
About DXD


let's sort out some significant things in this story first.

Dragons here are strong as f*ck. specially the special one's because, as i said, they are special. Like dragon emperors or great red.

there are strong soul weapons or not really soul weapons but almost like one.

God is dead or MIA(missing in action) in this story.

devils are funny creatures! Fallen angels, specially females, are a sadist? Angels look androginus? Women with power or high authority has big boobs! All men who are in the top authority and power are either laid back or a pervert, sometimes battle maniac(like val).

The heroes are villain like. The villains are cliche talkative type.

And of course my favorite part! womans clothes always get destroyed just ripped in the sensitive part in a fight! hehe..

so here's what I want!

-Let's put parody van hellsing in and see what fun it will be!! bwahahaha!

-let there be apocalypse! Zombie apocalypse! let the world burn!

-A reincarnated OC mc that will have a very genius mind, making a gundam or something alike combining technology with magic! making humans more powerful than the supernatural! or no magic! just science! Let's believe in science!

-An OC mc that has a fork as a weapon or soul weapon. And of course, the fork is op. So op it can one hit kill the great red. but there is a catch. His body need to be able to handle it. And also he need to prank people to charge up energy for the fork if he has not enough energy(can be mana or qi). The stronger the people he pranks, the more energy he gets. And of course the op fork has no energy storing limit.

-An OC mc that had cloud's(Final fantasy VII CLOUD) body(not really the body, just a look alike cause I don't want jenova cells in DxD) and knowledge with experiences. Of course the weapon too. Except, the weapon will be the fragmented excalibur with changed design, making it the same as the seven sword of cloud in FF(is i really seven swords? don't know, don't care! hehe let's leave it at seven for the seven fragmented excalibur). That looks awesome right? Having the seven sword combine will make the seven excalibur fragment combine too. hehehe! of course, let's give him a transformation ability. He will transform as sephiroth! hehehe! with dark angel like wings! Then lets make the seven swords transform into one katana as the sephiroth transformation weapon. Of course! let's that weapon(katana) EA(the main weapon of gilgamesh). Bwahahahahahaha! I'm a genius! maybe i should write a fanfic with this plot? nah! I'm too lazy to write! just wanna read and demand things from authors for me read. hehehehe....

-Let's put skynet in DxD world and see what will happen!

Alright! I have a great idea!

-What if we put skynet, umbrella corp. and a mana apocalypse in DxD together. hehehe! Skynet will make Android killing machines! Umbrella corp will make Magical T-virus (because of the presence of mana in DxD)! Mana apocalypse will make all humans be able to use magic so the supernatural will be exposed to te normal society. Then let's put a godly system that will give an equal system like interface to all sentient being? Then let's make it the free for all trial to inherit GOD's power and authority! bwahahahaha! we can also put an alien invasion like in independence day(the movie). Most people in the internet just wants to make the world burn anyway.

-An OC mc that has the power of program magic with a very intelligent and creative mind and also a great talent with programing and hacking. The mc will train his magic to peak like a sage in a mountain living alone. Then The mc happens to have a sudden inspiration to make the throne of heroes for real! but with a few changes here and there. Of course the author will decide, I don't care! Then the holy grail will be a conceptual item, with fate, karma, reality and divine as the concepts that makes it. Of course to start it. The participants will have to kill each other cause it will be the sacrificial ritual to make it work and the winner shall have the wish! Let's make it so it's not only heroes that can be summoned but all the dead people or other creature in history, myths and legends that has power to be a servant of the summoner. Heheehehe. The servant's will not be the real people or creature but just a construct that is connected to their souls even if they already reincarnated. Throne will only read the people or creature like a code then the memories that the constructs make will be added to the memories of the creature or person this make them be able to live again but not really and also be able to get stronger? bwahaahaha! As I said! I'm a genius! Well atleast at making plots. Because I'm to lazy to write. Let's make someone else write it! bwahahahahahahaa! It's just a fanfic anyway. Can't earn money from it cause that will be illegal and I can be sued with the copy rights. (sighs)


Anyways, I'm here now because I'm not rich. (T_T)

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