
Chapter 1

Hey, my name is Lilly. I used to be really popular, I guess I still am but people think I'm crazy. It all started with my the visions that I started having when my grandmother passed, I would keep seeing her by my bed at night, but she wasn't actually there. Then one night I saw this strange figure in the corner of my room. I didn't want to tell anybody because they'd probably send me to a mental hospital or something, so I just ignored it. It was until one night I heard a strange sound coming from under my bed, when I went to look I saw a pair of big yellow eyes. I went and hid under the covers and told myself that it wasn't real, like Santa. The next morning I looked under my bed again, it was still there, it looked harmless though. It looked like a big black rabbit with floppy dog ears. it was just small enough for me to hold so I grabbed it. it was soft and kind. I started to look at it more before releasing it. I looked at its face and it was really cute. It just stared at me, but then it smiled at me. I dropped it to the floor I'm disbelief. "Animals can't smile on command." I thought to myself. I ran out of the room and went downstairs for breakfast, trying to forget about the thing in my room. When I went back upstairs, I hid in the bathroom, too scared to go into my room. When I finally decided that it was just my imagination, I finally decided to walk back to my room. When I opened the door, the creature was no where to be seen, instead, there was the tall black figure in the corner where it was dark. I froze in place. Even if I tried, I couldn't get a scream out of my mouth. It didn't matter, I was twenty-two and living alone, and it's not like anybody would believe me if I said that there was a demon standing in the corner of my room, I barely even belived myself. It started to step out of the dark, and there, standing right in front of me, was the HOTTEST guy I have ever seen in my entire life.

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