

"Forget you ever saw me eating raw meat" his pupils turned darker in color. He compelled the maid and the maid instantly left without remembering her previous conversation with Ethan.

Jarad and Evie arrived at the Dinning room. Jarad sat at the head of the table while Evie stood beside him, contemplating whether to sit on his laps or not.

"You can sit on the chair Evie" Jarad said and Evie sat at the chair closest to him. Lu joined them in the table and he sat 2 chairs away from Evie.

There was an awkward silence between them. "Why the silence?" Lucifer asked.

"Haven't you heard it's of proper etiquette to not talk while eating?" Jarad said.

"Since when did you care about etiquettes Jarad" Lucifer rolled his eyes.

*Since Jarad have decided to put me in total boredom, Elias" he called, facing Ethan. "What have you been up to?" he asked and Ethan straightened his back.

"Have been a little busy with work" Ethan replied.

Evie had invisible question marks written all over her face 'Elias'?? she thought his name was just Ethan Stark.

"Very well" Lu took some sips from his wine before leaving the table.

He went to the 3rd floor of the mansion where his room was. He entered his room and sat on his bed with his legs crossed.

"Odin" he called and a young demon servant with human features appeared in the room.

"Lord Lucifer" he bowed really low.

"Where are Execus and Delilah?" Lucifer asked.

"B_but lord you sent them to go do a really important task" Odin replied.

"You foolish servant of mine" Lucifer shook his head. "Why do you think I would trust those demon's?" Lucifer sighs. "I need you to keep a watch on them, tell me every single thing they do and don't loose track of them. Got it?" Lucifer said and Odin quickly nods his head.

"Y_yes my Lord" Odin turns into a bat and flies away through the window.

"Stupid demon" Lucifer mutters.


Evie was taking a walk in the magnificent garden. It was filled with different flowers, roses, hibiscus, sun flowers and a lot more. They smelt really lovely.

"Evie" Jarad called from behind her, startling her.

"I want to talk to you" he stood proud with both hands in his pocket.

Evie nodded for him to continue. "Am a demon Evie" he started. "Lu karmichan is Lucifer and I don't want you around him alone okay?" he said.

Since she was little, she had always thought creatures like Vampires and Werewolves didn't exist, She always saw them as a myth.

Quick Reality check; her boyfriend was a demon and she was practically living in the same house with the devil. That was clearly a lot to take in.

"Since I had similar powers like you did, does that make me a demon too?" Evie asked.

"No Evie you're an angel, a special type of angel. The one who is hunted for and wants to be used as a sacrificial lamb for the demons" Jarad said.

Evie's eyes widened in fear, she struggled to digest what faith was serving her.

"Don't be scared Evie, am here and I won't let anything happen to you" he hugs her and strokes her back. Somehow, Evie found warmness in Jarad's embrace, he felt like....home.


Meanwhile Ethan who was in the living room looking at some designs heard a doorbell. Ethan stood up to get the door since the butler was busy.

He opens the door and a grin immediately rested on his gorgeous face.

"Well well, look whose stalking me" he teased.

"Ethan stark?!!" Betty exclaimed.

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