
My Demon Lord System Amulet

Addux Kaname goes back in history after almost losing a fight with a demon.His life repeats without him knowing it. He becomes one helpless guy. He is beaten to a pulp but he is saved by a cute girl who invites him to her school. It gets More crazy when the girl discloses that she was just after the amulet he was wearing inorder to revive a powerful demon known as Berxly who has the power to free her and other demons from the reign of Destroyer. Addux gets caught up in the mix and becomes a vessel for demon Berxly

Ganver_Sleth · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Did I win??

A loud azure blue glows begun appearing around Kaname's body. Berxly had decided to give Addux a bit of his power.

'What am I even thinking about. This is crazy, asking for help from a demon just to defeat it is totally odd. Even though, I'm doing it in order to live. I...I..I want to see that beautiful face and smile of Addy and Diane again.' Addux thought.

Addux had devoloped emotions of love towards both Diane and Addy.

"It is done, and now, just to test if I actually gave you my power." Berxly said throwing a fist towards Addux which Addux missed it leaving his face with a slight bruise.

"Ahh! Did I just miss that punch?" Addux said giving off a scoff.

"Impressive skills. I'm starting to feel like this wasn't a bad idea after all. Make this interesting for me, you got that moron."

There fight got crazier with every attack that both of them made. Addux's attacks were all easily dodged but Berxly left Addux with a cut on his body with every strike he made.

"I'm really getting a little bit fun. I might just reconsider your proposal. That proposal sounds fine to me."

Berxly was talking about the proposal of sharing the body.

"Time to switch up things a little bit!" Berxly said igniting his left fist into a bright purple flame.

'Huh! He can do that! Of course, I should have known, he's the future Demon Lord after all.'

"What's wrong, did this stuttle you a bit? You can do this too." Berxly said making a strike. He had missed making a strike on the voidy ground.

Addux had managed to make a swift backflip avoiding Berxly's attack which shocked him more than it did to Berxly.

"I am making the last proposal here. If you manage to figure out how to do this and manage to make a clean hit on me you will have the victory."

'Now's my chance, don't fuck up this one Kaname.' He selfly-muttered.

He tried but ended up with many fails until, he came to think of Addy. He got angry and he somehow managed to chanel his angers and he miraculously made the fist of flame but with a different color.

Berxly was shocked but he simply hid it with a grin .

Addux now charged with his full power at Berxly who just stood admiring the color of his flaming fist.

'Now's my chance, quick, he's not looking, strike when you have a chance.' Addux thought..

The bare truth was that this flame from Addux's fist was not at all from the demon's power.

While he was buying time trying to fish out information from Berxly, he noticed that the sanitizer he was having while in the real world was in one of his pockets together with a lighter. He had bought this earlier before he got back home from school.

He quickly applied the handwash sanitizer on his hand without Berxly noticing then he quickly removed out the lighter and lit it on his palm making a different colored flame.

Addux made a clean hit and the flame distinguished. Berxly looked at him with a smile that after a few seconds disappeared.

"Playtime if over!" Berxly uttered with a serious tone and he snapped his fingers twice. All that Addux could here after that was the echoing of the two snapps. He moved from the forest blue place and was back in his room.

"Huh! Did...I.....Just win. That's impossible! Wait where is he?" Addux muttered to himself while looking around.

"I guess I just won the fight with the future Demon Lord" Addux said calming himself down.

"Did I really win??" he still asked himself with that same disbelief look on his face.

Many things were yet to come into light as Addux thought of getting extra info from Diane the following day.


Keep up the good work of reading and I'll try my best to add in more chapters. And don't forget to vote and comment